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Everything posted by falcolnfanatic

  1. [quote name="captredass" post="1085143" timestamp="1318795318"] What Some of you dreamers from Huffman don't know is Coldspring had second string and third string in on the 3rd and 4th quarter of every game including Crockett and Madisonville, except Cleveland. Those extra yards came in the second half against back-up players. Tarkington scored on our JV players. By the way some JV will be moved up to play Huffman also, unless Barbay changes his mind and makes a statement with first team on Huffman (I don't think he will). This is why the stats don't match what we are saying. That is why Cleveland is going to beat you ,you are living on stats not reality. Like I said, Coldspring makes another 60 points unless Barbay starts running the clock out with Power O after 40 points. That is the only way we don't score 60. ;D [/quote] And what are you going off? of you're warped sense of reality? Cleveland won't win. That is not even in the conversation. Coldspring won't score 60. Our run defense is the strength of this team and while we won't shut you down completely, you aren't going to run away with the game either. Coldspring has faced 76 pass attempts this entire season, Hufman is going to throw more than 30 times and just like last year they will gain yards. Last year coldspring won on turnovers (im not saying you shouldn't have won) I belive we had atleast 4, including a couple inside the 10. The game will be close and IF coldspring wins it will not be by double digits.
  2. [quote name="chs11" post="1085082" timestamp="1318790240"] Coach Morrison will have the D ready, just like last year when we held them to only two td's. [/quote] Last year a much weaker Huffman D than this year also held yall to only 3 tds and only 60 rushing yards for gilbert. Huffman also had more total yards ;)
  3. [quote name="Chs96" post="1085050" timestamp="1318787805"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=88996.msg1085042#msg1085042 date=1318787255] [quote author=Chs96 link=topic=88996.msg1085027#msg1085027 date=1318786149] [b]Huffman has not allowed a 100 yard rusher or 300 yard passer all year, that is not something coldspring can say.[/b] Lets talk facts cause either you are a idoit or just crawled out of a hole last night.  Lets talk defense: Cs defense has only allowed 109.71 total yards a game. Huffman allowed 232.14. CS only allowed 59.86 rushing 49.86 passing. Huffman 103.14 rushing 130 passing. After next friday those rushing #s will be much higher. So to answer your question [b]We havent allowed a total offense to rack up more than 110 yards total. [/b] thats passing and rushing . [/quote] Well see it is you who is the idiot, because i said Huffman has not allowed a single 100 yard rusher or 300 yards passer. Coldspring has the allowed the running back from crockett to get over 100 yards. So get your facts straight and learn how to read moron. [/quote] Ok buddy so one guy got over 100 yrds. Lets look at the big picture cause one man doesnt win a game. Cs deffense is one of the best in the state. I hope you dont mind eating crow cause I think you will have a plate full come saturday after next. After next friday I will let you know What I think the score will be. So far now Huffman needs to focus on Cleveland. I will be at the game watching this Highpowered Huffman team. [/quote] Yeah I would back off that first statement after looking like an idiot too lol. Never said coldspring D wasn't good heck I didn't even say Huffman's was better, because it isnt, but they will give coldspring all they want and more. I am not a player or coach so I will focus on whoever I want. Both coldspring and Huffman have been looking at this game since the beginning of the season. Everyone (except for liberty ::)) knew this would be the game for district. So don't act like coldspring hasn't been looking ahead either.
  4. [quote name="Chs96" post="1085027" timestamp="1318786149"] [b]Huffman has not allowed a 100 yard rusher or 300 yard passer all year, that is not something coldspring can say.[/b] Lets talk facts cause either you are a idoit or just crawled out of a hole last night.  Lets talk defense: Cs defense has only allowed 109.71 total yards a game. Huffman allowed 232.14. CS only allowed 59.86 rushing 49.86 passing. Huffman 103.14 rushing 130 passing. After next friday those rushing #s will be much higher. So to answer your question [b]We havent allowed a total offense to rack up more than 110 yards total. [/b] thats passing and rushing . [/quote] Well see it is you who is the idiot, because i said Huffman has not allowed a single 100 yard rusher or 300 yards passer. Coldspring has the allowed the running back from crockett to get over 100 yards.  Oh and coldspring allowed 259 total yards to crockett and 221 to Madisonville.  So get your facts straight and learn how to read moron.
  5. [quote name="Chs96" post="1084999" timestamp="1318783575"] #24 was pretty good.  I will go watch Cleveland and Huffman friday since we are on a rest week. If cleveland's D play like they did friday Huffman will have a long night. Cleveland said the same " yall havent played anyone yet" well they found out friday ! It's not we haven't played anyone good it's just THAT WE ARE JUST THAT GOOD !! Huffman need to focus on Cleveland and get ready for the following week to get their chance in the spot light [/quote] No said yall havent played anyone. Just havent played someone as good as Huffman. You haven't played a spread passing team and havent played a Defense as good as Huffman's. Huffman has not allowed a 100 yard rusher or 300 yard passer all year, that is not something coldspring can say.
  6. [quote name="captredass" post="1084990" timestamp="1318782530"] Thanks,thats the spirit. Crockett's Coach threw his clipboard down because he thought the same thing. We need a nail bighter to mature the young ones going into the playoff's. I love teams that want to keep us under 60.  Last year we was in State, this year we are winning state. Very motivated and focused from coaches to players. If I see something in cleveland's game from ya'll I'll change my post and give respect, maybe lower gap of win. Huffman needs to worry about Cleveland, #24 is good on Defense. [/quote] Well Huffman's goal isnt to keep coldspring under 60 it is to beat them, and there is much better chance of Huffman winning than coldspring scoring 60. IF coldspring wins it will be close. Huffman will be the best team yall play durring the regular season. Just wait and see.
  7. [quote name="captredass" post="1084970" timestamp="1318780888"] Its good to have hope and wishes for your team but lets don't give false hope. We treated Orangefield the same as the rest I think 53-0 (running clock in fourth quater) and they are giving close games in their district, even beating Jasper. And Huffman is no Orangefield this year. Looks like we will make another believer out of another dreamer in two weeks. I don't won't any excuses when we play like it was to dry, we are young, we were hurt, the ref's cheated us, or i heard a dog barking and it destracted us. Don't get your feelings hurt when Cleveland beats you. No excuses. The goal should be keep Coldspring under 60 points. [/quote] Well you're right about one thing Huffman is no orangefield, we are way better lol. Come on please have some sense when you come on here. I remember last year yall were supposed to blow us out last year too and yeah well it didn't happen. Cleveland wont beat Huffman and coldspring won't score anywhere near 60 on them.
  8. [quote name="Chs96" post="1084926" timestamp="1318777995"] Huffman will be lucky if they score 7. Lets see what they do with Cleveland Friday.  I'm looking for another shutout [/quote]   ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) we will score more than 7.
  9. [quote name="TROJAN92" post="1081723" timestamp="1318541145"] (falconfanatic ) All I can say you better get your big girl panties on. Coldspring will be ready.  lol [/quote] Nah sorry I'm going commando  ;)
  10. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="1081455" timestamp="1318526631"] Splendora - 975 [/quote] Wow kinda surprised Splendora has more than Huffman :o
  11. [quote name="Firstdown" post="1081412" timestamp="1318524569"] lol ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;Dl, That is a joke right???  I think you have it backwards Coldspring 56 Huffman 7. [/quote] This is the Huffman v.s. Splendora thread. Yalls beating don't come for another couple of weeks. ;)  ;D ;D 8)
  12. [quote name="AOO7" post="1081066" timestamp="1318473250"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=89522.msg1081019#msg1081019 date=1318469552] [quote author=AOO7 link=topic=89522.msg1081003#msg1081003 date=1318467578] [quote author=Indian Fan link=topic=89522.msg1080044#msg1080044 date=1318363834] I may be eating crow Friday night, but i still believe this will be a closer game than everyone else thinks. I know if the Indians are ever gonna put up 4 big quarters, it will be this Friday. if I'm wrong, hey that's the way it goes. But I believe in our boys. Good Luck Indians!!! [/quote] There's nothing wrong with supporting your team, this is Coldsprings not Huffman, they won't come on here and bash you for losing to them. Cleveland is better than last year but you can't say they are rising because compared to the previous years they are still declining. I watched the Cleveland vs Splendora game and the Cleveland vs Shepherd game, from a Liberty fans standpoint I'm not overlooking them because the fact that I went to see these to games says that I'm interested in what Cleveland can do. At this point I think they are too sloppy, they can't throw very well at all, their defense is too young to win the game for them and Franks and #12 seem to be the only offensive weapons for the Indians. Coldsprings offense is very well executed, they don't make many mistakes and they do have a defense that can win the game for them if something were to happen offensively (that is against Cleveland  maybe not Huffman and Liberty, but we know CS offense won't be stopped completely against both of those teams). Coldsprings should beat Cleveland just about as bad as they beat Shepherd, but good luck to both teams. [/quote] No one from Huffman has yet to bash any team they have beaten. Only SOME of the fans of the one team that talked more trash than anyone one this site(Liberty). The game has been over for three weeks and you still can't stop bashing Huffman. Dude you lost get over it. [/quote] I'll get over it when I feel like it, thank you. Huffman played dirty, they were hitting our kids out of bounds, grabbing face masks and yanking players around while on the receiving end of the kickoff. They were throwing the ball deep when the game was out of reach, they showed no class yet they claimed that Liberty had no class because their players were over on Huffman's sidelines trying to fight after the game ( I didn't see this with my own eyes so who knows if they player's even did this ). But if they did, oh well they're kids, get over it, just don't try and act like Huffman's players were classy and Liberty's weren't. [/quote] Just look at the way Liberty fans post in here compared to Huffman and that will tell you all you need to know about  each community. Huffman hasn't had any of thier fans banned yet liberty has had multiple ones. Huffman fans don't come on here and bash other communities, challenge posters to fights, or tell people to kill them selves like some liberty fans do. Huffman has always and will always have more class than Liberty. BTW it has already been said by a liberty fan that since Liberty's coach has a reputation for screwing over other coaches, many coaches in this area will run up the score on him whenever they get a chance.
  13. [quote name="AOO7" post="1081003" timestamp="1318467578"] [quote author=Indian Fan link=topic=89522.msg1080044#msg1080044 date=1318363834] I may be eating crow Friday night, but i still believe this will be a closer game than everyone else thinks. I know if the Indians are ever gonna put up 4 big quarters, it will be this Friday. if I'm wrong, hey that's the way it goes. But I believe in our boys. Good Luck Indians!!! [/quote] There's nothing wrong with supporting your team, this is Coldsprings not Huffman, they won't come on here and bash you for losing to them. Cleveland is better than last year but you can't say they are rising because compared to the previous years they are still declining. I watched the Cleveland vs Splendora game and the Cleveland vs Shepherd game, from a Liberty fans standpoint I'm not overlooking them because the fact that I went to see these to games says that I'm interested in what Cleveland can do. At this point I think they are too sloppy, they can't throw very well at all, their defense is too young to win the game for them and Franks and #12 seem to be the only offensive weapons for the Indians. Coldsprings offense is very well executed, they don't make many mistakes and they do have a defense that can win the game for them if something were to happen offensively (that is against Cleveland  maybe not Huffman and Liberty, but we know CS offense won't be stopped completely against both of those teams). Coldsprings should beat Cleveland just about as bad as they beat Shepherd, but good luck to both teams. [/quote] No one from Huffman has yet to bash any team they have beaten. Only SOME of the fans of the one team that talked more trash than anyone one this site(Liberty). The game has been over for three weeks and you still can't stop bashing Huffman. Dude you lost get over it.
  14. [quote name="Firstdown" post="1080420" timestamp="1318391988"] Yea i think Coldsprings will make the playoffs. (the team im rooting for). [/quote] Yeah they just might sneak in with that third spot ::).
  15. [quote name="idk" post="1079724" timestamp="1318335292"] Sorry to ruffle the feathers of the Almighty Falcons, Mr. Falconfanatic, go back and re-read my post I said if they don't fix the protection of the QB then Cleveland will rake the field with them. I still think Huffman is the second best team, but like all teams there is something that needs to be fixed on them. So if he only threw for 75 of those yards that leaves and average of 83 for each of the other 3 quarters. Bambam and when I made that statement I was talking about the defense not the entire team, again go back and read the entire post and then maybe you will be able to understand, but I doubt it. Maybe you Huffman people should take what some people say as not knocking your football team but pointing out what may help in the playoffs. 89falcon yes you are right Shepherd is not a very good team this year and it took Huffman 3 full quarters to get ahead of them. What does that say about playing a good quality team like Coldspring. I wish the Huffman football team luck the rest of the way. [/quote] Just curious how many sacks did shepherd have?  Since our pass protection was such a problem.
  16. [quote name="SetX6" post="1079737" timestamp="1318337478"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=89512.msg1078026#msg1078026 date=1318170554] [quote author=AOO7 link=topic=89512.msg1078022#msg1078022 date=1318169765] If the Huffman fans would realize that Liberty's secondary is terrible and they only rushed 3 guys so they match up terrible with a passing team, then they would quit writing Liberty off, (not that anyone cares). Liberty's run defense, centered around 300 pound tackle Omar Tebo is not very bad at all. This game should be a blow out if Liberty doesn't come out flat, regardless of whether or not Shepherd comes ready to play, if Liberty comes ready to play they're too much for Shepherd. [/quote] Now who is making excuses ::) BTW Huffman had over 100 rushing yards against liberty and only ran for more yards vs Tarkington, so I guess that run D isn't all that special. Let's go shepherd!!! [/quote] Darion Gray was shut down throughout the game. He ran the ball 7 times in the last 2 minutes to pad his stats when the Panthers were already out of the game. You all said Tarkington would D Liberty up for a little bit and they didn't now just because Sheperd gave yall problems you think theyll give Liberty problems, they wont. [/quote] First off the person (not me) who said they would D liberty up was joking lol. Second we had the second most rushing yards against liberty, it don't matter when they came. Grey only had 7 carries the whole game for 50 yards I doubt all those carries came in the last two minutes. I dont understand why Liberty fans keep bringing up Huffman. I know you and your "state championship caliber" offence were supposed to destroy us, but it didn't happen. Yall lost deal with it and move on.
  17. [quote name="idk" post="1079346" timestamp="1318279479"] bambam, can't you read I said Shepherd's defense I didn't say anything about there offense taking it to Huffman. Yea he threw for 300 plus yards and most of those yards were in the 4th quarter when Shepherd's defense got tired. Do your homework!! I saw the game. All I am saying is if Huffman doesn't block any better than they did Friday night and find some sort of running game then Coldspring and Cleveland will rake the field with them. Shepherd is not a very good team this year and for them to stay in the game for 3 quarters like they did (with no offense to speak of). It will be a long rest of the Season for Huffman. [/quote] Dude you just contradicted yourself. In the first thread you say Huffman is the second best team and better than Cleveland, then your very next post you say they will rake the field with us. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. BTW Huffman didn't have much of a running game last year (although it was better than this year) and it didn't seem to hurt us vs Cleveland or coldspring.
  18. [quote name="OrangeFBfan" post="1079066" timestamp="1318268162"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=89604.msg1079049#msg1079049 date=1318267241] This poll is a joke. Sealy beats stafford 37-27 and drops out of the poll and wos beats HF 22-12 and they move up two spots ???. Clearly the people over at DCTC have a soft spot for wos. [/quote] Maybe so...but obviously in the eyes of DC, a win still means something regardless of how many points WO-S scores. [/quote] If that was true then why did Sealy who was ahead of wos in the last poll drop out when they won by the same margin?
  19. This poll is a joke. Sealy beats stafford 37-27 and drops out of the poll and wos beats HF 22-12 and they move up two spots ???. Clearly the people over at DCTC have a soft spot for wos.
  20. [quote name="idk" post="1078242" timestamp="1318189391"] No one from Shepherd has gotten on here and said a word, i guess they were letting Huffman tell it their way. How about your QB didn't have anytime to throw the ball most of the night. It seemed like he didn't like being hit. I will give it to him, when he had time he made Shepherd pay. So if you would like to say dropped balls and coming out flat is why the score  was 14 to 6 at the half go ahead. But Shepherd took it to Huffman for most of the game. I guess Shepherd could get on here and say they lost cause of the fumbles they had in the 3rd quarter. If I remember they had 3 just in that quarter and still only trailer 21 to 14 at the end of 3. So I guess tell it the way if makes you feel better. If huffman can't protect the quarter back any better than they did on Friday night, Coldspring will make the quarterback pay. [/quote] Shepherd had negative yards in the second half and Huffman scored 29 unanswered points. So yeah they came out flat and allowed shepherd to stay in the game durring the first half, and played Huffman football in the second.
  21. [quote name="AOO7" post="1078022" timestamp="1318169765"] If the Huffman fans would realize that Liberty's secondary is terrible and they only rushed 3 guys so they match up terrible with a passing team, then they would quit writing Liberty off, (not that anyone cares). Liberty's run defense, centered around 300 pound tackle Omar Tebo is not very bad at all. This game should be a blow out if Liberty doesn't come out flat, regardless of whether or not Shepherd comes ready to play, if Liberty comes ready to play they're too much for Shepherd. [/quote] Now who is making excuses ::) BTW Huffman had over 100 rushing yards against liberty and only ran for more yards vs Tarkington, so I guess that run D isn't all that special. Let's go shepherd!!!
  22. I guess I did ;D oh well it ain't the first time 8)
  23. [quote name="UTEPminer" post="1077534" timestamp="1318119016"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=89512.msg1077450#msg1077450 date=1318112818] [quote author=AOO7 link=topic=89512.msg1077437#msg1077437 date=1318111392] Shepherd come out every year no matter what their record is and gives Liberty a game. Not to take anything away from them, but from the excuses the Huffman fans gave, Huffman played bad and Shepherd isn't very good. If this is the case then if the Panthers come out like Huffman did expect the same type of result, but an even closer game considering Huffman beat Liberty and Shepherd always comes close or beats Liberty even in the years where Liberty beats Huffman. However, IMO Liberty will not come out soft, they will be ready to play and win big. Liberty no less than 40, Shepherd no more than 29. [/quote] I don't know if anyone made excuses ::) they just explained what happened when someone asked. [b]They came out flat it happens to every team[/b] just like it did to wos 22-12 over HF and silsbee 15-8 over OF. Huffman still had over 400 yards of offence and held shepherd to like 150 and negative yards in the second half. [/quote] but when other teams "just explain" cough cough liberty.. then its excuses.. lol. just throwin that out there [/quote] No some liberty fans blamed thier loss on turnovers and penalties and tried to make the game seem closer than it was. When in reality libery had 1 more turnover and less penalties. All we said was the boys were flat. No excuses they sucked in the first half period, but played 10 times better in the 2nd.
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