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Everything posted by falcolnfanatic

  1. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1221784" timestamp="1336868919"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98748.msg1221783#msg1221783 date=1336868722] [quote author=mytwocents link=topic=98748.msg1221776#msg1221776 date=1336867531] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98748.msg1221743#msg1221743 date=1336862667] [quote author=mytwocents link=topic=98748.msg1221691#msg1221691 date=1336858510] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98748.msg1221243#msg1221243 date=1336789598] [quote author=O-lineGuru link=topic=98748.msg1220958#msg1220958 date=1336770051] falcon....I too got an A in logic...my argument goes like this, teens today feel that they are a world all to themselves and are not required to answer to anyone for their actions.  Perhaps you..at the ripe old age of 22...are too close to the fire I speak of to see the flame. Your continual reference to "hippies" and "segregation" makes me think you are either stuck in a time warp or are channeling Cotton from King of the Hill.  I realize that every generation has its shortcomings...but since you weren't yet conceived when I graduated high school you simply have NO perspective on this.  Since you are a man of logic (at least one class worth anyway, huh?!) you should know that your argument does not fit, a non-sequitur if you will.  Your contention is that kids today are no worse than they were in any other generation.  WRONG....look at teen incarceration figures (both those held as adults and as juveniles)...look at numbers in alternative programs.  I have taught and coached at every level....and junior high is the worst.  Kids now do not care...period.  You have no experience and no evidence to back your claims.  Come back when you have experienced a bit more of what the youth of today are really like. Oh yeah.....one of my degrees is in Philosophy....lots of logic and ethics classes in my background.  :) [/quote] First off the logic class comment was in response to you criticizing my logic, I wasn't trying to compare myself to you. It was more of a joke than a serious comment. [Hidden Content] This chart shows the decrease in violent juvenile crime from 95 to 08 [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] These two charts show the decrease in juvenile arrest rates. In fact 2009 had the lowest juvenile arrest rate since the early 70s. So we know juvenile crime is down, but lets look at teen pregnancy rates. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] This chart shows teen pregnancy rates from 1960 to 2010, as you can see teen pregnancy is much lower today than it was in the 60s. So now we know that juvenile crime rates and teen pregnancy rates are lower, now lets look at teen drug useage rates. [Hidden Content] This chart shows teen drug useage from 75 to 06, as you can see teen drug useage also peaked in the mid 70s.. [Hidden Content] This chart shows the decrease in teen smoking from 75 to 08.  [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] These two charts shows the decrease in teen alcohol consumption. [Hidden Content] This chart shows the decrease in dropout rates from 60 to 09 So now we know that juvenile crime is down, teen pregnancy is down, teen drug use is down, teen smoking is down, dropout rates are down, and teen alcohol consumption is down(the legal age for alcohol used to be 18 so that probably has something to do with thay decrease), but that's not all recently some prominent US citizens have shed some light on thier past. The president is his book admitted to "attending class sparingly  drinking heavily, and using drugs enthusiastically" A story came out that Mitt Romney held a "presumed gay kid down and cut his hair off( I am skeptical of this story). Shawn Hannity said that there was a fight every day at his high school. I don't know about your high school, but at mine we didn't have a fight every day(try once a month maybe) we didn't have kids that never went to class, we didn have kids drastically bully other kids, and we had very few kids that drank heavily and used drugs enthusiastically. So I guess you were right about one thing I don't have the experience, but I dang sure got the evidence. Looking at the facts I would say it is pretty clear that kid todays are not worse than they were in the past  actually according to the stats they are better. Today's kids are committing less crimes, having less babies, smoking less, drinking less using drugs less, and staying in school more than kids in the past. [/quote] [quote]but at mine we didn't have a fight every day(try once a month maybe)[/quote] Idk what school you went to but both high schools i went to ( and i'm only 2 years older than you) there were fights every day and sometimes two or three fights in a day [quote]we didn't have kids that never went to class[/quote] seriously? did you go to a catholic school or something? my class started out at 394 our freshman year and by the time i left (middle of junior year) we had less than 300 left in school and my school i graduated from lost almost 50 kids in less than 2 years. [quote]we didn have kids drastically bully other kids[/quote] Vidor hit list about 7 years ago. Nuff said. (if you don't know the story look it up) [quote]we had very few kids that drank heavily and used drugs enthusiastically[/quote] i'm seriously beginning to think you went to a catholic school or something man. Now a days its rare if you actually made it through high school without drinking or experimenting with drugs. Now idk where you went to school at falcon but this is how it is in the two high schools i went to. [/quote] Went to Huffman high school and yes we had very few fights, and the  fights we did have usually didn't happen on school grounds. If you missed more than 9 classes a semester you failed end of story.We did not have major bulling issues, of course some kids were picked on, but it was nothing drastic. We had very few kids that drank HEAVILY, and used drugs ENTHUSIASTICALLY. Yes kids experimented, but that is different than doing it every day. [/quote] Well no offense to you falcon but just because it has been your experience doesn't make it the only way it is. Maybe in small towns like huffman it is still like that but go to a big city school like beaumont or houston or dallas and you will see the difference. 30 years ago we didn't have cops giving out tickets to kids every day. [/quote] I never said it was the only way it is. [b]I know the problems of inner city schools very well.[/b] Btw maybe they should've had cops giving out tickets 30 years, because juvenile crime today is way down and whatever they're doing seems to be working. [/quote] Obviously you don't.  ::) Or do you simply choose to ignore them. [/quote] How so ??? Where did I say there weren't problems in schools? Maybe you need to reread my post. The only thing I have ever said is the kids today are no worse than kids in the past, and the facts support that.
  2. [quote name="jenks" post="1221786" timestamp="1336869081"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=99949.msg1221759#msg1221759 date=1336865037] [quote author=Ty Cobb link=topic=99949.msg1221752#msg1221752 date=1336864275] Smart move by the Huffman coach, but it won't be enough.  I have seen both teams this season and BC has better pitching and better hitting. [/quote] Going to be alot of talent on display tho. You've got 5 D1 commits and 4 of the top 400 prospects in the country playing in this series. [/quote] Just one game. Huffman Coach did not want a series. [/quote] I know. It is still typically referred to as a playoff series even if it is a 1 gamer.
  3. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1221776" timestamp="1336867531"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98748.msg1221743#msg1221743 date=1336862667] [quote author=mytwocents link=topic=98748.msg1221691#msg1221691 date=1336858510] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98748.msg1221243#msg1221243 date=1336789598] [quote author=O-lineGuru link=topic=98748.msg1220958#msg1220958 date=1336770051] falcon....I too got an A in logic...my argument goes like this, teens today feel that they are a world all to themselves and are not required to answer to anyone for their actions.  Perhaps you..at the ripe old age of 22...are too close to the fire I speak of to see the flame. Your continual reference to "hippies" and "segregation" makes me think you are either stuck in a time warp or are channeling Cotton from King of the Hill.  I realize that every generation has its shortcomings...but since you weren't yet conceived when I graduated high school you simply have NO perspective on this.  Since you are a man of logic (at least one class worth anyway, huh?!) you should know that your argument does not fit, a non-sequitur if you will.  Your contention is that kids today are no worse than they were in any other generation.  WRONG....look at teen incarceration figures (both those held as adults and as juveniles)...look at numbers in alternative programs.  I have taught and coached at every level....and junior high is the worst.  Kids now do not care...period.  You have no experience and no evidence to back your claims.  Come back when you have experienced a bit more of what the youth of today are really like. Oh yeah.....one of my degrees is in Philosophy....lots of logic and ethics classes in my background.  :) [/quote] First off the logic class comment was in response to you criticizing my logic, I wasn't trying to compare myself to you. It was more of a joke than a serious comment. [Hidden Content] This chart shows the decrease in violent juvenile crime from 95 to 08 [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] These two charts show the decrease in juvenile arrest rates. In fact 2009 had the lowest juvenile arrest rate since the early 70s. So we know juvenile crime is down, but lets look at teen pregnancy rates. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] This chart shows teen pregnancy rates from 1960 to 2010, as you can see teen pregnancy is much lower today than it was in the 60s. So now we know that juvenile crime rates and teen pregnancy rates are lower, now lets look at teen drug useage rates. [Hidden Content] This chart shows teen drug useage from 75 to 06, as you can see teen drug useage also peaked in the mid 70s.. [Hidden Content] This chart shows the decrease in teen smoking from 75 to 08.  [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] These two charts shows the decrease in teen alcohol consumption. [Hidden Content] This chart shows the decrease in dropout rates from 60 to 09 So now we know that juvenile crime is down, teen pregnancy is down, teen drug use is down, teen smoking is down, dropout rates are down, and teen alcohol consumption is down(the legal age for alcohol used to be 18 so that probably has something to do with thay decrease), but that's not all recently some prominent US citizens have shed some light on thier past. The president is his book admitted to "attending class sparingly  drinking heavily, and using drugs enthusiastically" A story came out that Mitt Romney held a "presumed gay kid down and cut his hair off( I am skeptical of this story). Shawn Hannity said that there was a fight every day at his high school. I don't know about your high school, but at mine we didn't have a fight every day(try once a month maybe) we didn't have kids that never went to class, we didn have kids drastically bully other kids, and we had very few kids that drank heavily and used drugs enthusiastically. So I guess you were right about one thing I don't have the experience, but I dang sure got the evidence. Looking at the facts I would say it is pretty clear that kid todays are not worse than they were in the past  actually according to the stats they are better. Today's kids are committing less crimes, having less babies, smoking less, drinking less using drugs less, and staying in school more than kids in the past. [/quote] [quote]but at mine we didn't have a fight every day(try once a month maybe)[/quote] Idk what school you went to but both high schools i went to ( and i'm only 2 years older than you) there were fights every day and sometimes two or three fights in a day [quote]we didn't have kids that never went to class[/quote] seriously? did you go to a catholic school or something? my class started out at 394 our freshman year and by the time i left (middle of junior year) we had less than 300 left in school and my school i graduated from lost almost 50 kids in less than 2 years. [quote]we didn have kids drastically bully other kids[/quote] Vidor hit list about 7 years ago. Nuff said. (if you don't know the story look it up) [quote]we had very few kids that drank heavily and used drugs enthusiastically[/quote] i'm seriously beginning to think you went to a catholic school or something man. Now a days its rare if you actually made it through high school without drinking or experimenting with drugs. Now idk where you went to school at falcon but this is how it is in the two high schools i went to. [/quote] Went to Huffman high school and yes we had very few fights, and the  fights we did have usually didn't happen on school grounds. If you missed more than 9 classes a semester you failed end of story.We did not have major bulling issues, of course some kids were picked on, but it was nothing drastic. We had very few kids that drank HEAVILY, and used drugs ENTHUSIASTICALLY. Yes kids experimented, but that is different than doing it every day. [/quote] Well no offense to you falcon but just because it has been your experience doesn't make it the only way it is. Maybe in small towns like huffman it is still like that but go to a big city school like beaumont or houston or dallas and you will see the difference. 30 years ago we didn't have cops giving out tickets to kids every day. [/quote] I never said it was the only way it is. I know the problems of inner city schools very well. Btw maybe they should've had cops giving out tickets 30 years, because juvenile crime today is way down and whatever they're doing seems to be working.
  4. [quote name="Ty Cobb" post="1221752" timestamp="1336864275"] Smart move by the Huffman coach, but it won't be enough.  I have seen both teams this season and BC has better pitching and better hitting. [/quote] Going to be alot of talent on display tho. You've got 5 D1 commits and 4 of the top 400 prospects in the country playing in this series.
  5. Deberry isn't stupid, he knows how good BC has been this year and he knows his best chance is in a 1 gamer. Looks like it will be the battle of UH commits Lemoine vs Dustin Cook.
  6. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1221691" timestamp="1336858510"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98748.msg1221243#msg1221243 date=1336789598] [quote author=O-lineGuru link=topic=98748.msg1220958#msg1220958 date=1336770051] falcon....I too got an A in logic...my argument goes like this, teens today feel that they are a world all to themselves and are not required to answer to anyone for their actions.  Perhaps you..at the ripe old age of 22...are too close to the fire I speak of to see the flame. Your continual reference to "hippies" and "segregation" makes me think you are either stuck in a time warp or are channeling Cotton from King of the Hill.  I realize that every generation has its shortcomings...but since you weren't yet conceived when I graduated high school you simply have NO perspective on this.  Since you are a man of logic (at least one class worth anyway, huh?!) you should know that your argument does not fit, a non-sequitur if you will.  Your contention is that kids today are no worse than they were in any other generation.  WRONG....look at teen incarceration figures (both those held as adults and as juveniles)...look at numbers in alternative programs.  I have taught and coached at every level....and junior high is the worst.  Kids now do not care...period.  You have no experience and no evidence to back your claims.  Come back when you have experienced a bit more of what the youth of today are really like. Oh yeah.....one of my degrees is in Philosophy....lots of logic and ethics classes in my background.  :) [/quote] First off the logic class comment was in response to you criticizing my logic, I wasn't trying to compare myself to you. It was more of a joke than a serious comment. [Hidden Content] This chart shows the decrease in violent juvenile crime from 95 to 08 [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] These two charts show the decrease in juvenile arrest rates. In fact 2009 had the lowest juvenile arrest rate since the early 70s. So we know juvenile crime is down, but lets look at teen pregnancy rates. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] This chart shows teen pregnancy rates from 1960 to 2010, as you can see teen pregnancy is much lower today than it was in the 60s. So now we know that juvenile crime rates and teen pregnancy rates are lower, now lets look at teen drug useage rates. [Hidden Content] This chart shows teen drug useage from 75 to 06, as you can see teen drug useage also peaked in the mid 70s.. [Hidden Content] This chart shows the decrease in teen smoking from 75 to 08.  [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] These two charts shows the decrease in teen alcohol consumption. [Hidden Content] This chart shows the decrease in dropout rates from 60 to 09 So now we know that juvenile crime is down, teen pregnancy is down, teen drug use is down, teen smoking is down, dropout rates are down, and teen alcohol consumption is down(the legal age for alcohol used to be 18 so that probably has something to do with thay decrease), but that's not all recently some prominent US citizens have shed some light on thier past. The president is his book admitted to "attending class sparingly  drinking heavily, and using drugs enthusiastically" A story came out that Mitt Romney held a "presumed gay kid down and cut his hair off( I am skeptical of this story). Shawn Hannity said that there was a fight every day at his high school. I don't know about your high school, but at mine we didn't have a fight every day(try once a month maybe) we didn't have kids that never went to class, we didn have kids drastically bully other kids, and we had very few kids that drank heavily and used drugs enthusiastically. So I guess you were right about one thing I don't have the experience, but I dang sure got the evidence. Looking at the facts I would say it is pretty clear that kid todays are not worse than they were in the past  actually according to the stats they are better. Today's kids are committing less crimes, having less babies, smoking less, drinking less using drugs less, and staying in school more than kids in the past. [/quote] [quote]but at mine we didn't have a fight every day(try once a month maybe)[/quote] Idk what school you went to but both high schools i went to ( and i'm only 2 years older than you) there were fights every day and sometimes two or three fights in a day [quote]we didn't have kids that never went to class[/quote] seriously? did you go to a catholic school or something? my class started out at 394 our freshman year and by the time i left (middle of junior year) we had less than 300 left in school and my school i graduated from lost almost 50 kids in less than 2 years. [quote]we didn have kids drastically bully other kids[/quote] Vidor hit list about 7 years ago. Nuff said. (if you don't know the story look it up) [quote]we had very few kids that drank heavily and used drugs enthusiastically[/quote] i'm seriously beginning to think you went to a catholic school or something man. Now a days its rare if you actually made it through high school without drinking or experimenting with drugs. Now idk where you went to school at falcon but this is how it is in the two high schools i went to. [/quote] Went to Huffman high school and yes we had very few fights, and the  fights we did have usually didn't happen on school grounds. If you missed more than 9 classes a semester you failed end of story.We did not have major bulling issues, of course some kids were picked on, but it was nothing drastic. We had very few kids that drank HEAVILY, and used drugs ENTHUSIASTICALLY. Yes kids experimented, but that is different than doing it every day.
  7. [quote name="O-lineGuru" post="1220958" timestamp="1336770051"] falcon....I too got an A in logic...my argument goes like this, teens today feel that they are a world all to themselves and are not required to answer to anyone for their actions.  Perhaps you..at the ripe old age of 22...are too close to the fire I speak of to see the flame. Your continual reference to "hippies" and "segregation" makes me think you are either stuck in a time warp or are channeling Cotton from King of the Hill.  I realize that every generation has its shortcomings...but since you weren't yet conceived when I graduated high school you simply have NO perspective on this.  Since you are a man of logic (at least one class worth anyway, huh?!) you should know that your argument does not fit, a non-sequitur if you will.  Your contention is that kids today are no worse than they were in any other generation.  WRONG....look at teen incarceration figures (both those held as adults and as juveniles)...look at numbers in alternative programs.  I have taught and coached at every level....and junior high is the worst.  Kids now do not care...period.  You have no experience and no evidence to back your claims.  Come back when you have experienced a bit more of what the youth of today are really like. Oh yeah.....one of my degrees is in Philosophy....lots of logic and ethics classes in my background.  :) [/quote] First off the logic class comment was in response to you criticizing my logic, I wasn't trying to compare myself to you. It was more of a joke than a serious comment. [Hidden Content] This chart shows the decrease in violent juvenile crime from 95 to 08 [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] These two charts show the decrease in juvenile arrest rates. In fact 2009 had the lowest juvenile arrest rate since the early 70s. So we know juvenile crime is down, but lets look at teen pregnancy rates. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] This chart shows teen pregnancy rates from 1960 to 2010, as you can see teen pregnancy is much lower today than it was in the 60s. So now we know that juvenile crime rates and teen pregnancy rates are lower, now lets look at teen drug useage rates. [Hidden Content] This chart shows teen drug useage from 75 to 06, as you can see teen drug useage also peaked in the mid 70s.. [Hidden Content] This chart shows the decrease in teen smoking from 75 to 08.  [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] These two charts shows the decrease in teen alcohol consumption. [Hidden Content] This chart shows the decrease in dropout rates from 60 to 09 So now we know that juvenile crime is down, teen pregnancy is down, teen drug use is down, teen smoking is down, dropout rates are down, and teen alcohol consumption is down(the legal age for alcohol used to be 18 so that probably has something to do with thay decrease), but that's not all recently some prominent US citizens have shed some light on thier past. The president is his book admitted to "attending class sparingly  drinking heavily, and using drugs enthusiastically" A story came out that Mitt Romney held a "presumed gay kid down and cut his hair off( I am skeptical of this story). Shawn Hannity said that there was a fight every day at his high school. I don't know about your high school, but at mine we didn't have a fight every day(try once a month maybe) we didn't have kids that never went to class, we didn have kids drastically bully other kids, and we had very few kids that drank heavily and used drugs enthusiastically. So I guess you were right about one thing I don't have the experience, but I dang sure got the evidence. Looking at the facts I would say it is pretty clear that kid todays are not worse than they were in the past  actually according to the stats they are better. Today's kids are committing less crimes, having less babies, smoking less, drinking less using drugs less, and staying in school more than kids in the past.
  8. [quote name="skipmeister" post="1220615" timestamp="1336689240"] I would like to show y'all the comparison of discipline differences back in 1960 and in 2008! I want you to go to YouTube and put in "Life in 1960 vs 2008." This is how everything compares between those years! [/quote] Are you serious? That was the stupidest thing I ever watched. 1. Teachers are still able to breakup fights. 2. No parent gets arrested for spanking thier child. 3. Getting slapped on the wrist with a ruler doesn't force a child to behave better forever. 4. No teacher would ever be accused of sexual abuse for helping a student up that fell. 5. Less kids dropout of school today than they did in the 60s. The dropout rate was 27% in 1960 and was only 8% in 2008. Those are just some of the problems with that ridiculous video. If you really think this is the way the world is then you are seriously delusional.
  9. [quote name="skipmeister" post="1220615" timestamp="1336689240"] I would like to show y'all the comparison of discipline differences back in 1960 and in 2008! I want you to go to YouTube and put in "Life in 1960 vs 2008." This is how everything compares between those years! [/quote] Does it have anything to do with hippies and segregation? ;)
  10. [quote name="skipmeister" post="1220196" timestamp="1336594803"] Maybe I should run for political office! People need a gold ole fashioned politician who absolutely means business and all that fancy stuff is not needed! A real politician that knows what's going on anywhere and everywhere! [/quote] ::) And would your first order of business be the banning of flip flops?
  11. [quote name="skipmeister" post="1220079" timestamp="1336580513"] Not only it takes discipline for trying to get the upcoming high school and college grads across the country to fill positions vacated by the baby boomer generation who are retiring almost everyday so we can get this economy back on track, people need to stop spending and get out of debt and stay out of it! That's the problem in this economy is debt! Maybe everyone should take Dave Ramsey's course or Christian Financial Concepts by Crown Financial! That includes everyone who is involved in Government (local, State, and Federal)! Maybe that'll teach the US how to control spending and save! I encourage everyone to visit either [Hidden Content] or [Hidden Content] We need to be disciplined in being financially stable as well! [/quote] Maybe you should go to the politcal forum.
  12. [quote name="I_Can_Do_It_ALL!" post="1220007" timestamp="1336573218"] Where can you find [b]ACCURATE[/b] stats from last year? [/quote] [Hidden Content]-(huffman,tx)/football-fall-11/stats.htm [Hidden Content]-(coldspring,tx)/football-fall-11/stats.htm [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Maxpreps or the chronicle are probably the best you're going to find.
  13. [quote name="Eagle11" post="1220019" timestamp="1336573918"] Tongue in cheek falcon.......nothing intended. I also do not expect you to agree with me. You are 22 and see the world through different eyes. It would be interesting to be on here when I am 73, you are 47 and see how perceptions may change. When I was 14 - 20 my dad, rest his soul, was the dumbest man I knew. When I turned 40 and my kids were teenagers I thought he was a genius. [/quote] My dad always said the same thing lol, but I never thought he was dumb. It just makes me mad when people want to talk about an entire generation, because of the actions of the few. Most of my generation is made up of young, hard working, open minded people trying to be successful just like every other generation at that age.
  14. [quote name="Eagle11" post="1220023" timestamp="1336574232"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98748.msg1220016#msg1220016 date=1336573781] [quote author=skipmeister link=topic=98748.msg1220006#msg1220006 date=1336573100] Adults not only need to start acting like it but dress like one as well and I mean collared shirts in public! Flip flops should only be for wearing around the house, the beach, or the pool! I can't believe that parents think it's OK to let their children dress whatever they feel like dressing to church on Sunday mornings! More than 50 years ago, the majority of the men wore slacks, dress shirts, and ties as well as dress shoes to church and women wore hats and gloves as well! Now, they wear like sports jerseys, shorts, and sneakers! That would be acceptable on Sunday evening services when most pastors wear like khakis and a button-down or polo shirt on those nights! I was taught to wear my modest Sunday best! I respect that the times have changed since them but those who are Catholic and Mormon never thought it's acceptable to dress like they do to Sunday morning services! We should go back to the tradition of dressing up for church as well as eating out? [/quote] So we go from a coach leaving players on a road trip to what people dress like? What's wrong with flip flops? I wear them almost everyday, does that make me a bad person? Does that mean I think I am owed something? Come on wow. I am sorry this isn't the 50s anymore, I am sorry I didn't have to walk a mile to school uphill both ways. Does it really matter what they are wearing? They are still going to church. Is changing the way people dress going to somehow make them better people, is it going to make them better christians? I don't think so. [/quote] It is respect. As an 11 year old through high school I did not like the dress up thing or see its relevance but I did not dare argue with dad. I would never wear flip flops to church. Very disrespectful. Also.....not aimed at you falcon........pull those dang pants up and stop trying to be some thug you aren't. [/quote] I agree with the pulling up your pants thing, but he was talking about wearing shorts and tennis shoes to church. Doesn't seem that drastic to me.
  15. [quote name="tjcfan08" post="1220014" timestamp="1336573501"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98748.msg1219998#msg1219998 date=1336571398] [quote author=tjcfan08 link=topic=98748.msg1219995#msg1219995 date=1336570582] KIDS today......one word......UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!  They are cruel!!! And they will destroy anyone at any cost, doesn't matter who you are - heck that's the mentality of parents these days.....Parents need to go back to parenting and Administrator/teacher/coach needs to break out the paddle..... I dont' feel these kids were put in harms way either and if that was my kid that had been left at the store, the COACH would be the last person i'd be looking for.....This generation needs to be taught RESPECT!!!! [/quote] Kids will destroy anyone at any cost? Wow you make them sound like evil geniuses. Kids are the same today as they were when you were growing up, you just have a different point of view now. As you get older you mature and then you look at the actions of children and think oh my god, but you forget that you did basically the same things when you were a kid. The coach obviously didn't care about the kids when he left them, he didn't even call thier parents. What if the kids phones were dead, werw they just supposed to stay at the store all night. If leaving two minors at a store in a random town by themselves, not knowing what type of people are around them isn't dangerous then I don't know what is. [/quote] Falcon, maybe i should say some kids..... ;)  and I'm 47 years old and have a 20 and 17 year old....That would put me right in the middle of it....IT is a different world than when I grew up, and that wasn't long ago.... ;D [/quote] I never said it wasn't a different world, but different doesn't mean worse.
  16. [quote name="skipmeister" post="1220006" timestamp="1336573100"] Adults not only need to start acting like it but dress like one as well and I mean collared shirts in public! Flip flops should only be for wearing around the house, the beach, or the pool! I can't believe that parents think it's OK to let their children dress whatever they feel like dressing to church on Sunday mornings! More than 50 years ago, the majority of the men wore slacks, dress shirts, and ties as well as dress shoes to church and women wore hats and gloves as well! Now, they wear like sports jerseys, shorts, and sneakers! That would be acceptable on Sunday evening services when most pastors wear like khakis and a button-down or polo shirt on those nights! I was taught to wear my modest Sunday best! I respect that the times have changed since them but those who are Catholic and Mormon never thought it's acceptable to dress like they do to Sunday morning services! We should go back to the tradition of dressing up for church as well as eating out? [/quote] So we go from a coach leaving players on a road trip to what people dress like? What's wrong with flip flops? I wear them almost everyday, does that make me a bad person? Does that mean I think I am owed something? Come on wow. I am sorry this isn't the 50s anymore, I am sorry I didn't have to walk a mile to school uphill both ways. Does it really matter what they are wearing? They are still going to church. Is changing the way people dress going to somehow make them better people, is it going to make them better christians? I don't think so.
  17. [quote name="Eagle11" post="1219994" timestamp="1336570221"] We will leave it at that and just disagree I guess........but there is a huge since of entitlement now. I have to work now, no government checks here. [/quote] What is that supposed to mean? I don't receive government checks, very few in my generation do. It is mostly the older generation that is living off the government.
  18. [quote name="tjcfan08" post="1219995" timestamp="1336570582"] KIDS today......one word......UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!  They are cruel!!! And they will destroy anyone at any cost, doesn't matter who you are - heck that's the mentality of parents these days.....Parents need to go back to parenting and Administrator/teacher/coach needs to break out the paddle..... I dont' feel these kids were put in harms way either and if that was my kid that had been left at the store, the COACH would be the last person i'd be looking for.....This generation needs to be taught RESPECT!!!! [/quote] Kids will destroy anyone at any cost? Wow you make them sound like evil geniuses. Kids are the same today as they were when you were growing up, you just have a different point of view now. As you get older you mature and then you look at the actions of children and think oh my god, but you forget that you did basically the same things when you were a kid. The coach obviously didn't care about the kids when he left them, he didn't even call thier parents. What if the kids phones were dead, werw they just supposed to stay at the store all night. If leaving two minors at a store in a random town by themselves, not knowing what type of people are around them isn't dangerous then I don't know what is.
  19. [quote name="Eagle11" post="1219982" timestamp="1336567963"] I do not think O-lineGuru is narrowing it down to just this incident. Overall kids are very different today than in the 80's. We were different than kids in the 50's and 60's. I am 48 and kids today, in general, have a since of entitlement. I have many teachers in my family and I am engaged to a teacher. They all will tell you that kids, behaviors and the way the school can deal with both are very different than when I was in school. [/quote] Every generation has people that think they're entitled to something. The hippies definitely thought they were entitled to something and that was a pretty big movement among young people back in the day. There aren't any more kids today that think they are owed something than there were in generations past.
  20. [quote name="O-lineGuru" post="1219960" timestamp="1336543269"] falconfanatic....how old are you?  If you think kids now are they same as 15-20 years ago, you obviously don't have contact with any teenagers. Have you ever taught or coached that age group?  I never, NEVER acted a fool on a school outing...much less disobeying my coach/teacher and then refusing to get back on the bus.  You don't even know the whole story here do you? I made my commentary to illustrate why the students acted as they did....because they have no fear of punishment and feel that everyone owes them something.  If you couldn't see that correlation, logic must not be your strong suit. Why does the whole group have to bow down and cater to the slapnuts that want to be insubordinate?  Does that make sense? [/quote] I am 22, and yes I have coached some 14-16 year olds. I know what I  read in the papers and it doesn't matter what the kids did, YOU DON't LEAVE THEM. I think question does need to be asked why did the kids refuse to get back on the bus? I have been on alot of road trips in my life im college and high school, and not once have I seen someone refuse to get back on the bus. The previous generation always thinks the next generation is bad it has been going on since the beginning of time. "The Earth is degenerating today. Bribery and corruption abound. Children no longer obey their parents, every man wants to write a book, and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching."Quote by:Assyrian Tablet :c. 2800 BC [also attributed to Socrates]  See even 5,000 years ago the adults thought the children were "punks". I bet your parents generation even thought your generation was full of punks. So you correlate acting up on a road trip, to thinking you're owed something? No one group doesn't have to cater to another, no one ever said the kids shouldn't be punished, but again you do not leave them end of story. Oh and btw I got an A in logic ;) 8)
  21. [quote name="LumRaiderFan" post="1219953" timestamp="1336535675"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=99470.msg1219952#msg1219952 date=1336535383] [quote author=LumRaiderFan link=topic=99470.msg1219951#msg1219951 date=1336535206] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=99470.msg1219949#msg1219949 date=1336535101] [quote author=LumRaiderFan link=topic=99470.msg1219948#msg1219948 date=1336534800] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=99470.msg1219943#msg1219943 date=1336534449] I don't think Harper has demanded respect from anyone since he got to the majors, the kid has been pretty humble actually. We all know that he has been cocky in the past, but he has definitely grown up a little since then. Hamles had no reason to throw at Harper. Harper didn't show anyone up, he wasn't being cocky, he wasn't demanding respect from anyone. The only thing Harper has done since he got to the majors is play as hard as he possibly can. He has made more pure hustle plays in one week than some players make in they're career. I don't understand why some people dislike the kid so much, he seems like the player you would want your kids to play like. [/quote] Kinda like Tebow, right! [/quote] No. Harper has talent. [/quote] So does Tebow! [/quote] Not as  a QB he doesn't. Tebow doesn't even complete 50% of his passes. [/quote] He was statistcally still a rookie...so we'll see! [/quote]  Yeah we will 8)
  22. [quote name="LumRaiderFan" post="1219951" timestamp="1336535206"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=99470.msg1219949#msg1219949 date=1336535101] [quote author=LumRaiderFan link=topic=99470.msg1219948#msg1219948 date=1336534800] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=99470.msg1219943#msg1219943 date=1336534449] I don't think Harper has demanded respect from anyone since he got to the majors, the kid has been pretty humble actually. We all know that he has been cocky in the past, but he has definitely grown up a little since then. Hamles had no reason to throw at Harper. Harper didn't show anyone up, he wasn't being cocky, he wasn't demanding respect from anyone. The only thing Harper has done since he got to the majors is play as hard as he possibly can. He has made more pure hustle plays in one week than some players make in they're career. I don't understand why some people dislike the kid so much, he seems like the player you would want your kids to play like. [/quote] Kinda like Tebow, right! [/quote] No. Harper has talent. [/quote] So does Tebow! [/quote] Not as  a QB he doesn't. Tebow doesn't even complete 50% of his passes.
  23. [quote name="LumRaiderFan" post="1219948" timestamp="1336534800"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=99470.msg1219943#msg1219943 date=1336534449] I don't think Harper has demanded respect from anyone since he got to the majors, the kid has been pretty humble actually. We all know that he has been cocky in the past, but he has definitely grown up a little since then. Hamles had no reason to throw at Harper. Harper didn't show anyone up, he wasn't being cocky, he wasn't demanding respect from anyone. The only thing Harper has done since he got to the majors is play as hard as he possibly can. He has made more pure hustle plays in one week than some players make in they're career. I don't understand why some people dislike the kid so much, he seems like the player you would want your kids to play like. [/quote] Kinda like Tebow, right! [/quote] No. Harper has talent. I still haven't  meet a person that dislikes Tebow as a person. I just think he is  a bad QB, its not personal.
  24. I don't think Harper has demanded respect from anyone since he got to the majors, the kid has been pretty humble actually. We all know that he has been cocky in the past, but he has definitely grown up a little since then. Hamles had no reason to throw at Harper. Harper didn't show anyone up, he wasn't being cocky, he wasn't demanding respect from anyone. The only thing Harper has done since he got to the majors is play as hard as he possibly can. He has made more pure hustle plays in one week than some players make in they're career. I don't understand why some people dislike the kid so much, he seems like the player you would want your kids to play like.
  25. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1219925" timestamp="1336531690"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98748.msg1219917#msg1219917 date=1336530120] [quote author=mytwocents link=topic=98748.msg1219912#msg1219912 date=1336529451] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98748.msg1219818#msg1219818 date=1336507251] [quote author=Eagle11 link=topic=98748.msg1219811#msg1219811 date=1336506255] Kids in this generation are very different than we were in my generation. Sure, we did stupid crap and acted like kids but never treated a teacher/coach the way they are allowed to treat them today. First would have been the whoopin from coach then the worse whoopin at home.......that is what these kids today are missing. Now back to the discussion.......leave their butt and call their mommy [/quote] ::) kids today aren't any different than kids in the past. [b]And yes they acted up so let's leave them alone in s strange place, that seems like a fair punishment[/b] ::). [/quote] Seems fair enough to me. [/quote] How so? Run the crap out of them when you get back, kick them off the team, suspend them from school any of those punishments would be fine, but you don't endanger the kids saftey. [/quote] He didn't endanger there safety. Wow. You act like there freaking toddlers or something. [/quote] Are you freaking kidding me? He didn't endanger thier saftey? How many times do you turn on the news and hear about another missing teenager or even worse a dead teenager, you act like they're 30 year old adults. Leaving two kids alone like that is just asking for a tragedy to happen. Let me ask you a question. If you were driving you're kids back from a trip and they acted up a little in the car, would you leave your teenager alone in a small town? This coach didn't even call thier parents he just drove off and left two MINORS in the middle of nowhere and didn't care if they got home.
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