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Everything posted by whsalum

  1. Yes sir time gets away from me. The Montagne opened in 83. Manning and Brannon were in their 30’s by then. I can remember watching the game from up high around mid court but I can’t remember the gym. I think Coach Tate was the Coach in those days and his assistant was Coach Wilson.
  2. That’s it. They are about my age. There was another guy down there a year or so after that that could fill it up. I think his name was Wesley Shaw but I’m not 100% sure on that one. We use to go down there and play some in the summer
  3. Where was the warm up game I’m thinking of? They played a very good much larger school in Beaumont as part of a 2 or 3 game card. They lost but in a very respectable game considering the ranking of their opponent. I remember Manning a very slim guy with a Afro. They both could play. They are a little younger than I am so they still can’t be old men 😂😂
  4. Anthony and James .Watched then in a warm up game in the Montagne many years ago. They could play.
  5. #1 vs #2 doesn’t get any better than this. Let’s go Lady Hawks!!
  6. I was more talking about overall athletic success than just hoops. I think they have started to siphon the athletes out of Dallas. They won state in football this year with one of the best clubs that I’ve seen in 4A. A couple years ago they had 10 baseball guys that had D1 scholarships. That’s unheard of in that size school for a bench player to have a D1 scholarship. I know they aren’t going to be that dominant in basketball but they have something going on up there.
  7. I don’t know about the HJ getting kids from Beaumont all the time. I do know kids transfer all the time, some of those are legit and some aren’t. I know in recent years there have been more transfer out of the HJ district than there have been coming in.
  8. I think Argyle is going to start stringing those kind of numbers
  9. Once again I have called no one a liar. Evidently it doesn’t sit well with you when someone has a different opinion than you . That’s fine with me “champ”. I’ve already said I wished the kid would have played. Huffman won the region, congratulate em and move on . Or keep bringing up the sour grapes. That’s up to you.
  10. I just believe there’s two sides to every story and you have to look at both sides. I don’t know anyone personally that works for Huffman ISD but I find it hard to believe they spend the day worrying about who plays ball in HF as long as the playing field is level. I don’t see an influx of unfamiliar faces on the Huffman team.
  11. Indeed it could be a nightmare to try and enforce but no more than what the UIL deals with now. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not , not everyone plays by the rules.
  12. I didn’t call anyone a liar sir. If you choose to believe everything about this situation was on the up and up that’s your prerogative. I personally don’t know enough about the situation to know who’s was right or wrong. I do know that there have been two players in two years who were disqualified from playing because it was deemed they transferred for athletic purposes. I say let em all play wherever they wish but I don’t get a vote. I’ll agree with you on Congratulating Huffman on their first regional championship. The players didn’t have anything to do with this situation and deserve all the accolades they can get.
  13. It’s been an ongoing debate but it was introduced back on to the house floor this morning. I don’t think there will be any binding boundaries if this bill passes. Honestly so many districts skirt them these days there probably shouldn’t be. Let em play where they wanna play.
  14. Evidently they believe in following the rules which is a rarity these days. Everyone needs to follow them or do away with them. On a similar note a bill was submitted in the house today to let home schoolers play UIL sports so all these UIL rulings may soon be history.
  15. With the clubs that continue to come out of the Dallas area and Yates always in the running that may be a stretch. They are going to be solid but it’s gonna be tough to win the region much less state!!
  16. I didn’t see the foul I was just listening. Miller was playing his rear end off before that foul.
  17. Who boo’d yall? This is a game thread on a regional final that Huffman won. Reading this post game stuff you’d think the Tigers won. Silsbee will be favored next year over Lumberton and Huffman but last night the better team won, give em their credit. They earned it.
  18. As long as the guy sitting in the first chair stays there EC ain’t going anywhere.
  19. Y’all need to slow your roll on the Tigers. Everyone knows they are young but we gotta give the other club credit. They won the ballgame and they are pretty young as well .
  20. My phone locked up during the introductions so I missed one I guess. By the way you did your usual excellent job on the play by play!!
  21. I think Huffman started 1 senior and 4 juniors last night . They will definitely miss Harvey but they will be more than respectable.
  22. At some point you gotta do something different if you're 2/28. I've watched Huffman 4 times this year and with the exception of their one loss they always do just enough to beat ya. I don't think tonight was going to be any different, If the Tigers would have gone 7/28 the Falcons would have changed their approach. We don't give em enough credit but there's a reason the haven't lost but one ballgame this year. They do whatever it takes with what they have, I think they have one more win in em.
  23. I certainly would have thought it would have been more than 6. I picked Huffman by 8 but I thought Silsbee's 3 ball would keep them in it. I think at one point you mentioned getting away from the 3 for a few possessions and finding a rhythm . That probably would have been given them a chance to regroup and get in a groove.
  24. This was what I was afraid of with the young Tigers but I didn't see em going 2/28 from behind the arc. That's just a brutal night. The young kids are gonna be legit, no doubt.
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