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Everything posted by falcolnfanatic

  1. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1219912" timestamp="1336529451"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98748.msg1219818#msg1219818 date=1336507251] [quote author=Eagle11 link=topic=98748.msg1219811#msg1219811 date=1336506255] Kids in this generation are very different than we were in my generation. Sure, we did stupid crap and acted like kids but never treated a teacher/coach the way they are allowed to treat them today. First would have been the whoopin from coach then the worse whoopin at home.......that is what these kids today are missing. Now back to the discussion.......leave their butt and call their mommy [/quote] ::) kids today aren't any different than kids in the past. [b]And yes they acted up so let's leave them alone in s strange place, that seems like a fair punishment[/b] ::). [/quote] Seems fair enough to me. [/quote] How so? Run the crap out of them when you get back, kick them off the team, suspend them from school any of those punishments would be fine, but you don't endanger the kids saftey.
  2. [quote name="LP2012" post="1219886" timestamp="1336526374"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1219410#msg1219410 date=1336411442] [quote author=bjimbo link=topic=95361.msg1219397#msg1219397 date=1336408683] We all expect CS to have a good year but the real question is can one of the 3rd place under dawgs (cleveland, liberty)can step up and beat the falcons for 2nd. [/quote] 5I doubt it. Huffman should be better than they were last year especially on offense, but we will see. I know Cleveland had a lot of young talented sophomores playing on varsity last year so they are probably going to be pretty good. I think Liberty will finish 4th again they have some goid skill players on O, but they lost alot on the oline and I don't think thier defense will improve from last year, although it can't get much worse. [/quote] How many defensive players is Huffman losing? IMO that was the strong point of the Falcons last season, the offense was not bad, but the defense was what carried them through the games. [/quote] 5 or 6. No doubt the defense was the strong point last year and I think they will still be good next year, but imo the O will be better. I think next years Huffman team will be more like the 2010 team that was carried by the offense.
  3. [quote name="Eagle11" post="1219811" timestamp="1336506255"] Kids in this generation are very different than we were in my generation. Sure, we did stupid crap and acted like kids but never treated a teacher/coach the way they are allowed to treat them today. First would have been the whoopin from coach then the worse whoopin at home.......that is what these kids today are missing. Now back to the discussion.......leave their butt and call their mommy [/quote] ::) kids today aren't any different than kids in the past. And yes they acted up so let's leave them alone in s strange place, that seems like a fair punishment ::).
  4. [quote name="O-lineGuru" post="1219752" timestamp="1336496572"] Coach Sargent was one of my coaches from 6th grade through high school and always a stand-up guy.  The reality is that ALL kids operate under some level of entitlement theory these days...obviously some worse than others with what they feel they are "due" or what is considered "disrespect" for them.  I guarantee that if they had made that same play on a bus trip back about 1988 or so in Waxahachie...where both Coach Sarg and I are from...it would have been a much worse outcome for them.  Both of those young men are old enough to drive and old enough to be in a restaurant without adult supervision (as I am sure they have been many times before this).  They made a decision to act a fool and there are consequences for insubordination.  If I were a parent of one of them I would have expected a call with a rundown of what happened and then I would have personally gone to pick my child up and delivered them to the hospital for treatment after the beating that I would have given them upon my arrival. The system (including most parents) has become INSANELY soft...and thats why we are cultivating generations of slack jawed, pussified punks that think they can do or say whatever they want.  NEWSFLASH...no you can't and the REAL WORLD doesn't care about your feelings or what you think you deserve for breathing....not everyone gets a trophy and if you don't get off your butt and participate in both your education and your life, you will find yourself in one of three places...dead, in jail or living under a bridge. I enjoyed coaching and teaching at public schools but could not stand the lack of discipline on both the part of the schools and the parents of some students.  In short, Coach Sargent is a man among men and would be proud to have him coach any of my kids...glad to see he was reinstated by the school board. [/quote] What the heck are you talking about? You went way off on a tangent  saying these kids feel they deserve something and theyre lazy? C'mon they acted up on a trip, are you telling me you never did something stupid when you were young and around your friends, cause if you haven't I think you would be the first. Then you wanna bring the entire generation up? News flash the kids in this generation aren't any worse than the hippys of past generations. Stop judding and entire generation based on isolated instances. But back to the original subject of the thread. As a coach you are responsible for the safety of those kids when you go on trips, he had no right to leave them in a strange town by themselves. That is just stupid. The coach has to act like an adult. I'm not saying what the kids did was right, it wasn't and they deserved to be punished, but you don't leave them.
  5. [quote name="bjimbo" post="1219397" timestamp="1336408683"] We all expect CS to have a good year but the real question is can one of the 3rd place under dawgs (cleveland, liberty)can step up and beat the falcons for 2nd. [/quote] I doubt it. Huffman should be better than they were last year especially on offense, but we will see. I know Cleveland had a lot of young talented sophomores playing on varsity last year so they are probably going to be pretty good. I think Liberty will finish 4th again they have some goid skill players on O, but they lost alot on the oline and I don't think thier defense will improve from last year, although it can't get much worse.
  6. [quote name="PhatMack19" post="1219086" timestamp="1336277810"] Pretty even fight after 8.  Mayweather is bleeding pretty good from the face.  [b]I knew I should have bought this  [/b] [/quote] Not when it cost over $60 to order it. I saw some decent ufc fights tonight, and not only were they free  they were over by 10:30.
  7. [quote name="truth_hurts" post="1218363" timestamp="1336150774"] #16 - big tall kid, threw hard, but had control problems. #6 - threw a lot of strikes, had a decent little curve ball. Sorry don't know their names. I think they some people said the 1st one is a D1 pitcher. [/quote] Thanks #16 is Dustin Cook U of H commit #6 is CJ Jones
  8. [quote name="truth_hurts" post="1218341" timestamp="1336148636"] Yes Huffman at 7. Who is going to be on the mound for both teams?  Would think Permenter or Smith for Orangefield?  Not to sure about Huffman. Expecting a close one just like last night.  Two evenly matched teams. [/quote] Do you know who pitched for Huffman last night?
  9. [quote name="I_Can_Do_It_ALL!" post="1218309" timestamp="1336146449"] Well, we all know rivals is true falcon... He's a good QB, but not the best one in that district. Liberty has some good kids, no doubt... [/quote] Who said he was the best? You disagreed on how big fits was, the rivals link only  backs up lp2012's argument.
  10. I was so sad to hear this happened. Mariano is one of the best to ever step on the mound, and he did it all with one pitch. I really hope this is not how his career ends.
  11. So far he seems to be doing pretty good 5-13 with 3 2Bs at the plate and has played great in the outfield. Idk if can keep it up, but one thing is for sure his plate discipline is incredible. You would think a 19 year old kid in his first week in the majors would go up there hacking, but he seems pretty good at just taking with the pitcher gives him.
  12. [quote name="LP2012" post="1217168" timestamp="1335973299"] I was there falcon and it is true the fault lies in both teams. But Huffman players started mouthing after the game and that set off the liberty players. [/quote] Talking trash is part of the game ::), maybe the Liberty players should learn to handle thier emotions.
  13. Huffman returns Sr QB Preston  Townley 2673 yrds 61% comp and 29tds, Jr RB Darion Grey 90 caries 557 yrds 8tds rushing and 65 rec for 467 yrds and 2tds, Jr WR/DB Cole Harrel 36 rec 545 yrds and 3tds, and I think they return 3 offensive linemen, but I'm not positive. Defensively Huffman returns Sr DB/P Austin Williams 99 tackles, 2 pics, 6 FR, 2FF, and averaged nearly 40 yrds a punt, Sr DL Blake Jones 26 tackles and 3.5 sacks, Jr DB Clay Barnes 65 tackles, 1 pick, 2FF, and 13 pass breakups, Sr DB Tyler Ballard 60 tackles, 4 pass breakups. Huffman also returns Jr K Cannon Cotter 3 FGs and 36 PATs.
  14. [quote name="LP2012" post="1216881" timestamp="1335895732"] Actually falconfanatic it was the Huffman players who were saying comments to the running back from Liberty. Hopefully next year They will learn to win with class [/quote] You say Huffman players started it, and Huffman players say Liberty started it. I'm sure both are guilty ;)
  15. [quote name="Lukethadrifter" post="1216818" timestamp="1335891001"] Lame?? Only lame thing on this thread is someone with 5750 posts who sits back and waits for a semi-critical take on some issue and then critiques them. What I said was innocent and obvious in response to the previous post. I just thought it was funny because someone always pulls out the old "injury" card when looking for a reason why their team underachieves or dont play to expectations. Injuries have been and always will be a part of every physical game. Lame?? dude, go back to your momma's basement. [/quote] I didnt pull out the injury card. I asked if there had been injures or something else happened. There is a reason Huffman has dominated this district in baseball every year. One poster mentioned a drop in talent, well I could believe that if they had been playing bad all year, but they haven't. They beat some pretty good teams in pre-district and then swept the first round of district and run ruled alot ot the teams in doing so. Then in the second round they drop 3 games? Of course I'm going ask what changed and injures are a logical assumption based on the drop off.
  16. [quote name="knows2much" post="1216758" timestamp="1335883237"] [quote author=LP2012 link=topic=97792.msg1216738#msg1216738 date=1335881009] Liberty would have won that district. Please name two schools in that district that could have stopped Liberty's offense. [/quote] I can name 3 teams that would have "produced more" offense than Liberty. East Chambers, Newton, Anahuac..  Buna may have been able too also.  You'll find out..  You guys play Newton and Buna next year.  Then we'll talk [/quote] I believe Liberty did lead the area in total offense last year. Thier defense was atrocious, but the offense was legit, I don't think the teams you mentioned would keep up.
  17. [quote name="Lukethadrifter" post="1214330" timestamp="1335275264"] Injuries.........LOL.............thats funny.............sounds like you are saying the ONLY possible way that Huffman can lose is if their players are injured. [/quote] Well considering Huffman started off the season #8 in the state and has two players ranked in the top 400 high school players in the country ( only other schools in Texas with multiple players on that list is Bridge city, The Woodlands, Klien Collins, and a few others). So yeah I'm saying the only way they didn't cruise through this district like they do every year is because something drastic happened.
  18. So what happened to Huffman this year? They started out good and then took a nose dive these last few weeks. Are there injuries or what?
  19. [quote name="mytwocents" post="1211713" timestamp="1334701730"] nothing to say falconfanatic???  ::) [/quote] If they refused to get on the bus then the kids made thier choice to stay. The only thing the coach should've done is call their parents. That was not reported in the beginning.
  20. [quote name="truth_hurts" post="1210993" timestamp="1334521271"] Who you got and why? I am taking Splendora in a close one.  Should have beat them the last time.  Splendora has been on fire lately and Huffman threw their number 1 pitcher in a loss to Shepherd on Friday. It is finally time for a changing of the guard in 22-3A and this is Splendora's year. [/quote] Huffman shouldn't lose a game in this district with the talent they have, but who knows aftet the last game.
  21. :'(  :'( :'( With the amount of talent Huffman has they shouldn't lose a game in this district. What are they doing?
  22. [quote name="Baseballfan22" post="1210210" timestamp="1334348193"] Perfect Game has Tyler Beasley a JR. from BH "POP" time @ 1.84!! [/quote] Wow. That is actually legit. [Hidden Content]
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