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Everything posted by falcolnfanatic

  1. [quote name="bmtball" post="1188399" timestamp="1330486769"] Come on. Dice K consistently had weak arm and ended up with Tommy John surgery. A high schooler throwing that many pitches asks for trouble later in his career, if not this year. [/quote] Threw back to back 9innings games as an 18 year old, but his arm was so weak that he dominated in Japan and made it to the majors years after? Remember dice K didnt even get to mlb until he was 27. What ever arm problems dice K had were not becasue he threw too many pitches in high school.
  2. [quote name="westend1" post="1188387" timestamp="1330486165"] BS.  You don't throw a kid 165 pitches, especially early in the year in a meaningless game.  Pathetic. [/quote] Its not BS. I never said I agreed with the decision. I just said the the number 165 means nothing. Its more about when the pitcher tires and looses his mechanics. Depending on what shape the pitcher is and other things such as  the weather a pitcher can tire at 80 pitcher or 170. The number alone is overrated.
  3. [quote name="Numberoneonly" post="1188361" timestamp="1330484960"] Just watched a kid throw 165plus pitches in a high school game.....wth don't want to give any names but Jesus. [/quote] Pitch count is extremely overrated as a injury prevention tool. As long as the  pitcher maintiained good mechanics throughout the game and properly recovers he should be fine. Injuries can happen when the pitcher tires and looses his mechanics manly when the arm drags behind the body or the  pitcher drops his elbow below the shoulder. Those two things will put massive amounts of stress on the shoulder and elbow which will lead to injuries. However as long as the pitcher had good mechanics throughout the game he will be fine. Dice K once threw back to back 9 inning games when he was in High school. Now I wouldn't recommend that, but it shows that the number of pitches does not directly relate to injury.
  4. [quote name="BrenhamFan" post="1187680" timestamp="1330458582"] [quote author=cat001 link=topic=96733.msg1187430#msg1187430 date=1330439300] [quote author=BrenhamFan link=topic=96733.msg1187213#msg1187213 date=1330401698] Congrats, on the win!  It's an impressive one. [/quote] Really? Since Klein Forrest has had such a strong baseball tradition not all that impressive.  ::) [/quote] What I mean is it's impressive when a 3A school beats a 5A school. ::) [/quote] Huffman always plays up they beat new caney the last two years as well and they had 25 wins in 4a. Most years Huffman wont play a 3a team until they get to district.
  5. [quote name="cat001" post="1187430" timestamp="1330439300"] [quote author=BrenhamFan link=topic=96733.msg1187213#msg1187213 date=1330401698] Congrats, on the win!  It's an impressive one. [/quote] Really? Since Klein Forrest has had such a strong baseball tradition not all that impressive.  ::) [/quote] It's impressive that the five Huffman pitchers that threw only allowed 1  hit combined ;), and our U of H signed ace didn't even throw. Oh and btw Klien Forrest had some impressive wins last year including wins over klien collins, St Thomas, spring, belaire episcopal, and magnolia. They also tied a 35 win St Pius team. Klien Forrest is a pretty decent 5a team.
  6. [quote name="LP6" post="1187399" timestamp="1330437548"] I still don't see why you think Huffman's season was so much greater than Liberty's, you beat us 40-20 we had WAY more penalty yards and Turnovers, now I know that's apart of the game so you had the better team that night, but you act like if there were no penalties, injuries, or mistakes that you guys still would have won 40-20 which is not the case, you may have won maybe not but it wouldn't be 40-20. Then against Cleveland Liberty was up 20-0 and on route to beat them worse than 49-0 which was the Huffman final score, but two players were injured at the same postion, either way I'm done with the excuses we lost to both teams and you beat them, all I'm saying is you can't put yourself on CS level and act like that no matter what you would have won 40-20 and Cleveland would have won by 5, you can't say there's no talent in Liberty because then there is none in Huffman or Cleveland, because of how either game could have went ESPECIALLY Cleveland who won only by 5 despite the turnovers, calls, kicking deep when they were told to pooch kick resulting in a  kick off return for a touchdown and two inside linebackers injured at the same position? This isn't Huffman we don't have 72,000 kids when one goes down, we are fine but when two go down at the same postion against a running team it's hard to get a guy in there that knows what to do. [/quote] How many excuses can you come up with? Injuries, penalties, turnovers, school size, do you have anymore? Oncd again Hufman was up on Liberty by atleast 3tds for a majority of the game. The Huffman Liberty game was over at the half. Here is why Huffman's season was better than Liberty's Huffman was 9-3 and went to the second round of the playoffs beating 4 teams with a winning record. Liberty on the other had racked up 7 wins against crappy teams beating only one team with a winning record kelly. Oh and yeah they didn't make the playoffs, Cleveland beat them and was the better team no matter how many useless excuses you can come up with. No Huffman is not on clodsprings level, no one ever said that, but liberty isn't on Huffman's level either. Don't act like the game was close and Huffman pulled away at the last second. The game was well in hand by midway throught second quarter. The game could've been played 100 times and Huffman would've won everytime, because they are BETTER THAN YOU!  Just accept it.
  7. [quote name="LP6" post="1186567" timestamp="1330352023"] [quote author=89falcon link=topic=95266.msg1185252#msg1185252 date=1330138618] [quote author=LP6 link=topic=95266.msg1184569#msg1184569 date=1330104632] Falconfanatic, Huffman put out 2 good years, there done. Liberty however had a good year then a 7-3 year which would have been good but the loss to Cleveland killed it, they slipped up but they are a good team and will be next year too. [/quote] 2 good years? You wish. Huffman will be dominating Liberty and the rest with the exception of CS for the next many years. Liberty thinks they have talent but in reality they do not which is excatly why they get humiliated by every good team. [/quote] No talent? 6'6 220 QB, 6ft 200 RB, this past years WR, Mosley - 6ft2, JAke Vaught-6ft4 Ryan Melton - 6ft6 (D1 Texas State) Jordan Jones setx sophomore of the year then D line Tebo- 6ft 300- surely offers coming from D1 runs a 4.7 at 300 pounds and really strong, all i'm saying is Liberty does have athletes and talent, so that's not the reason they're losing, how many of Huffman's guys are move ins from Attascosita, K Park etc...We have athletes from OUR town not others while having to lose athletes to Dayton, there state run feature 5 starters born and raised in Liberty Texas, 2 actually lived in Liberty during there 4 years at Dayton. [/quote] Im pretty sure your running back this year was a move in from Cleveland lol. Lets go over Huffmans top players the last couple of years. Deberry QB Huffman since Freshman year Casey Martin WR grew up in Huffman Kade Hardy WR grew up in Huffman Duane Mena DE grew up in Huffman Austin Potter LB grew up in Huffman Darrian Grey RB been in Huffman for a while Joel Witwer WR grew up in Huffman Thats just a couple of key players there are plenty more. We got Townley(BH) and Riley Julian(Atascosita) as two moveins but the vast majority of the team is from Huffman. You can talk about all this D1 talent you got, but as of right now you only have one player who has signed with a school and all that so called talent obviously isnt helping yall win games against decent teams.
  8. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="1186179" timestamp="1330278324"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=96274.msg1185017#msg1185017 date=1330130982] I'm gonna go ahead and give yall a little bit of pass, because it's the first poll of the season [/quote] We appreciate your benevolence  ::) ::) ::) [/quote] No problem ;)
  9. I'm gonna go ahead and give yall a little bit of pass, because it's the first poll of the season, but Huffman should be higher on this list. Huffman has two players (Austin Listi and Dustin Cook) that are rated as top 400 prospects in the country. That puts them on a list with, BC, The Woodlands, ST Thomas, Houston Memorial,  Rockwall Heath, and Klien Collins as the only schools in Texas with multiple top prospects. Huffman is ranked 8th in the state by 3abaseball.com and 3rd in the region ahead of both silsbee and Jasper. Also 12 of the 18 players on the team are seniors. This Huffman team is loaded and are a serious threat to challenge for the regional title.
  10. [quote name="LP6" post="1184569" timestamp="1330104632"] Falconfanatic, Huffman put out 2 good years, there done. Liberty however had a good year then a 7-3 year which would have been good but the loss to Cleveland killed it, they slipped up but they are a good team and will be next year too. [/quote] There done? Lol isn't that what you said last year? the last 8 or so years Huffman has been much better than liberty and that won't end anytime soon. So just get used to beating crappy teams in pre-district and maybe barley sneaking into the playoffs every three years or so, because that's about the best you can hope for at this point.
  11. [quote name="LP6" post="1184397" timestamp="1330092100"] [quote author=H-D BOBCAT 55 link=topic=95266.msg1181361#msg1181361 date=1329764935] [quote author=goodtimes link=topic=95266.msg1181208#msg1181208 date=1329746863] [quote author=H-D BOBCAT 55 link=topic=95266.msg1180942#msg1180942 date=1329663795] [quote author=89falcon link=topic=95266.msg1180818#msg1180818 date=1329615640] p [quote author=LP6 link=topic=95266.msg1180804#msg1180804 date=1329609915] [quote author=H-D BOBCAT 55 link=topic=95266.msg1180636#msg1180636 date=1329587656] Cole and Chase Harold were two very talented football players from Hull-Daisetta, they are two of Huffmans best players. Huffman will be tough the next 3 years. [/quote] Cold did nothing against Liberty, and I agree with minuteman you will have problems with Cleveland [/quote] Cole may have "done nothing" though I do not agree but his team "stomped a mudhole" in Liberty. Cleveland will put up no more fight than last year. They are another version of Liberty, a relic of the past. [/quote]Chase may be the better overall player. Cole would have been H-D's starting QB, kid has a cannon arm. Liberty will have to face Chase for 3 more seasons and Cole for 2 more seasons. Gonna be nasty. [b]Chase is a hitter, in junior high [/b] at H-D he knocked a couple kids out cold. H-D has lost lots of talented players to relocation. Just no houses or jobs in the woods. [/quote] Did you just say[b] Jr. High. Football[/b]????? Also I  believe that the two young men that you are talking about were not from H-D.  Katy is were their  family was from and had a brother play there, if I am not mistaking.her. [/quote]Both kids are friends with my brother. They grew up in Daisetta from elementary to junior high. Their mother worked in the H-D cafeteria. Their older brother did play for a Houston school, due to a divorce. [/quote] They're average players at best. Huffman used a combination of Townley and Spot at QB during 7 on 7, neither was very good but Townley was obviously the right choice with the stats he put up this year, I think Spot could have done nearly the same in that offense with that schedule, Townley has the arm, but not the size or the accuracy that's why I will again say that the 6'6 216 pound Daniel Fitzwater is better, and I am still amazed that he was simply named honorable mention QB, when he is clearly the best QB in the district, and will do more than Townley and Scott from CS after high school, and more than likely next season as well as they are all 3 juniors. [/quote] Maybe if Liberty had a few more "average" players like the Harrell brothers they might actually be able to consistently make the playoffs. Its funny you talk about Huffman's schedule, because liberty's was about 10 times easier. Liberty probably would've lost to kashmere and maybe HF. Liberty just isn't a very good football team, that's why they couldn't make the playoffs in a pretty weak district.
  12. [quote name="OldTimer" post="1176611" timestamp="1329077000"] liltex - you are right Liberty would have to bring in temporay stands just to handle the Dayton fans  ;D Huffman fans better watch getting too cocky as it was not too many years ago the same thing could be said of Huffman vs Liberty - as they had a long history of losing agianst Liberty.  8) [/quote] Not all of us are that cocky. Most of us remember what we used to be.
  13. [quote name="LP6" post="1175519" timestamp="1328900130"] [quote author=Cowboys1981 link=topic=95266.msg1174908#msg1174908 date=1328799878] Dayton turned 1443 Libetry around 600 Why do people think that dayton and Liberty will be able to play There is no up side for Dayton playing a small 3a 1. Dayton should win 2. If they lose it would probally cost the head coach his job 3. It does not help them when they play 3 and 4 rounds deep The trinty river battle was great in the 80s and 90s but Dayton has not played since the early 90s. Dayton has risen in the ranks of the 4a powers and 3a cant even make the playoffs consistently. [/quote] Correct, the numbers are too far apart it's just not a good match up. Huffman is 60 below the 4A level and Liberty is 100's and 100's of students away so IDK what they are thinking, you are descent in 3A because of your numbers, you would think they would be a powerhouse with those numbers, but they just simply aren't very good. I hope Liberty destroys them next year, but I haven't seen a lot of this years team to be able to say whether or not I think they have it in them. [/quote] The UIl makes the cutoff numbers if you've got a problem with it take it up with them. Otherwise Huffman was put in 3a and has been successful recently, we don't control where we go. Also the biggest school in the district (Splendora) has struggled  recently while the smallest school (coldspring) has dominated teams. So maybe your excuse of school size doesn't make as much sense as you would like.
  14. [quote name="LP6" post="1174477" timestamp="1328726336"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=95266.msg1174197#msg1174197 date=1328709710] Liberty since 2004 5-7, 5-4, 4-7, 4-6, 2-6, 3-7, 5-6, 7-3. Huffman since 04 9-3, 6-5, 3-7(4a), 2-8(4a), 5-4, 5-6, 9-3, 9-3 Total Liberty 35-46 Huffman 48-39 Even with our two abysmal years in 4a we still have a better record than you do. Since 04 Huffman has had 3 9 win seasons while the best liberty could do is one 7 win season (in which they didn't make the playoffs) Huffman has had 3 playoff wins and 6 playoff appearances, Liberty has had 1 win and 2 playoff appearances. Right now Huffman is on a different level than Liberty. The facts speak for themselves. [/quote] In your 2004 year that had Huffman in the second round with that 9-3 record, you were defeated by Liberty. In your 2005 year where you were 5-4 and lost in the first round to WOS, you were once again defeated by liberty. Liberty has obvious problems. The talent is their and nothing gets done with it, the fact that we beat teams with these records and this type of success and then lose to terrilbe teams keeping us out of the playoffs says one thing...coaching. Under Stewart and Deel this has happened, Stewart is no better than Deel, and Deel is on the RISE not the decline. Huffman, just live it up with your 4a facilities and your 4a numbers in 3a because when it's time to jump up where you belong, it's over, again. [/quote] 4a numbers? Huffman is still about 60 below the cutoff and isn't even the biggest school in the district. Splendora has 12 more kids then we do. But if I was a liberty fan I would want Huffman to move up too.
  15. Liberty since 2004 5-7, 5-4, 4-7, 4-6, 2-6, 3-7, 5-6, 7-3. Huffman since 04 9-3, 6-5, 3-7(4a), 2-8(4a), 5-4, 5-6, 9-3, 9-3 Total Liberty 35-46 Huffman 48-39 Even with our two abysmal years in 4a we still have a better record than you do. Since 04 Huffman has had 3 9 win seasons while the best liberty could do is one 7 win season (in which they didn't make the playoffs) Huffman has had 3 playoff wins and 6 playoff appearances, Liberty has had 1 win and 2 playoff appearances. Right now Huffman is on a different level than Liberty. The facts speak for themselves.
  16. [quote name="idk" post="1174171" timestamp="1328706884"] And people from Huffman wonders why, none of the rest of the district likes or takes them serious. [/quote] I guess Shepherd doesn't have to worry about people taking them serious. I mean yall suck at sports and apparently you are not very good at the academics either. So what are you good for?
  17. [quote name="LP6" post="1174173" timestamp="1328707184"] The Huffman fans are demanding some type of respect that they think they've deserved. You've done nothing, you beat Liberty 40-20 and it was a lot closer than the score showed. I guarantee you every player on that team was ready to reset the clock and go for 4 more quarters. A few fumbles, a pick, holding and things like that allowed the game to get 40-20 and you act like you are on a different level lol. Now the Coldspring game was 63-13 and when it was over, it was over. Everyone knows who the better team was and the players knew as well, but Huffman? You are nothing. There's Shepherd, Tarkington, Splendora then the next level is Huffman, Cleveland, Liberty, then Coldspring is on that next level that Huffman thinks they are on but aren't. Yeah you blew out Cleveland and we came a lot closer than they did, but they shows you how much a fluke that game was. With two injuries at the same inside linebacker position against a team who's strength is their running back it was a problem when the Panthers didn't have anyone to fill those gaps. [/quote] You sir are delirious. The liberty game wasn't close Huffman was up 28-7 by the half and Liberty didn't score again until midway throught the 4th when the back ups were in. Huffman was up on Liberty by atleast 20 for the majority of the game. They could've played 4 more minutes or 4 more quarters and the result would've been the same. Liberty can't touch Huffman right now that's why you've got blowout two years in a row. You're right were not on the same level as coldspring, but we're heck of alot closer to them than you are. Liberty for the last five or so years has sucked. You barley squeaked in to the playoffs last year, because Cleveland fell off and then this season you were even worse. The only reason yall even had a winning record is because of the weak teams yall play in pre-district. Liberty is on the same level as Splendora. What have you done in the last five years? NOTHING
  18. [quote name="idk" post="1173675" timestamp="1328650987"] Falconfanatic, if you are going to say we suck spell it right. For all you very smart, god gifted, super football players from Huffman it is Shepherd. Man you would think with all that money over in Huffman they could hire some teachers that could teach these folks to spell. [/quote] Sorry, maybe if yall were relevant people would know how to spell your name.
  19. [quote name="LP6" post="1173105" timestamp="1328560943"] [quote author=TexasMinuteman link=topic=95266.msg1173066#msg1173066 date=1328558107] [quote author=bronco1 link=topic=95266.msg1172788#msg1172788 date=1328541797] Gotta love a class dispute between Liberty and Huffman. Thats about as futile as a dispute between BH and Dayton on who has the most humble fans. [/quote]      I agree with that,everyone knows BH has the most humble and loyal fans!! [/quote] Barbers Hill has the most arrogant fans on this entire site, that's coming from someone who could care less about 4a football. Huffman is right next to them, both towns are filled with people who consider them selves above school like Liberty, Cleveland, Shepherd, Splendora, Dayton, Lee....the list goes on. The residents of those two schools believe they're on a different level for some odd reason when the all time record for Liberty vs Barbers Hill is Liberty 18 wins 12 losses and the all time record for Liberty vs Huffman is 17 wins and only 3 losses, so I'm not exactly sure why you guys think you are so much better than Liberty and as far as Liberty " continuing their losing tradition" they were a playoff team 2 seasons ago and went 7-3 last season, losing only by 5 to Cleveland which put them out of the playoffs, and had the number 1 total offense in south east texas so it looks to me like they are reinstating their winning tradition. [/quote] Last time I checked Huffman fans weren't the ones that got on here and proclaimed themselves district champs before the season started. If you wanna find the most arrogant fans just look at liberty ;) Oh and what you did 20 years ago doesn't matter. Huffman has beat liberty 3 out of the last 4 times and the last two times beat them by 20+.  Huffman right now is light years ahead of liberty. When was to last time Liberty has had back to back 9 win seasons? So if you just step out of your time machine for a second you will clearly see Huffman is a much better program right now. As for the other schools Cleveland is on thier way back up and should be really good in a couple of years. Shepperd always sucks and splendora hasn't been good for awhile. So right now Huffman is better than all of them. However no one in Huffman thinks we're better than Dayton.
  20. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="1172290" timestamp="1328395205"] La Marque will likely be Division II as they will be the 3rd largest team in the district behind Stafford and West Columbia, one of which should make the playoffs. [/quote] Yeah I didnt know if WC or La marque had more kids.
  21. [quote name="beechnut" post="1172230" timestamp="1328389133"] Seriously? Huffman gets lmarque in round two? [/quote] It will probably be lamarque, west columbia, or yates.
  22. [quote name="17HHS92" post="1172207" timestamp="1328386047"] You gave to love the VERY optimistic cleveland fans  8) Huffman will be better this yr and narrow the gap even more against Coldsprings.And no more Navasota in round 2. [/quote] yeah we traded Navasota for Lamarque lol.
  23. [quote name="ntoodeep" post="1171499" timestamp="1328308901"] Coldspring Cleveland Huffman Liberty Splendora Shepherd Tarkington [/quote] Flip cleveland and Huffman and then you got it. Coldspring, cleveland, huffman, and liberty all return alot. I see it playing out the same way it did last year.
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