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Mighty Mo

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  1. It's so deep that local coaches here can't even find it or know where to apply at. To actually think that things would be different but I guess not. If you ask BISD , there response is the job hasn't posted yet. If so then why has coach Peevey apply already. I only know that it's a BISD administrator that is tried of BISD lying and not doing what's right and being fair to everyone. My understanding is that it's very hard to find. It would also make there job easier just to give Peevey the job. If this isn't true then try to find it. The reason behind hiding it was because she was told to post the job by the superintendent. This sure sounds like the old days of Patrica Lambert. As of this morning BISD still hasn't posted the job!
  2. Found out that there where not going to post the job at Westbrook.There where going to give Coach Peevey the job without even apply for it. It's sad that phone calls had to be made to BISD administrators in order for the job to get posted. Thank you to the BISD teachers who gave the information on where to apply for the job. Not that it's going to make a difference. I wounder why coach Bowers wasn't given the same treatment when he was applying for the job. He was apart of a winning program and he was the OC and the kids like him as well. Why can't BISD be fair about there hiring process? The same way with the Ozen Job. After BISD stop taking applications for the Ozen job, Dr. Allen found out that coach Ed Taylor didn't meet the application deadline for job. She reopened the job so that coach Taylor could apply and get the job. This is a fact because I spoke with several of the coaches at Ozen who apply for the job. That wasn't fair to the coaches. Well I forgot to mention that she is very good friends with his wife. To coaches that are trying to find the website on where to apply, don't waste your time because the decision has already been made!
  3. Looks like I've hit a nerve! I never disqualified him as been a coach! All I said was to look at all of the applicants and to put the best qualified experience coach in the position at Westbrook! I also stated that if they hire him that's fine to. I responded back because you said that the principal and the kids like him. I started that the kids like all of the coaches there. You Keep mention Peevey,but I can assure you that there are coaches there at Westbrook who the kids also like and have experience as a coach like Peevey! Your not from Beaumont, you don't have any kids here but apparently you seem to know a lot about what is being said at Westbrook! Apparently your friends with him or a relative.It doesn't matter if I'm a student or Parent or a Westbrook supporter. We at Westbrook want a experience head football coach and nothing more! And for your information I work at Westbrook and there's a big difference between politicking for the job and being qualified for the job. Peevey is asking the parents and kids to speak to the principal on his behalf to be the head football coach and I have witness it and that for a fact! But you already know that since you seem to what is going on at Westbrook!
  4. Just want someone who has integrity and cares about our kids and the athletic programs at our schools and is not afraid to do what is right! Don't care if there from Mid County or Beaumont or outside of our area!
  5. Ronald Jackson , you got to be kidding me. He was the assistant athletic director from 2010-2012 . He was apart of the Mrs. Patrica Lambert regime when She was stealing money from the booster club and knew about it but and said nothing. I guess integrity ment nothing to him at that time and now he wants to be the athletic director! What a joke! He was reassigned to Central Medical Magnet High School as a principal when Mr. Carr was removed from lying about attendance records and misappropriating federal grant funds for there buddy Mrs Patrica Lambert. That money should have benefited the students and not there buddy Mrs. Patrica Lambertt! I guess we are going back to the old ways of the BISD!
  6. No I don't have a personal issue with anyone just want what's best for the program. But is sounds like you know what's best for the Program ! 11 - 2 was a good year All coaches care about there students not just Peevey. I'm given all coaches creditt at Westbrook! Sounds like you have an personal issue and don't want anyone else to apply for the job. What are you afraid of? My understanding, the kids there like all of there coaches that are there and not just Peevey! The kids respond to all of the coaches there. Looks like to me you don't want anyone else to apply for the job! The kids will adjust to a new coach like they did when Flanigan became there new coach at Westbrook. So don't use kids to stay that a coach is qualify because they like him and he cares for them when all coaches care for there players. If he's qualified for the job then it's all good ! Sounds like you know him very well and are afraid that he may not get the job because of his experience. But like you said if the principal likes him, so the job is his and you have nothing to worry about.He also apply for the Hamshire Fannett job last year if I'm not mistaking . He also didn't get the job because of his experience and that's a small school! Sounds like your politicking for him! It's all good! Looks like Westbrook has there head coach already.
  7. Is he going to apply for the job or is it just a rumor?
  8. Well your right, players have to make plays but it's the coaches responsible to remove the players who are not doing there job. Westbrook is loaded with talent and hidden talent.You also mention that they had several former offensive coaches coaching defense. So then why would you have them coaching defensive. That's why you need a head coach with experience not a coach that the principal happens to like! Would she hire someone to teach math because she happens to like them or hire someone with experience in teaching math! It's about teaching not about if I like you! An experience coach will teach his coaches how to coach on both sides of the ball. Just hate to see Westbrook not get a good coach with experience and who knows how to coach on both sides of the ball all because the principal happens to like Peevey! If her mind is already made up on hiring Peevey who she happens to likes. Then there's no need for anyone with experience to apply for the job! It's all good!
  9. Who would you hire? Defense gave up an average of 40 points a game and that's being nice. The OC is going to go with the head coach more then likely. There's going to be some great candidates that are going to apply for the job! 6 A football is no joke! You can bet that the applicants will have a winner record! Who ever they hire it's all good! Just want the best experience coach for the job! Keep in mind that when Coach Stump resign from his position they didn't hire any of the remaining Westbrook coaches that apply for the head coaching job! When asked why, the Principal said we need someone that has experience being a head coach! Good luck to them all!
  10. We as parents are not mad at him! The decision he made it's about his family and business! He's a family man! He will be closers to his daughters that are in college now and will be making more money! We wish him well!
  11. I didn't blame him for leaving after what he went through! I just hope that they Hire someone with local ties to Beaumont to bring Westbrook back to it's glory days! Someone with experience of being a head coach! Good luck to Coach Flanigan and his wife ! God Bless!
  12. The sad thing about this matter is that BISD never told any of the parents anything about the incident that happened earlier this week! The coaches have done a great job on keeping the boy's focus on the task at hand! Coach Flanigan is a man of integrity and cares about his players and the students at Westbrook! Westbrook is the only school in Beaumont that is still in the playoffs and you can't even get anyone from the BISD administration to come out and support our school and players! The parents will be getting with BISD on how they handle this matter! To coach Flanigin WE GOT YOUR BACK! GO BRUINS!!!
  13. Westbrook 27 vs Conroe Clark 7 at the half! Go Bruins!!!
  14. Kevin Flanigin is the Head Football Coach for Beaumont WestBrook. If this is true, congratulations and good luck Coach Flanigin!
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