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Everything posted by DaKing74

  1. quote PA will never have 1 team that cant win and another team that cant lose ...PA dont cheat there KIDS..bad for kids.. PA splits teams equally
  2. they do have awesome players  we agree..and Some ADULTS did screw them..WE AGREE AGAIN!1
  3. P.S. underhanded tricks
  4. teamraider why wasn't the lum situation not brought up before PA situation when in fact it happen first and it was evident they stopped at 25 kids and this kid didnt make it ..It was kept hush hush because the organizational alliances....LUM.VID..PnG ..Ned..Kou...lol the TRUTH...another friend fall under the wings of the alliance..not ever thinking twice about giving them a real ruling..because there FRIENDS..screw the kid and his moms job...
  5. Im sure yes so heard alot about PA because of the FEAR FACTOR at the end of the day you guys STACK and do underhanded tricks to get over on the system because the fear of losing....The truth is that you can continue to cheat because you guys are handing out the sentences ...PA..organization..penalty..death ...sentence...NED.KOUTZE.PNG.LUM.VID....penalty..always..is swept under the carpet because of there GREAT Alliance....GOD WATCHES ALL
  6. They are STACKING  stopping rosters at 25 kids and under handed tricks...that parents end up losing there jobs...little league football..to some people is BIG BUSINESS ...GOD dont sleep...kids lose at the end of this
  7. thats what he said lol different rules for them guys..whatever it takes...
  8. lol what coach signs up to lose give me all the kids thats not talented. Nope not going to happen what happen . What happens is that the talent pool is give to one coach and the not so talented kids are handed to others lol that why the png purple team has a first year coach ..that only person that would sign up for suicide...THE TRUTH HURTS.....STACKERS...but dont worry your buddy organizations will help you and no flags will be thrown ....P.S...what sucks is the kids get hurt at the end of this not the adults who decided to STACK
  9. Stacked PA lol it's funny when the team that was accused of stacking was pa juniors and they have lost two games other organizations have 2 teams where one team can't by a win """""PNG-P"""" and another team where they can't lose on """"PNG-G""""" pee wee thats SOUNDS STACKED !!but there are lots of friends that are scared of the power of WO-S and PA so stone stones are thrown...so enjoy this year because no matter what the scared little organizations do the big bad wolfs are here!!!!!!!!
  10. qpd78  i think the real breakdown power is 1. Bmt g                                                           2. PA                                                           3. WO-S                                                           4 PNG G                                                           5. lum -w the reason i say PA really is number 2 because they have played WO-S PNG-G and PNG -W and lum w is not much better than red just better coach like someone said the game they lose too grey was decided by the zebra s one whole half they could run there legal formations.. and WO-S and P.A defense is lights out less than 60 points scored on both
  11. maybe u guys dont see the teams lum r beats vid-b they record 2-4 png p 0-6 ned w 0-6 bmt 3-3 the total record of these teams 5 and 19 lum-r is not at all a top 5 team ocho..dont be one sided
  12. come on you have lum r number 5 after bmt beat them by 20 and Pa beat them 25 to 7...there 4 and 3 on 2 game losing streak
  13. I would also like to see the new breakdown after WOS beats PNG-G
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