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Everything posted by whsalum

  1. How do you know the guy is from HJ? I’ve seen his post on nights that HJ was playing. The post that caught my attention was the one stating a player was better than anyone HJ had since the late 90’s. We’ve run this rabbit far enough. I wish Brock the best at LU. I was a season ticket holder for many years, I’d like nothing better than to see the Cardinals relevant again.
  2. No sir I think they were invited in when someone said the young man man in Lumberton was a better player than any Hawk in quite awhile. I think someone even said as far back as Spears 😳You know they are gonna question that.
  3. If this is true it is a credit to what Coach Mitchell is doing with the program. It also is an indication of how bad the program has been at Lumberton. I don’t see much help in the pipeline coming up. May be hard to keep Josh there.
  4. All the more reason for you to lock him up 😂
  5. I’m amazed you didn’t just go ahead and offer the young man a scholarship. You’re gonna lose your street cred 😂
  6. I’ve seen you play and coach . I don’t blame anyone for making changes to better their families livelihood.I personally think it is a little early to award the district MVP especially with the way some of the young guys from Silsbee were playing last night. This is the weakest I’ve seen this district in years.
  7. Someone gotta show Sweet Lew some love. He was helluva player
  8. Someday I hope to get the vast grasp of the game you seem to think you have. Did you gain all that knowledge in your teens or did ya soak some of it up in your twenties? But you’re right this is beating a dead horse. One thing that was clear last night is Silsbee is the undisputed favorite in this district.
  9. I never made this argument about Hefner. His skill set and McClures aren’t close. I hope I’m wrong about Brock but we’ll see.If I am I’ll be the first to admit it.
  10. I agree with several of your points but I’m not being naive at all. In the ballgame last night the Tigers were able to pretty well man up and not offer a lot of help. Your argument while valid has another side to it, if you only have one player who can score he should have a good ppg average.I wish the young man nothing but the best.
  11. Just a quick note. The “young tigers” started 2 seniors last night. The 2 freshman are gonna be special though no doubt.
  12. Certainly in the argument. That’s the good thing about keyboard coaching everyone can be in the argument. Michael Saladin never met a moment in a basketball game that was to big for him. I still like Bosha. I keep seeing scoring stats which can be the most misleading stat in the game.
  13. That’s all we have to go by on the young man from Lumberton. Like I’ve said many times I have nothing against the young man. I’ve watched him many times since his freshman year. At times he is a brilliant player and at others he disappears. He’s not a lockdown defender, he’s not an exceptional rebounder and I don’t see a body frame that’s gonna be able to bulk up. He does shoot FT’s very well. I hope he has an outstanding career at Lamar but I’ve watched a lot of SLC basketball and I’m skeptical. On the Donahoe topic I would have loved to have seen him sign at SFA, the offer was there. He never adapted to small college basketball I don’t think. He was the toughest young man I ever watched play high school ball and never shied away from the moment. I hope he got a degree and is doing well, haven’t heard anything about him in years.
  14. You started the never wrong statement, not me. I won’t take the time to find the post. I hope McClure fills it up at the Montagne center but comparing the two kids as high school seniors entering Lamar University I stand by my pick. I like Shaka coaching the Horns but I also liked Barnes.
  15. I may be wrong but I think Michael Saladin led the nation in 3 point percentage last year. I hate to have a differing opinion with the basketball gods but Ryan Donahoe, Jarvis Bernard and Zjori Bosha we’re all 3 better basketball players than the young man from Lumberton. I know I’m gonna make ya drop your coffee but RJ Sears is a better overall ball player. I don’t mean any disrespect to Mr McClure but you’re trying to make him something he isn’t. He’s a very good high school basketball player and there’s nothing wrong with that .
  16. I know you’re never wrong but I gotta respectfully disagree. I’m glad the young man signed with Lamar. He’s a heckuva free throw shooter. In his defense other than #25 he didn’t have much help tonight. Lumberton has a hard time handling pressure and repeatedly turned it over on a pretty simple mid court trap. The young man from Silsbee, I believe his # was 2 is gonna be the real deal. He is gonna have a D1 body. Nice shot from behind the arc and could get to the basket pretty much at will. Not very pretty basketball tonight.
  17. I think I saw where Newton won this one in overtime. According to the schedule Woodville is 2-10 with wins over Anderson Shiro and Warren. I thought Woodville would be much better than they are.
  18. You notice I said if they control the tempo they make it respectable. This one is a matchup nightmare for the Dawgs
  19. Should be a pretty good game. I’m take United by 12. If Nederland can have a little control of the tempo they’ll keep it respectable
  20. I think we lose sight of how much talent it takes to play D1 college basketball. Today’s college game demands not only pure shooting skills but also big bodies and physicality. I know as you get into the mid majors we see a drop off in these traits to some extent but they are still there. I hope the young man excels at Lamar I hope even more that he gets the type of education there that makes him successful.
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