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Everything posted by falcolnfanatic

  1. I don't think it is necessary to have a " baseball or basketball" class. Like some other posters said the skills to make someone a good baseball or basketball player will not be acquired in a 50 minute class, it takes much more than that. However what will hurt athletes that play other sports is the way they lift. Football lifts are typically designed to go alot of weight with fewer reps, which makes the athlete bulkier and more explosive. That is the exact opposite types of lift that you need for baseball. Baseball requires for leaner muscle which is acquired with lighter weight and increased reps. There are also certain lifts like bench press that are common in football that provide no benefit for baseball players and will even lead to increased injuries in pitchers. Bench press has been described as "the single mos dangerous weight room activity for pitchers". When I was in high school (class of 08) we lifted bench press atleast 3 times a weak with heavy weight. We didnt have specialized classes and the athletic period was purely designed for football even durring the offseason we were required to do football workouts. You couldn't even be in the athletic class unless you played football, which left the kids that specialized at one sport at a disadvantage. So no it is not necessary to have a specialized class for each sport, but the workouts in the athletic period should be designed to benfit all athletes. If there is a kid who plays baseball he should not be required to football workouts he should have his own workout that will benfit him as a baseball player. If there are multiple sport athletes they should not be required to do football lifts especially bench press durring the baseball season. Here is an article about the dangers of bench press for baseball players. [Hidden Content]
  2. [quote name="EAGLE07" post="1209204" timestamp="1334163256"] [quote author=hitman009 link=topic=98760.msg1209200#msg1209200 date=1334162930] [quote author=EAGLE07 link=topic=98760.msg1209067#msg1209067 date=1334148920] [quote author=hitman009 link=topic=98760.msg1208980#msg1208980 date=1334110658] Tyler Davenport (JR.) P- Crosby LHP - 85-88mph. Has [b]88 stirkeouts[/b] this season. 60 in district alone.  Pitched against LEE twice(17k,14k), Dayton(14k) and C.E. King(15K). .325 batting avg. with 2 HR. by the way. does anyone know what the K record is in 19-4A? Hunter Hearn (FR.) Crosby- 2nd/catcher .385 batting avg. GOOD THINGS TO COME WITH THIS KID Czerwonka - GCM. not really a lights out pitcher but can swing the bat. there is not many balls I have seen him miss and hits it on the screws! LSU-E will love this kid next couple of years [/quote] Ditto on the Davenport kid.  I managed to "snag" him up for the Houston Heat this summer. Not sure on strikeout record...I know Kendall Thamm and Ross Hales both had well over 100(120+, if I remember correctly) for the season in '07 at Barbers Hill. [/quote]Really??? well over a 100 in district alone?? they would have to strike out 15 a game (7 games is district each) just to reach 105.  Maybe for the year they had 100+. I could see that. [/quote] No, for the season. I want say 127 for Thamm and 134 for Hales. Both averaged double digit strikeouts per game for the season before playoffs began. [/quote] I believe it. BH's pitching staff that year was ridiculous. You have two players now pitching in D1 and another that went to San Jac. Perfect Game has Hales and silva both touching 90 and Thamm in the upper 80s. I am still amazed yall didn't go father in the playoffs that year.
  3. [quote name="puddleofmudd" post="1208517" timestamp="1334074372"] Thank you for your opinion. I am not defending what happend. I am saying as an educator and coach it is our job to teach education and life lessons, even more though today because the majority of the kids are not getting much discpline at home, probably due to the fact the more and more kids are having kids. I called a parent the other day about their childs behavior at school and the parent responded that her child was my problem while at school.  >:( [/quote] I agree it is your job to teach life lessons. The coach should've found a better way to do it.
  4. [quote name="tjcfan08" post="1208528" timestamp="1334075863"] BTW, I posted my comment after reading everyone involved was OK..... ;) [/quote] Hindsight is always 20-20. The coach didn't know what could've happened when he made the decision to leave them.
  5. [quote name="puddleofmudd" post="1208500" timestamp="1334073294"] yes the district is right to fire him, but I am thinking your not in education [/quote] Nope I'm not, but you don't have to be in education to see that nothing those kids did made it right for the coach to leave them.
  6. Are you kidding me? The coach is clearly in the wrong here. I don't care what the kids were doing you can not leave them. What if something would've happened? The kids were being kids, if it got out of hand make them run when you get back to school, but you don't leave them at a restaurant. The district was right to fire the coach.
  7. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="1205135" timestamp="1333375955"] Okay, I know how to settle this debate: Baseball is more popular but basketball is definitely more exciting!!!!! [/quote] “Baseball is dull only to dull minds” Red Barber ;D ;D
  8. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="1204019" timestamp="1333120182"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98197.msg1204015#msg1204015 date=1333119867] [Hidden Content] Apparently there was a phone survey done a couple of years ago. Here're the percentages of Houston adults at least moderately interested in various sports:Football........73% Basketball:....71% Baseball........60% Boxing..........50% Soccer.........44% Tennis..........41% Golf..............40% Auto Racing...39% Ice Hockey....30% Of those respondents 23% percent had a very high interest in football, 13% percent had very high interest in baseball, and only 5% had a very high intrest in basketball. Clearly people in Houston care about baseball. [/quote]Skewed! It was a[color=red] phone survey.[/color].......I'll let some of yall think on this one.......!!!!!! They called Katy, Cy-Fair, Woodlands, etc. They love high school baseball.  Now do a walking survey within the inner city and look at a different result ::) [/quote] Really? Lol You do know that the inner city isn't the only part of Houston right?
  9. [Hidden Content] Apparently there was a phone survey done a couple of years ago. Here're the percentages of Houston adults at least moderately interested in various sports: Football........73% Basketball:....71% Baseball........60% Boxing..........50% Soccer.........44% Tennis..........41% Golf..............40% Auto Racing...39% Ice Hockey....30% Of those respondents 23% percent had a very high interest in football, 13% percent had very high interest in baseball, and only 5% had a very high intrest in basketball. Clearly people in Houston care about baseball.
  10. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="1203606" timestamp="1333041259"] Thats my point! The competition is about equal in baseball- Someone said baseball was more of a "thinking game" (in comparison to basketball). [/quote] The reference to a thinking man's game is about how the game is played not the competition between mid-majors and big schools.
  11. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="1203596" timestamp="1333039658"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=98196.msg1203591#msg1203591 date=1333039388] [quote author=BLUEDOVE3 link=topic=98196.msg1203581#msg1203581 date=1333038811] No, not at all. I was speaking of competition between mids and majors [/quote] What does that have to do with baseball being a thinking man's game? [/quote]In basketball, you can't just mix in high major with mid major competition. The mids usually get blown away. Or is it the same in baseball too? [/quote] Are you serious? Two 15 seeds won in the tournament this year, VCU went to the final four last year, and butler was in the National Championship a couple of years ago. I would say that the competition between mid-majors and large D1s is about equal in both baseball and basketball. Besides none of that has anything to do with Baseball being a thinking man's game.
  12. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="1203581" timestamp="1333038811"] No, not at all. I was speaking of competition between mids and majors [/quote] What does that have to do with baseball being a thinking man's game?
  13. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="1203574" timestamp="1333037483"] [quote author=GCMPats link=topic=98196.msg1203262#msg1203262 date=1332976364] [quote author=SFA85 link=topic=98196.msg1203247#msg1203247 date=1332972591] If I were Yates or any other school that struggles in baseball, I'd drop it.  Just like Lee(Houston) doesn't play football.  No big deal.  It's baseball.... [/quote] Seeing as baseball is a thinking mans sport, probably a good idea. [/quote]Looks to me like baseball is one of those games where the mid majors can come and play the big D-1's anytime and compete. Don't think brains plays a major part as some would think. [/quote] Are you saying that kids that go to mid-major schools aren't as smart as the kids that go to the big D1s?
  14. [quote name="slim shady" post="1202620" timestamp="1332875552"] What about Splendora or Shepherd......either of them have a chance......Splendora is always competitve, but have had alot of turnover lately....does that effect them? [/quote] Splendora might have a chance to battle with Cleveland and Liberty for the 3rd spot, but I don't see shepherd doing anything.
  15. Please lp6 (aka dodiej) You and dreski and some of your other liberty buddies started thread after thread way back in August about how Huffman would be lucky to beat Cleveland and would be no where close to Liberty. Yall talked crap right up until the night Huffman won. As far as stories go I was told Liberty players were trying to start fights after the game was over. Is it true? Idk, but it has about as much validity as your story. I still don't know how you think Liberty would've won the game on any other night. Huffman dominated that game. And the coaches weren't the difference either. Huffman just was the better all around team. Liberty had a great offense, but absolutely no defense and that is what hurt them last year. No Huffman fans expect for you to look at us as a Coldspring, they are clearly far and above everyone else in district. I think is reasonable to say that Huffman is clearly the second best program in the district and getting better tho.
  16. [quote name="OldTimer" post="1200878" timestamp="1332470586"] OK Huffman fans - Huffman at this time and for the last few years has been better than Liberty - but just like you stated about Liberty why don't you get past the 2nd round of the playoffs before you start pounding you chest about how good you are.  Huffman benefits from the same issues that Liberty does - they play in a weak district  and therefore make the playoffs every year and are guaranteed 4 - 5 wins by the benefit of being in 22AAA.  Other than Coldsprings really the next level of this district is not that strong and fairly equal over the years and gloating about being the 2nd or 3rd best team in 22AAA is not stating much.  I personally like Huffman and always have as I think that their program is generally run with class and does the best with the talent that they have - but to make such comments about any other program that your program is not that much better than (over the long run) is kinda childish.  I do agree also that enrollment while a factor is not always an issue and as the Huffman fans stated Coldsprings is the smallest enrollment in the district and has been always been one of  the better teams in the distrtict and area for that matter. [/quote] This was not started by Huffman fans. It was started by arrogant Liberty fans( some of whom have since been banned) who got on here and said Liberty would win district and slaughter Huffman before the season even started. So I am going to make sure I get in every shot I can against those arrogant Liberty fans that are left.
  17. First off I seriously doubt the average 3a school enrollment is 500 considering the low cutoff is 450. If average out the low cutoff plus the high cutoff (1004) you get about 727. Second Huffman is not even the biggest school in the district , and the smallest school in the district is also the best so stop whining about enrollment. Third Huffman for the last 4 years has beat liberty by and average score of 38-13. That alone says Huffman is pretty far ahead of liberty. When was the last time liberty had back to back 9 win seasons? Heck when was the last time Liberty even won a playoff game.
  18. [quote name="White Boy" post="1200107" timestamp="1332354232"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1200091#msg1200091 date=1332352195] [quote author=LP6 link=topic=95361.msg1200089#msg1200089 date=1332351806] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1200002#msg1200002 date=1332342525] [quote author=White Boy link=topic=95361.msg1199990#msg1199990 date=1332341933] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1199981#msg1199981 date=1332341343] [quote author=LP6 link=topic=95361.msg1199906#msg1199906 date=1332334452] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193522#msg1193522 date=1331083877] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193520#msg1193520 date=1331083687] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193516#msg1193516 date=1331083118] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193503#msg1193503 date=1331081925] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193497#msg1193497 date=1331081544] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193491#msg1193491 date=1331080754] [quote author=89falcon link=topic=95361.msg1193473#msg1193473 date=1331078328] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193346#msg1193346 date=1331065600] [quote author=Cowboys1981 link=topic=95361.msg1193205#msg1193205 date=1331053641] Dont let this became a dayton thread. [/quote]lmao, but Liberty is returning good players hopefully they will make the playoffs, and compete for a District Title??? 8) 8) 8) [/quote] As proven last year when Liberty returned "all the great players". Liberty is still Liberty. [/quote] @89Falcon what is that suppose to mean? Huffman only beat us twice out of proably 20 times in school history. Huffman wasn't even all that good last year. From what I'm hearing we changed up or defense against yall last year, and was  trying to run our best player at Tailback instead of the slot receiver. So coaching has alot to do wtih the panthers being 9-1 last year instead of 7-3 [/quote] Ok first off we beat yall 3 times all in the last 4 years 8). This isnt the same Huffman it was 10 years ago. Huffman is miles ahead if liberty right now. You can blame your losses on coaching all you want, but you could've had Vince Lombardi as your coach last year and Huffman still would've beat you, because Huffman is the overall better team with bettet players. Oh and I consider 9-3 with a trip to the second round of the playoffs a pretty decent year. When was the last time liberty won a playoff game? [/quote]falconfantic go jump into Lake Houston. If we had Vince Lombardi we would of beaten yall 35-0. Huffman really isn't all that special, and the 3 times yall beat us was a fluke lmao.. Huffman Hargrave Falcons [/quote] Just face it Huffman is ten times better than liberty right now, and I wouldn't call 3 blowout wins in 4 years a fluke 8). I hope your ready for another year of watching the real football teams in this district(Coldspring, Huffman, and Cleveland) compete in the playoffs whlie liberty sits at home and comes up with a thousand excuses for why they got beat. [/quote]I guess we will see brother, I predict Liberty to beat Huffman by a Touchdown :o :o :o :o [/quote] And I predict another 3td+ beatdown by Huffman. [/quote] Yeah because you smoke medicinal marijuana. [/quote] Nah I'm just going off the recent pattern. 08 Huffman wins 35-0 09 Liberty wins 27-22 10 Huffman wins 56-7 11 Huffman wins 40-20 Huffman has out scored Liberty 153-54 and Huffman wins by an average score of 38-13. [/quote] The only reason the score are so high is because someone doesn't know how to take his foot off the pedal!!! Also what was the records previously? Prior to 08'? [/quote] Huffman was 4a for 06-07 and didn't play Liberty. Before that Huffman never beat Liberty, but that doesn't matter. It is ancient history what you have done for the last 4 years means alot more than what you did 10 or 20 years ago. I never said Huffman had a better history than Liberty, I just said that right now Huffman is a much better program. Also it's interesting that someone from Coldspring makes a comment about not taking the foot off the pedal. [/quote] The fact that you beat us 40-20 last year, means just as much as us beating you in 2009, and that's nothing. What happened in 2009 and in 2011 means absolutely nothing to the outcome of next seasons game. [/quote] It shows that over the last 4 years Huffman has been better than Liberty and thier is nothing to show that will change. Last year was supposed to be a rebuilding year. You even got in here and posted all this stuff about how many people Huffman is losing and how many liberty is returning and Huffman still win by 20. This year we aren't losing near as much ;) [/quote] Until y'all get out of the second round alive then you'll be just another district contender and a state pretender. Curse of the second round...  :( :o [/quote] ??? Hmmmmm I don't remember having a conversation about Huffman making it past the second round. I guess you just imagined that lol.
  19. [quote name="LP6" post="1200089" timestamp="1332351806"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1200002#msg1200002 date=1332342525] [quote author=White Boy link=topic=95361.msg1199990#msg1199990 date=1332341933] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1199981#msg1199981 date=1332341343] [quote author=LP6 link=topic=95361.msg1199906#msg1199906 date=1332334452] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193522#msg1193522 date=1331083877] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193520#msg1193520 date=1331083687] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193516#msg1193516 date=1331083118] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193503#msg1193503 date=1331081925] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193497#msg1193497 date=1331081544] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193491#msg1193491 date=1331080754] [quote author=89falcon link=topic=95361.msg1193473#msg1193473 date=1331078328] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193346#msg1193346 date=1331065600] [quote author=Cowboys1981 link=topic=95361.msg1193205#msg1193205 date=1331053641] Dont let this became a dayton thread. [/quote]lmao, but Liberty is returning good players hopefully they will make the playoffs, and compete for a District Title??? 8) 8) 8) [/quote] As proven last year when Liberty returned "all the great players". Liberty is still Liberty. [/quote] @89Falcon what is that suppose to mean? Huffman only beat us twice out of proably 20 times in school history. Huffman wasn't even all that good last year. From what I'm hearing we changed up or defense against yall last year, and was  trying to run our best player at Tailback instead of the slot receiver. So coaching has alot to do wtih the panthers being 9-1 last year instead of 7-3 [/quote] Ok first off we beat yall 3 times all in the last 4 years 8). This isnt the same Huffman it was 10 years ago. Huffman is miles ahead if liberty right now. You can blame your losses on coaching all you want, but you could've had Vince Lombardi as your coach last year and Huffman still would've beat you, because Huffman is the overall better team with bettet players. Oh and I consider 9-3 with a trip to the second round of the playoffs a pretty decent year. When was the last time liberty won a playoff game? [/quote]falconfantic go jump into Lake Houston. If we had Vince Lombardi we would of beaten yall 35-0. Huffman really isn't all that special, and the 3 times yall beat us was a fluke lmao.. Huffman Hargrave Falcons [/quote] Just face it Huffman is ten times better than liberty right now, and I wouldn't call 3 blowout wins in 4 years a fluke 8). I hope your ready for another year of watching the real football teams in this district(Coldspring, Huffman, and Cleveland) compete in the playoffs whlie liberty sits at home and comes up with a thousand excuses for why they got beat. [/quote]I guess we will see brother, I predict Liberty to beat Huffman by a Touchdown :o :o :o :o [/quote] And I predict another 3td+ beatdown by Huffman. [/quote] Yeah because you smoke medicinal marijuana. [/quote] Nah I'm just going off the recent pattern. 08 Huffman wins 35-0 09 Liberty wins 27-22 10 Huffman wins 56-7 11 Huffman wins 40-20 Huffman has out scored Liberty 153-54 and Huffman wins by an average score of 38-13. [/quote] The only reason the score are so high is because someone doesn't know how to take his foot off the pedal!!! Also what was the records previously? Prior to 08'? [/quote] Huffman was 4a for 06-07 and didn't play Liberty. Before that Huffman never beat Liberty, but that doesn't matter. It is ancient history what you have done for the last 4 years means alot more than what you did 10 or 20 years ago. I never said Huffman had a better history than Liberty, I just said that right now Huffman is a much better program. Also it's interesting that someone from Coldspring makes a comment about not taking the foot off the pedal. [/quote] The fact that you beat us 40-20 last year, means just as much as us beating you in 2009, and that's nothing. What happened in 2009 and in 2011 means absolutely nothing to the outcome of next seasons game. [/quote] It shows that over the last 4 years Huffman has been better than Liberty and thier is nothing to show that will change. Last year was supposed to be a rebuilding year. You even got in here and posted all this stuff about how many people Huffman is losing and how many liberty is returning and Huffman still win by 20. This year we aren't losing near as much ;)
  20. [quote name="White Boy" post="1200071" timestamp="1332349779"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1200002#msg1200002 date=1332342525] [quote author=White Boy link=topic=95361.msg1199990#msg1199990 date=1332341933] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1199981#msg1199981 date=1332341343] [quote author=LP6 link=topic=95361.msg1199906#msg1199906 date=1332334452] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193522#msg1193522 date=1331083877] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193520#msg1193520 date=1331083687] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193516#msg1193516 date=1331083118] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193503#msg1193503 date=1331081925] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193497#msg1193497 date=1331081544] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193491#msg1193491 date=1331080754] [quote author=89falcon link=topic=95361.msg1193473#msg1193473 date=1331078328] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193346#msg1193346 date=1331065600] [quote author=Cowboys1981 link=topic=95361.msg1193205#msg1193205 date=1331053641] Dont let this became a dayton thread. [/quote]lmao, but Liberty is returning good players hopefully they will make the playoffs, and compete for a District Title??? 8) 8) 8) [/quote] As proven last year when Liberty returned "all the great players". Liberty is still Liberty. [/quote] @89Falcon what is that suppose to mean? Huffman only beat us twice out of proably 20 times in school history. Huffman wasn't even all that good last year. From what I'm hearing we changed up or defense against yall last year, and was  trying to run our best player at Tailback instead of the slot receiver. So coaching has alot to do wtih the panthers being 9-1 last year instead of 7-3 [/quote] Ok first off we beat yall 3 times all in the last 4 years 8). This isnt the same Huffman it was 10 years ago. Huffman is miles ahead if liberty right now. You can blame your losses on coaching all you want, but you could've had Vince Lombardi as your coach last year and Huffman still would've beat you, because Huffman is the overall better team with bettet players. Oh and I consider 9-3 with a trip to the second round of the playoffs a pretty decent year. When was the last time liberty won a playoff game? [/quote]falconfantic go jump into Lake Houston. If we had Vince Lombardi we would of beaten yall 35-0. Huffman really isn't all that special, and the 3 times yall beat us was a fluke lmao.. Huffman Hargrave Falcons [/quote] Just face it Huffman is ten times better than liberty right now, and I wouldn't call 3 blowout wins in 4 years a fluke 8). I hope your ready for another year of watching the real football teams in this district(Coldspring, Huffman, and Cleveland) compete in the playoffs whlie liberty sits at home and comes up with a thousand excuses for why they got beat. [/quote]I guess we will see brother, I predict Liberty to beat Huffman by a Touchdown :o :o :o :o [/quote] And I predict another 3td+ beatdown by Huffman. [/quote] Yeah because you smoke medicinal marijuana. [/quote] Nah I'm just going off the recent pattern. 08 Huffman wins 35-0 09 Liberty wins 27-22 10 Huffman wins 56-7 11 Huffman wins 40-20 Huffman has out scored Liberty 153-54 and Huffman wins by an average score of 38-13. [/quote] The only reason the score are so high is because someone doesn't know how to take his foot off the pedal!!! Also what was the records previously? Prior to 08'? [/quote] Huffman was 4a for 06-07 and didn't play Liberty. Before that Huffman never beat Liberty, but that doesn't matter. It is ancient history what you have done for the last 4 years means alot more than what you did 10 or 20 years ago. I never said Huffman had a better history than Liberty, I just said that right now Huffman is a much better program. Also it's interesting that someone from Coldspring makes a comment about not taking the foot off the pedal. [/quote] Or liberty isn't as good as they were in the past??? Think about it... [/quote] It's pretty obvious Liberty isn't as good as they used to be, but it's also obvious Huffman is alot better than they used to be. Huffman used to be a joke in football now we're coming off back to back 9 win seasons and 7 straight playoff apperances in 3a. We are going in the right direction. With that said one would think it would be clear that Huffman has a better program right now. Think about it.
  21. [quote name="White Boy" post="1199990" timestamp="1332341933"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1199981#msg1199981 date=1332341343] [quote author=LP6 link=topic=95361.msg1199906#msg1199906 date=1332334452] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193522#msg1193522 date=1331083877] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193520#msg1193520 date=1331083687] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193516#msg1193516 date=1331083118] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193503#msg1193503 date=1331081925] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193497#msg1193497 date=1331081544] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193491#msg1193491 date=1331080754] [quote author=89falcon link=topic=95361.msg1193473#msg1193473 date=1331078328] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193346#msg1193346 date=1331065600] [quote author=Cowboys1981 link=topic=95361.msg1193205#msg1193205 date=1331053641] Dont let this became a dayton thread. [/quote]lmao, but Liberty is returning good players hopefully they will make the playoffs, and compete for a District Title??? 8) 8) 8) [/quote] As proven last year when Liberty returned "all the great players". Liberty is still Liberty. [/quote] @89Falcon what is that suppose to mean? Huffman only beat us twice out of proably 20 times in school history. Huffman wasn't even all that good last year. From what I'm hearing we changed up or defense against yall last year, and was  trying to run our best player at Tailback instead of the slot receiver. So coaching has alot to do wtih the panthers being 9-1 last year instead of 7-3 [/quote] Ok first off we beat yall 3 times all in the last 4 years 8). This isnt the same Huffman it was 10 years ago. Huffman is miles ahead if liberty right now. You can blame your losses on coaching all you want, but you could've had Vince Lombardi as your coach last year and Huffman still would've beat you, because Huffman is the overall better team with bettet players. Oh and I consider 9-3 with a trip to the second round of the playoffs a pretty decent year. When was the last time liberty won a playoff game? [/quote]falconfantic go jump into Lake Houston. If we had Vince Lombardi we would of beaten yall 35-0. Huffman really isn't all that special, and the 3 times yall beat us was a fluke lmao.. Huffman Hargrave Falcons [/quote] Just face it Huffman is ten times better than liberty right now, and I wouldn't call 3 blowout wins in 4 years a fluke 8). I hope your ready for another year of watching the real football teams in this district(Coldspring, Huffman, and Cleveland) compete in the playoffs whlie liberty sits at home and comes up with a thousand excuses for why they got beat. [/quote]I guess we will see brother, I predict Liberty to beat Huffman by a Touchdown :o :o :o :o [/quote] And I predict another 3td+ beatdown by Huffman. [/quote] Yeah because you smoke medicinal marijuana. [/quote] Nah I'm just going off the recent pattern. 08 Huffman wins 35-0 09 Liberty wins 27-22 10 Huffman wins 56-7 11 Huffman wins 40-20 Huffman has out scored Liberty 153-54 and Huffman wins by an average score of 38-13. [/quote] The only reason the score are so high is because someone doesn't know how to take his foot off the pedal!!! Also what was the records previously? Prior to 08'? [/quote] Huffman was 4a for 06-07 and didn't play Liberty. Before that Huffman never beat Liberty, but that doesn't matter. It is ancient history what you have done for the last 4 years means alot more than what you did 10 or 20 years ago. I never said Huffman had a better history than Liberty, I just said that right now Huffman is a much better program. Also it's interesting that someone from Coldspring makes a comment about not taking the foot off the pedal.
  22. [quote name="LP6" post="1199906" timestamp="1332334452"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193522#msg1193522 date=1331083877] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193520#msg1193520 date=1331083687] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193516#msg1193516 date=1331083118] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193503#msg1193503 date=1331081925] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193497#msg1193497 date=1331081544] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193491#msg1193491 date=1331080754] [quote author=89falcon link=topic=95361.msg1193473#msg1193473 date=1331078328] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193346#msg1193346 date=1331065600] [quote author=Cowboys1981 link=topic=95361.msg1193205#msg1193205 date=1331053641] Dont let this became a dayton thread. [/quote]lmao, but Liberty is returning good players hopefully they will make the playoffs, and compete for a District Title??? 8) 8) 8) [/quote] As proven last year when Liberty returned "all the great players". Liberty is still Liberty. [/quote] @89Falcon what is that suppose to mean? Huffman only beat us twice out of proably 20 times in school history. Huffman wasn't even all that good last year. From what I'm hearing we changed up or defense against yall last year, and was  trying to run our best player at Tailback instead of the slot receiver. So coaching has alot to do wtih the panthers being 9-1 last year instead of 7-3 [/quote] Ok first off we beat yall 3 times all in the last 4 years 8). This isnt the same Huffman it was 10 years ago. Huffman is miles ahead if liberty right now. You can blame your losses on coaching all you want, but you could've had Vince Lombardi as your coach last year and Huffman still would've beat you, because Huffman is the overall better team with bettet players. Oh and I consider 9-3 with a trip to the second round of the playoffs a pretty decent year. When was the last time liberty won a playoff game? [/quote]falconfantic go jump into Lake Houston. If we had Vince Lombardi we would of beaten yall 35-0. Huffman really isn't all that special, and the 3 times yall beat us was a fluke lmao.. Huffman Hargrave Falcons [/quote] Just face it Huffman is ten times better than liberty right now, and I wouldn't call 3 blowout wins in 4 years a fluke 8). I hope your ready for another year of watching the real football teams in this district(Coldspring, Huffman, and Cleveland) compete in the playoffs whlie liberty sits at home and comes up with a thousand excuses for why they got beat. [/quote]I guess we will see brother, I predict Liberty to beat Huffman by a Touchdown :o :o :o :o [/quote] And I predict another 3td+ beatdown by Huffman. [/quote] Yeah because you smoke medicinal marijuana. [/quote] Nah I'm just going off the recent pattern. 08 Huffman wins 35-0 09 Liberty wins 27-22 10 Huffman wins 56-7 11 Huffman wins 40-20 Huffman has out scored Liberty 153-54 and Huffman wins by an average score of 38-13.
  23. In my first year in college on the way to the first game of the season we get lost, and to make up time the coach tells the drivers to speed. Well about 30 minutes later we get pulled over for going 85 in a 50, but that's not all. First our head coach gets out and actually tries to bribe the cop which was hilarious to all of us(and didnt work). Then as  we our about to leave we get stuck in the muddy ditch and all of the players had to get out and push. That was by far the funniest road trip of my life.
  24. [quote name="Ex-Panther" post="1193520" timestamp="1331083687"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193516#msg1193516 date=1331083118] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193503#msg1193503 date=1331081925] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193497#msg1193497 date=1331081544] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193491#msg1193491 date=1331080754] [quote author=89falcon link=topic=95361.msg1193473#msg1193473 date=1331078328] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193346#msg1193346 date=1331065600] [quote author=Cowboys1981 link=topic=95361.msg1193205#msg1193205 date=1331053641] Dont let this became a dayton thread. [/quote]lmao, but Liberty is returning good players hopefully they will make the playoffs, and compete for a District Title??? 8) 8) 8) [/quote] As proven last year when Liberty returned "all the great players". Liberty is still Liberty. [/quote] @89Falcon what is that suppose to mean? Huffman only beat us twice out of proably 20 times in school history. Huffman wasn't even all that good last year. From what I'm hearing we changed up or defense against yall last year, and was  trying to run our best player at Tailback instead of the slot receiver. So coaching has alot to do wtih the panthers being 9-1 last year instead of 7-3 [/quote] Ok first off we beat yall 3 times all in the last 4 years 8). This isnt the same Huffman it was 10 years ago. Huffman is miles ahead if liberty right now. You can blame your losses on coaching all you want, but you could've had Vince Lombardi as your coach last year and Huffman still would've beat you, because Huffman is the overall better team with bettet players. Oh and I consider 9-3 with a trip to the second round of the playoffs a pretty decent year. When was the last time liberty won a playoff game? [/quote]falconfantic go jump into Lake Houston. If we had Vince Lombardi we would of beaten yall 35-0. Huffman really isn't all that special, and the 3 times yall beat us was a fluke lmao.. Huffman Hargrave Falcons [/quote] Just face it Huffman is ten times better than liberty right now, and I wouldn't call 3 blowout wins in 4 years a fluke 8). I hope your ready for another year of watching the real football teams in this district(Coldspring, Huffman, and Cleveland) compete in the playoffs whlie liberty sits at home and comes up with a thousand excuses for why they got beat. [/quote]I guess we will see brother, I predict Liberty to beat Huffman by a Touchdown :o :o :o :o [/quote] And I predict another 3td+ beatdown by Huffman.
  25. [quote name="Ex-Panther" post="1193503" timestamp="1331081925"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95361.msg1193497#msg1193497 date=1331081544] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193491#msg1193491 date=1331080754] [quote author=89falcon link=topic=95361.msg1193473#msg1193473 date=1331078328] [quote author=Ex-Panther link=topic=95361.msg1193346#msg1193346 date=1331065600] [quote author=Cowboys1981 link=topic=95361.msg1193205#msg1193205 date=1331053641] Dont let this became a dayton thread. [/quote]lmao, but Liberty is returning good players hopefully they will make the playoffs, and compete for a District Title??? 8) 8) 8) [/quote] As proven last year when Liberty returned "all the great players". Liberty is still Liberty. [/quote] @89Falcon what is that suppose to mean? Huffman only beat us twice out of proably 20 times in school history. Huffman wasn't even all that good last year. From what I'm hearing we changed up or defense against yall last year, and was  trying to run our best player at Tailback instead of the slot receiver. So coaching has alot to do wtih the panthers being 9-1 last year instead of 7-3 [/quote] Ok first off we beat yall 3 times all in the last 4 years 8). This isnt the same Huffman it was 10 years ago. Huffman is miles ahead if liberty right now. You can blame your losses on coaching all you want, but you could've had Vince Lombardi as your coach last year and Huffman still would've beat you, because Huffman is the overall better team with bettet players. Oh and I consider 9-3 with a trip to the second round of the playoffs a pretty decent year. When was the last time liberty won a playoff game? [/quote]falconfantic go jump into Lake Houston. If we had Vince Lombardi we would of beaten yall 35-0. Huffman really isn't all that special, and the 3 times yall beat us was a fluke lmao.. Huffman Hargrave Falcons [/quote] Just face it Huffman is ten times better than liberty right now, and I wouldn't call 3 blowout wins in 4 years a fluke 8). I hope your ready for another year of watching the real football teams in this district(Coldspring, Huffman, and Cleveland) compete in the playoffs whlie liberty sits at home and comes up with a thousand excuses for why they got beat.
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