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Everything posted by whsalum

  1. I saw LCM a couple of times early this year and I’m amazed at their finish. I know they have had some injuries but they should have been better than this .
  2. I don’t mean to knock the Livingston coaching staff but I didn’t see anything special about the game plan or the defense. As mentioned in another game thread earlier this year the game almost got out of hand physically.
  3. All jokes aside , Josh Mitchell has done a helluva job
  4. They did seem to want to be the center of attention didn’t they ??
  5. I gotta admit picking games and finishes this year I’ve been awful. Even without the injuries I would have missed on LCM by a mile. That being said there’s no way any one could have projected this finish. For the Raiders to win the district everything had to fall perfectly in to place, which it did for them. The Tigers getting hit with Covid opened the door and Josh’s crew took advantage. Still after watching the clubs in the district several times I would never have picked the Raiders and after they played Silsbee in the first half of district I felt even stronger about the order of finish. Good to see an underdog win it. The playoffs should be fun. I’m not picking a winner in those 😂😂🏀
  6. EC is quick as a cat in the back court which lends itself to dominating teams that don’t have that luxury. In the playoffs, especially after the first round, that separation begins to tighten. Lots of stuff has to fall in to place to get to state. They have an added bonus in the coaching seat.
  7. Lumberton’s finish this year can be attributed to two things. A super coaching job and a weaker than normal district. With what they graduated last year and what they had moving up I would have never got this prediction right. After watching them several times earlier this year I was surprised they beat Silsbee at Silsbee. I guess shocked would be more accurate. I watched Coach Mitchell since he was at Hardin and the credit for the Raiders resurgence is his. He’s changed the culture of Lumberton’s basketball program. Congratulations Raiders !!
  8. Yes sir. The big kid picked up a couple of early fouls but they looked like everyone was on the floor last night.
  9. In all honesty it wasn’t one sided. They may have been having an off night like the teams do at times but they just never looked to be in control.
  10. Me too. I watched the first game and never would have seen this coming.
  11. I’ll take my crow with salt. 😂congratulations Raiders
  12. I have no dog in this fight but this officiating is questionable to say the least.
  13. That’s definitely a complicated mathematical equation 😂😂😂
  14. A couple more I wish I could see on the Tuesday schedule are Shelbyville vs Timpson and Nederland vs Barbers Hill. I think both games will be close. I’d love to see Shelbyville pull off the upset but I’d have to pick Timpson at home. In the other one Barbers Hill has dug themselves a hole with the loss to PNG but I’m gonna pick the Bulldogs in a close one here.
  15. I’ll be making the trip to Huffman. If everyone is healthy this should be a good one. With all hands on deck I like the Falcons at home by 8. Something in the the neighborhood of 68-60.
  16. The one thing that was very obvious in the first meeting was the difference in the guard play. Silsbee looked to me to be able to really control the game with pressure. I didn’t see anyone that was able to handle the press. If Lumberton can take care of the basketball it will be respectable if they turn it over like they did in the first game it will get ugly.
  17. Silsbee with everyone healthy is a matchup nightmare for the Raiders. Home court is worth 10. I’ll take the Tigers in this one 75-60.
  18. I don’t think they are back at full strength. I know last week one was still nursing a knee and one was playing but high ankle sprains can be the toughest things to deal with on the court. I watched the young man with the ankle pretty close and it looked to be a long way from well. Huffman will go as Harvey can carry them. If he’s on they are a pretty solid team.
  19. Where do you see an upset TxHoops? The Hawks have to travel to Liberty and Livingston and finish up with Hamshire at home. The Falcons have HF at home then travel to Shepherd and Splendora. Over the years both HJ and Huffman have been really hard to beat at home. Of course injuries, illnesses and quarantined players makes it hard to predict.
  20. I think you’re probably right. I think they will finish as co champs and have a seeding game. I don’t think either team will want to flip but I may be wrong
  21. The Hawks are playing their best ball of the season right now. The first 3 players off the bench are as good as the the ones they are replacing. They are pretty well rounded as far as the type offensive players they have and usually the scoring is pretty evenly distributed. If they can avoid illness and injuries I could definitely see them in the regional tournament
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