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Everything posted by ATRUEFAN

  1. Who was crying go back read my post. I was telling our fans to support there team. I'm sorry I don't know anything about the past and the bad blood between Huffman and liberty. I'm tired of fairweather fans and adults talking trash about kids and coaches. Grow up and if you can do a better job by all means go get your degree and start coaching.
  2. I'm a Liberty fan and I'm right here. When I say I'm a fan I mean it. I stay in the stands till the end. I do not leave if it looks bad for my team. I stand and yell for my team and I do not yell at the coaches and player. I support my team in good times and bad. I to am tried of the trash talk. support your team and that means coaches and player. Remember there families are in the stands and to have some respect. As far as Huffman goes you played a good game but your sportsmanship is not good. There was lots of holding and cheap shots. It come down to we didn't make our plays and Huffman did. It happens thats football. Panthers you played hard and with heart. Don't listen to the people on here who say you can't win. You believe that you can and you go out there every friday night and play with everything and in the end you will win.
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