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Everything posted by falcolnfanatic

  1. [quote name="Kville_Kats" post="1095726" timestamp="1319724387"] Are they gonna play this game this year..? This thread has been here for a while now.... ;D [/quote] I know right, this thread will get over 20 pages before its all said and done. Funny thing is the guy who started the thread has like 2 post and hasn't posted since.
  2. [quote name="mwm4795" post="1095343" timestamp="1319674711"] what year did his brother play [/quote] I belive he played QB at huntsville.
  3. [quote name="BrenhamFan" post="1095139" timestamp="1319662026"] [quote author=Mr. Buddy Garrity link=topic=90477.msg1095082#msg1095082 date=1319659620] No evidence of ineligible players. Season will go on. [/quote] Tell them what they've won scooter.... ;) [/quote] A chance to prove it wasn't a fluke?  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
  4. [quote name="AOO7" post="1094347" timestamp="1319591458"] [quote author=TexasMinuteman link=topic=88996.msg1094339#msg1094339 date=1319590755] This game will be decided in the early fourth quarter.                                                                                                                                            I cant say that about the Liberty/ Cleveland game.Liberty could lead 21-0 in the first but Deel can find away to lose it or Cleveland could lead it 21-0 in the first and Deel could pull a rabbit out of his hat.I think Liberty should win it but not sure.   Coldspring takes this over Huffman 38-28 in hard fought game,pray nobody gets hurt,would like to see both these teams go deep into the playoffs. [/quote] Jordan Jones pulled a rabbit out of his hat against Kelly. And against Huffman, you can't just blame Deel for turnovers and dropped passes, I do however believe he should have rushed more than 3 players at Townley all night. [/quote] It wouldn't of made a difference anyway ;).
  5. Good to here. As far as Huffman you would have to ask someone closer to the players, the last batch of players I knew personally graduated last year.
  6. [quote name="BH 89-2" post="1093907" timestamp="1319562505"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=88996.msg1093884#msg1093884 date=1319561719] [quote author=bh89-2 link=topic=88996.msg1093881#msg1093881 date=1319561517] Rooting for our fabled long lost opponet Huffman.  I don't see it happening, but neither did WOS 4 or so years back.  Not that WOS is any Coldspring by any stretch of the imagination. [/quote] I believe the year we beat wos in the dome(04) they were ranked 2nd in the state. I could be wrong that was just what we were told ;D. [/quote] Dang, I am getting old and been bad mouthing WOS not nearly long enough...... ;D ;D ;D How's Townley working out for yall? [/quote] Working out great  ;D we sure are glad he didn't fit yallls system. a lot of people around here think he has the potential to be better than Deberry in the future.
  7. [quote name="MEM" post="1094268" timestamp="1319583002"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=88996.msg1093690#msg1093690 date=1319550094] If they didn't want to beat people by 60+ they wouldn't do it. This is my question how did this coldspring team get so much better than last year when they lost so much. Last year they were a great team, but this year it is like they are gods and thier backups can't help but score everytime, if that was true why didnt they beat everyone 67-0 last year? Average margin of victory this year 51.625 last year durring regular season 29.6 and that was a team that went to state. How are they so much better unless they run it up? [/quote] If you go to maxpreps and look at the stats from last year you'll see that Coldspring was regularly putting up 40-50 pts a game...(40+ pts 2 times and 50+ pts 5 times)...In the playoffs they had 2 more 40+ pt games and another 50+ pt game)...It's not as if they just started scoring lots of points... Last year all most all of the carries went to Cummings and Gilbert...Tevin Bryant (who was Coldspring's leading rusher the prior year-before Cummings returned to Coldspring) got most of the remaining carries when the game got out of control... Monroe only had about 15 carries for the year...8 of those came in the Crockett game when Gilbert was still out and Bryant had a bad ankle...He was a threat everytime he touched it last year and that's one of the reasons he didn't get many carries late in games...Coaches told him he wasn't going in much because they didn't want him scoring and/or getting hurt (he was the 2nd leading tackler last year from his SS position).... Cooper was a sophomore last year and got a few carries but Giddens and Johnson were still on the freshmen team...They didn't get moved up until playoffs and they usually got the late game carries in the playoff blowouts...Giddens & Johnson are just simply very good...They both could be starters this year if not for Gilbert & Monroe...Cooper is also very good but probably lacks the breakaway speed of the other two...All three will make plenty of noise next year when they get most of the carries... I'd say there are 2 main factors for the scores being the way they have been up to this point...First the teams played this year have not been as good starting with game one against Kirbyville...Secondly the defense looks to be better (especially front 7).... I've been to every game this year and trust me when I say Coldspring could've scored into the 90's several times if they had of wanted...If you look at the combined carries of Gilbert and Monroe this year they're less than Gilbert and Cummings had last year...Coldspring has done anything but run up the score...Lineman have gotten carries this year...The game against Splendora they stopped putting anyone back to return punts with about 4 mins left in the 2nd qtr....Also in several games the clock has only stopped in the 2nd half for change of direction at the end of the 3rd qtr... The games have been no contests but at some point the backs still need a few carries just to stay sharp and the backups need a few for experience...The real problem has been the other teams inability to stop simple running plays...It isn't Coldsprings fault...They can't take a knee the entire 2nd half... [/quote] I did look at the scores that is how I came up with the average margin of victory. I don't really belive coldspring runs up the score, that was more of a stir the pot comment  ;D. It is just hard for me to belive that this years team is so much better than last year, but I guess we will find out.
  8. [quote name="UTEPminer" post="1093877" timestamp="1319561378"] lol.. arguing with you is always entertaining but im thru wit it for now.. facts, we both know liberty will win friday.. e.o.s [/quote] I can live with that lol. anyway I know this is a bit off topic, but does Jones have any idea where he is going to play in college yet?
  9. [quote name="bh89-2" post="1093881" timestamp="1319561517"] Rooting for our fabled long lost opponet Huffman.  I don't see it happening, but neither did WOS 4 or so years back.  Not that WOS is any Coldspring by any stretch of the imagination. [/quote] I believe the year we beat wos in the dome(04) they were ranked 2nd in the state. I could be wrong that was just what we were told ;D.
  10. [quote name="UTEPminer" post="1093846" timestamp="1319559836"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=90259.msg1093841#msg1093841 date=1319559700] [quote author=UTEPminer link=topic=90259.msg1093837#msg1093837 date=1319559492] [quote author=whodat22 link=topic=90259.msg1091950#msg1091950 date=1319387788] Coldspring and Huffman are the class of the district.  Cleveland, Liberty and Splendora are just not very good right now.  Shepherd and Tarkington are going to struggle as usual. [/quote] ^this... how uneducated of an opinion can one give.. libert is 7-1 with an average margain of victory of about 50+.. and i didn't know huffman blew liberty out??? the won by 20 by scoring on a pass play with 30 secs left while the whole stadium was expectin a kneel but he, if two touchdowns is a blow out ok.. smh. ppl on here  tend to hate on liberty so bad it almost makes you feel sorry for how their life or lack there of is going. every week they ya'll predict liberty will lose an every other week they win by 60.. HAHA laughing all the way to the playoffs! [/quote] Huffman was up by atleast 21 for most of the game liberty didn't even start scoring again till late in the forth when Huffman probably already thought the game was over. You can laugh all the way to playoffs where yall will get blown out again by WOS just like last year ;). [/quote] Ok kid, and btw, last i checked wos wasn't doin too hot so we'll see if we even see them there.. and in the event we do lose, guess that will be another first round exit for the both of us.. smh [/quote] Don't get your hopes up wos will still make the playoffs (there in first place in there district so maybe you should check again) and while yall will be leaving early for the second straight year Huffman has a good chance to beat silsbee again, but hey if we lose atleast we won't get blown out like yall. That is even IF yall make the playoffs.
  11. [quote name="UTEPminer" post="1093851" timestamp="1319560195"] [quote author=I_Can_Do_It_ALL! link=topic=88996.msg1093849#msg1093849 date=1319559958] Wasn't Liberty behind Splendora at half or struggling? Didn't Huffman drop a pass in the endzone too? I am not sure where this is going? Huffman BEAT Liberty... Huffman will have their hands full this week with Coldsprings. Liberty NEEDS to BEAT Cleveland TO GET INTO THE PLAYOFFS, Huffman is already in... Good Luck to all 4 Teams this week. Stay injury free and lets represent 22-3A well in the playoffs. [/quote] no, they weren't behind at all, ever. point is huffman didn't blow liberty out, everyone in their right minds knows liberty will blow cleveland out and huffman imo doesn't stand a chance. if huffmans fans were so arrogant without reason and sometimes ignorant to an annoying point ppl outside of huffman could actually like and cheer for them. but SOME OF YA'LL make it impossible [/quote] I don't think we said Huffman blew liberty out just that the game wasn't close. Imo a close games means both teams had a chance to win, liberty didn't have a chance after the first quarter. If Huffman fans are so arrogant what are liberty fans? Yall are the ones who started thread after thread on how liberty will dominate Huffman (guess that didn't work out). What do you expect us to do? Just give up because they play the almighty and unbeatable coldspring? Huffman fans I have not come on here and talked trash, insulted the community, challenged fans to fights, of told them to kill them selves like liberty fans have. You did many of those things you're self under your old name before you got banned. Liberty fans are by far the most arrogant in this district. Huffman fans have repeatedly given coldspring props, but that dosent mean we know were going to lose before the game starts. We know were the underdogs and rightfully so, but it was close game last year and if Huffman pulls out a win it is not like it will the greatest upset ever.
  12. [quote name="UTEPminer" post="1093837" timestamp="1319559492"] [quote author=whodat22 link=topic=90259.msg1091950#msg1091950 date=1319387788] Coldspring and Huffman are the class of the district.  Cleveland, Liberty and Splendora are just not very good right now.  Shepherd and Tarkington are going to struggle as usual. [/quote] ^this... how uneducated of an opinion can one give.. libert is 7-1 with an average margain of victory of about 50+.. and i didn't know huffman blew liberty out??? the won by 20 by scoring on a pass play with 30 secs left while the whole stadium was expectin a kneel but he, if two touchdowns is a blow out ok.. smh. ppl on here  tend to hate on liberty so bad it almost makes you feel sorry for how their life or lack there of is going. every week they ya'll predict liberty will lose an every other week they win by 60.. HAHA laughing all the way to the playoffs! [/quote] Huffman was up by atleast 21 for most of the game liberty didn't even start scoring again till late in the forth when Huffman probably already thought the game was over. You can laugh all the way to playoffs where yall will get blown out again by WOS just like last year ;).
  13. [quote name="UTEPminer" post="1093828" timestamp="1319558868"] Yeah I forgot 49-3 isn't a blowout ::). [b]I'm sorry we don't run up the score [/b] and try to beat everyone by 70. BTW you are right I haven't seen coldspring, but have you seen Huffman? [/quote] guess you missed the unexpected scoring pass with 30 seconds left in the game to try and make it seem as if ya'll blew liberty out... HAHA! ironic.. and no we're not bitter, maybe if ya'll knocked us from the playoffs.. anywho, huffman fans always seem to preduct wins and have so far only beat the teams they were supposed to excluding liberty.. how u go from struggling with shepherd to beating or even challenging cs puzzles me.. please explain. [/quote] Well first off we didn't struggle with shepherd over 400 on offence around 150 given up on D outscored them 29-0  and held them to negative yards in the second half, and beat the by 21 I don't called that struggling. The liberty wasn't close either most of the second half was 28-7 I think you might of had like 2 first downs in the entire first half. Then with 5 min left in the fouth you score the game was already in hand it didn't really matter. Anyway shepherd always seems to give us a better game than the rest of district(including liberty) they even did last year when we "challenged' coldsprings.
  14. [quote name="Firstdown" post="1093709" timestamp="1319551300"] Thats all it took  :o ;D [/quote] Just don't be too shocked when the outcome isn't what you think it will be ;).
  15. [quote name="Firstdown" post="1093700" timestamp="1319550813"] Huffman is living in Huffmans world right now. They havent seen Coldsprings play this year. And yes our defense is alot better, and our offense is better. Look at the scores and you will know.Yall are just living a dream right now, but come Friday it will be a nightmare. Sometimes its better to see whats out their before you predict scores and say how good you are. [/quote] Like coldspring isn't living in thier own world lol. Anyway way to judge a team based on one half you clearly know everything ::).
  16. [quote name="AOO7" post="1093654" timestamp="1319547079"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=88996.msg1092940#msg1092940 date=1319478428] [quote author=Firstdown link=topic=88996.msg1092931#msg1092931 date=1319478083] There is nothing else Coldspring fans can say to really make Huffman fans understand how good Coldsprings really is. Because they more than likely have not seen them play this year. All they are going by is their stats against teams thats no comparison againt us. I mean dont even compare our defense to clevelands. And yall didnt blow them out. Thats an average game for us. Go look and see our scores, with 2nd and 3rd string in the whole 2nd half. but anyways you only have four days left, and then you will see what we are saying. Coldspring 60 Huffman 7 maybe 14 [/quote] Yeah I forgot 49-3 isn't a blowout ::). I'm sorry we don't run up the score and try to beat everyone by 70. BTW you are right I haven't seen coldspring, but have you seen Huffman? [/quote] I've seen CS and Huffman both this year. Coldsprings 2nd and 3rd string play the 2nd and 3rd quarters and they still win 60+ to 0, you saying that they try to beat everyone by 70 and run up the score is crazy, they run the ball every single play, it's not their fault the other teams cant shed the blocks of their 3rd stringers, let's also remember they only have about 500 kids at their entire school. Huffman on the other hand, let's chunk up hail marrys so it doesn't look like Shepherd came close, or pass every down to CS run every down and still only score 40 something on Splendora. [/quote] Coldspring is a runnig offence of course they ran every game, Huffman is a passing offence so why would we run the ball? How does runnig the ball every play make out backups better? If they didn't want to beat people by 60+ they wouldn't do it. This is my question how did this coldspring team get so much better than last year when they lost so much. Last year they were a great team, but this year it is like they are gods and thier backups can't help but score everytime, if that was true why didnt they beat everyone 67-0 last year? Average margin of victory this year 51.625 last year durring regular season 29.6 and that was a team that went to state. How are they so much better unless they run it up? BTW the shepherd game wasn't close and Niether was the liberty game ;).
  17. [quote name="Firstdown" post="1093254" timestamp="1319494131"] No Huffman did get a win to Cleveland but we were not impressed at all. We left at halftime. seen enough. In my opinion alot of bad coaching. Could have so easly been a differant ball game. [/quote] ??? ??? ??? Do you even read what you post lol? If 49-3 with over 400 yards on offence and holding the other team to less than 150 isn't a blowout idk what is.
  18. [quote name="captredass" post="1093164" timestamp="1319490114"] I'm running, going to bed early, I'm so focus the wife can't talk to me no more this week, and I've beat my dogs and kids with a Huffman Jersey so much both are ready to attack and bite. Lets just say I'm ready and focused. [/quote] ??? ??? ??? Idk what that was, but ANYWAY so much for your prediction of Cleveland beating Huffman 8).
  19. [quote name="Firstdown" post="1092954" timestamp="1319478959"] yes we seen Huffman. Not a bad team, but no way or even close to beating Coldsprings. [/quote] Maybe you didn't look close enough ;) ;D 8).  Anyways as far as coldspring being the best in region 3 I would say yes for d2 but chapel hill is probably the best team in the state(lucky for yall you don't have to play them). Um not sure exactly what time the gate open, for a big game like this I wouldn't get there any later than 45 min before kickoff, probably earlier if you want a simi close parking spot.
  20. [quote name="Firstdown" post="1092931" timestamp="1319478083"] There is nothing else Coldspring fans can say to really make Huffman fans understand how good Coldsprings really is. Because they more than likely have not seen them play this year. All they are going by is their stats against teams thats no comparison againt us. I mean dont even compare our defense to clevelands. And yall didnt blow them out. Thats an average game for us. Go look and see our scores, with 2nd and 3rd string in the whole 2nd half. but anyways you only have four days left, and then you will see what we are saying. Coldspring 60 Huffman 7 maybe 14 [/quote] Yeah I forgot 49-3 isn't a blowout ::). I'm sorry we don't run up the score and try to beat everyone by 70. BTW you are right I haven't seen coldspring, but have you seen Huffman?
  21. Well I did a little checking and last year Huffman gave up an average of 280 yards a game and 173 of those on the ground. This year they have gave up 184 a game and 98 on the ground. Swag, which do you think is better now?
  22. [quote name="Swag" post="1092655" timestamp="1319461384"] [quote author=Chs96 link=topic=88996.msg1091946#msg1091946 date=1319387286] I agree bambam  cleveland put no pressure on the QB. BUt CS will. I didn't say Huffman wasn't in shape or a great team.  Have Huffmans D played a team that will make them stay on the field most of the game ? Your D will not stop CS offense. So this week they sould go thru a lil more conditioning as they will need it come friday.  Clevelands D would wait until your recievers caught the ball before they did anything Come friday all those "open recievers" will not be so open. Can and will Townley scramble for yards ? How he handle the pressure and his decisions will effect if Huffman is stay in this game. I feel he will have to use his legs more than his arm come friday night. JMO !! [/quote] He has a cannon, can chunk the ball deep, not very accurate at all, but if you drop back and only rush 3 guys (Liberty) then he becomes accurate. All CS has to do is put pressure on him (which they will) and he will make mistake after mistake (Kpark) and they will lose the football game, Liberty moved the ball fairly well against Huffman but mad a few mistakes here and there and got stopped 1 key time, if Liberty moved the ball, Coldspring will MOVE THE BALL, straight into the endzone at least 6 times. [/quote] This is not the same team that played kpark. The offence has been great every game since then except for the first half of shepherd. Coach MAC is a great coach and knows his football. Coldspring starts blitzing a lot and they will throw those wr screens and run draws. Idt either is going to shut the other team down completey. Coldspring is going to get thier yards on the ground and Huffman Will move it through the air. I think it is going to a great game. Coldspring 28 - Huffman 35 8)
  23. [quote name="Swag" post="1092652" timestamp="1319461128"] [quote author=bambam33 link=topic=88996.msg1073293#msg1073293 date=1317746691] [quote author=Trojanfan link=topic=88996.msg1073033#msg1073033 date=1317696152] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=88996.msg1072959#msg1072959 date=1317687495] [quote author=Chs96 link=topic=88996.msg1072953#msg1072953 date=1317686709] CS will win no doubt. But after reading all the post from SOME Huffman and Some Liberty fans that get on hear and talk crap. I hope Coldspring hangs 60 + on both teams. What most people don't realize is even tho most of their sorces (cs) are blow outs their first stream sits out most of the 2 nd half.  Thats defense and offense. Even tho they are a small 3A team they have talent from varsity all the way down to 7th grade. [/quote] Ehh nothing wrong with talking alittle trash as long as your man enough to take your beatting when your wrong.  Just be smart about what you say. [/quote]Well the way I see it, Coldspring is going to kick the crap out of Liberty and Huffman and all the trash talking,comparing of last years stats and any other form of hope is not going to change it, so all you guys can come on here and say what you want to try and give yourselves some kind of false security, but it's not gonna change the fact that Coldspring is going to kick the crap out of yawll,  just saying! [/quote] The only trash Huffman is talking is trying to defend the boys from your ignorant posts. [b]You huffman bashers have never seen Huffman play this year so you have not idea.[/b] You guys might just be eating crow again like Liberty. Huffman D is more physical and quicker than last year. Huffman QB is better this year than last too. Ask Liberty [/quote] LOL, how can you just assume that everyone who was bashing Huffman hasn't seen them play? Haha, Townley is no where close to as good as DeBerry was, last year Huffman beat Liberty 56-7 This year 40-20, DeBerry had 30+ TDs and less than 5 picks, townley has less touchdowns and more picks and will finish the season after the 1st round with less TDs than Cole and more interceptions, he may be good but not better than DeBerry, and your D was better last year, look at your scores compared to last year and the fact that you replaced all state corner Joel Whitwher with some random #88 who looks like a kicker. [/quote] Well the D is way better this year. Last year they gave up 20.33 points a game this year they have given up 11.44. Last year they let Kpark score 52 this year 35. Last year they had maybe 4 sacks this year it is over 20 also they allow less than 100 yards a game rushing. The d is much better this year and its not even close.
  24. [quote name="bambam33" post="1091677" timestamp="1319341739"] So do 3 or 4 teams come out of the district? I think its 3 but over the years in another district we took 4. [/quote] Top 3 go.
  25. [quote name="TexasMinuteman" post="1091555" timestamp="1319337131"] The Huffman / CS game is gonna be a blow out if Barbay chooses,so why would you label it game of the week for a practice game for Coldspring.Now on the other hand the Liberty / Cleveland game is for the last playoff spot pitting two teams that are fairly overall equal in different ways.This should be a close hard fought ball game. [/quote] Liberty fans still bitter after over a month lol ::). Huffman VS Coldspring wasnt a blowout last year and won't be this year. Let's just see if Liberty even makes the playoffs, if not we will send yall a post card  ;D.
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