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Everything posted by xmasdancer

  1. Big Red I know we disagree on things but that softball board is turning into a bunch of tree huggers.
  2. Hey if you say that on the softball thread...you get all your karma ripped from you. I guess that's why it's called soft ball
  3. Out of this list how many are still playing college ball or played their 4 years?
  4. Congratulations. It's nice to see an all-district team without 5 people first team for each position. Once again congrats WB.
  5. Tiger, Who is your Ace and what is his record?
  6. What is Wharton's record?
  7. Good year Coach Green and the Pirates.
  8. Well looking at these stats there is not an OF in BC who batted over .278 in district.
  9. Someone just PM'd me with all the BC stats. Stringer's batting avg for district is .200. Looks like Hicks has the best average on the team for district.
  10. What is Stringer's batting Avg?
  11. I agree. Anyone who is the dominant pitcher and hits very well deserves MVP.
  12. Wel I hope it iz a nise restrant with little umbrelas in the glases.
  13. I did not comprehend that last post.
  14. Great. Solve this 1 = sin(3x) - cos(6x) ? :-*
  15. It's true!!! You must have wore the Tshirt HOOKED ON BONG HITS IT WORKED FOR ME!
  16. Never liked the phonics way of teaching. Most people who learned strictly with phonics can't spell.
  17. What's wrong with Grandparents? Geez, do you have something to say about the old people too.
  18. BC needs to get it together. I saw way too many errors the other night. Bats are not consistent. Hope Billy pulls them together. 10 runs on BC pitching???
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