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  1. Work Work Work all over the place. Plus more work. Lost track for a bit. Now i'm back in SETX for good.
  2. I've been off the HS Football scene for a couple of years. Did Vidor change something or is Ned in a down year?
  3. I have been out of the country for the past year only to return to the same old b.s. Leave the country and go visit the third world as you call it and then come back and look in the mirror. i servered this country for 12 years and it is starting to seem for nothing................why do we have to beat a dead horse when we have more liberties than most.......are we that bored...........do we have nothing else to do...........
  4. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a contractor and part of me getting jobs is providing people that can pass a background check. Ray Rice couldn't pass 90% of the places i have work. the dream is over. he f'd it up up. time to join the real world. and to put it into perpesctive, i had a kid that failed a background to go to work because he had a misdemeanor assault when he was 18. he is an USMC Iraqi VET. servered 2 tours, has a distingueshed service medal( and i know he aint bs'n because i have one from Somolia and I pulled his record). he is 24 now and married with 3 kids but i cant put him to work right now beacause of a mistake he made 6 years ago. SO..........F.....RAY RICE.
  5. I dont know if anyone is watching, but PITT is geting f'd by the refs. 2 clear cut clean hits called personal fouls hitting a defenseless reciever. both were at shoulder level. let em play..........this is getting rediculous.
  6. however........
  7. naturally, work cut the trip short 3 days into it.
  8. i love some AC/DC.
  9. today begins my first vacation in over three years. we will be hitting Rayburn tomorrow then.....   Toledo Lake Fork Caddo Palestine Houston County Conroe Livingston and ending the last few days back at Rayburn.
  10. never would have figured you for a Dire Straits fan. go figure. rock on............
  11. it just relaxes me. good to unwind to at the end of the day.
  12. i love this one.     [Hidden Content]
  13. have a place for pop culture. i think we need it re-established. like best guitar solo;           [Hidden Content]
  14. and still paying. more every year at that.
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