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Everything posted by falcolnfanatic

  1. [quote name="AOO7" post="1077437" timestamp="1318111392"] Shepherd come out every year no matter what their record is and gives Liberty a game. Not to take anything away from them, but from the excuses the Huffman fans gave, Huffman played bad and Shepherd isn't very good. If this is the case then if the Panthers come out like Huffman did expect the same type of result, but an even closer game considering Huffman beat Liberty and Shepherd always comes close or beats Liberty even in the years where Liberty beats Huffman. However, IMO Liberty will not come out soft, they will be ready to play and win big. Liberty no less than 40, Shepherd no more than 29. [/quote] I don't know if anyone made excuses ::) they just explained what happened when someone asked. They came out flat it happens to every team just like it did to wos 22-12 over HF and silsbee 15-8 over OF. Huffman still had over 400 yards of offence and held shepherd to like 150 and negative yards in the second half.
  2. [quote name="Indian Fan" post="1076682" timestamp="1318043774"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=89450.msg1076666#msg1076666 date=1318043496] Well I'm glad they finally woke up after Halftime. [/quote] ;D  We were wondering.. [/quote] So was I lol. But were all good  8) ;D
  3. [quote name="caneyhead#1fan" post="1075503" timestamp="1318000051"] [quote author=BADSANTA  link=topic=89031.msg1069174#msg1069174 date=1317339838] District is a week away. Can they make a run for the playoffs? I  think they can beat Orangefield, HF, and with some luck BC. [/quote] Get your head out've the gutter, HJ is not even close to the dynamic offense and defense of OF. HJ will be competing for last place this year as they did (0-10) in district play in baseball this past year. They will be battling it out with HF to see who sucks the most. [/quote] Yeah OF sure is a powerhouse ::). When was the last time they even made the playoffs?
  4. [quote name="caneyhead#1fan" post="1075507" timestamp="1318000304"] [quote author=mytwocents link=topic=89204.msg1072614#msg1072614 date=1317657031] [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=89204.msg1072549#msg1072549 date=1317652545] What was wrong with the poll that the Vidorians made? [/quote] Thats the same question i'm asking. I'm guessing they didn't like the fact that we were leading in that poll so they started to make one of there own but it looks like it didn't work.  ;D  8) [/quote] Mytwocents, you are obviously a vidorian, you have no room to even be on this website. Your wrong about everything you post, especially about Vidor's so called #1 RB. And you just need to learn how to not post anymore. [/quote] You mad bro?;D ;D
  5. [quote name="UTEPminer" post="1074944" timestamp="1317929893"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=89245.msg1074897#msg1074897 date=1317925672] [quote author=SetX6 link=topic=89245.msg1074850#msg1074850 date=1317923173] None of these randoms were at the game, Liberty scored 20, dropped a wide open touchdown, and fumbled the ball 3 times. They also had a 45 yd run called back, and 1 interception ( the 1st legitamate one thrown all year) I know those are all part of the game but at their full potential, yes they are just as good as Huffman's offense. And as far as CS, I just said their offense can compete with theirs, doesn't necessarily mean they can do good against CS defense. This thread is about Tarkington and Liberty and all you randoms were saying Tarkington will D them up when they wont. [/quote] Hey buddy Liberty lost 1 fumble in that game not 3 and Huffman had 1 pic as well as way more pentalty yards. The game was 28-7 for most of the second half. You didn't even score again until there were 5 min left in the 4th when Huffman was already celebrating a win lol. Your offence is not as good as Huffman, more than half of all your yard came from jones. He is your offence. Atleast Huffman has multiple weapons. [/quote] no, ya'll just played a terrible secondary. which is why this is the first time anyone on ya'lls team has actually stood out. but i'm thru before it even gets started. [/quote] Before the game started all I remember hearing was how good Liberty's D was all this we only gave up 7 points throught three game garbage. It is amazing how quickly they went from great to terrible. ::)
  6. [quote name="SetX6" post="1074850" timestamp="1317923173"] None of these randoms were at the game, Liberty scored 20, dropped a wide open touchdown, and fumbled the ball 3 times. They also had a 45 yd run called back, and 1 interception ( the 1st legitamate one thrown all year) I know those are all part of the game but at their full potential, yes they are just as good as Huffman's offense. And as far as CS, I just said their offense can compete with theirs, doesn't necessarily mean they can do good against CS defense. This thread is about Tarkington and Liberty and all you randoms were saying Tarkington will D them up when they wont. [/quote] Hey buddy Liberty lost 1 fumble in that game not 3 and Huffman had 1 pic as well as way more pentalty yards. The game was 28-7 for most of the second half. You didn't even score again until there were 5 min left in the 4th when Huffman was already celebrating a win lol. Your offence is not as good as Huffman, more than half of all your yard came from jones. He is your offence. Atleast Huffman has multiple weapons.
  7. [quote name="SetX6" post="1074639" timestamp="1317907048"] [quote author=bjimbo link=topic=89245.msg1074055#msg1074055 date=1317833596] I think Tarkington will surprisingly d up the panthers for a little bit...the panthers have a lot of questions to answer before they start looking ahead to "tougher" opponents!  They might find themselves in a much closer game then they expect! [/quote] Hardin beat Tarkington 21-12, Liberty beat Hardin 49-0, quit dreaming, and start being realistic. Liberty has 2289 total yards offensively, Colspring has 2296, and Huffman has 1400, offensively Liberty is just as good as their district championship competitors. If you think for a second that Tarkington is going to D up Liberty for even as far as the opening kick off then your crazy. [/quote] Well your stats are wrong Huffman has about 1800 yards, but you probably got your stats from the chronicle ::). You can not say liberty's O is anywhere near coldspring lol. You have to remember Liberty had the easiest non district schedule. That helps to pad your stats. Also stats can be misleading, because liberty has more yards then Huffman, but we all know Huffman has the better O.
  8. [quote name="2% Milk" post="1073823" timestamp="1317793210"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=89273.msg1073747#msg1073747 date=1317779763] Haha legacy got a first place vote  ;D ;D :D :D. I can't wait to see how johar and some of the Kelly fans respond to that lol. [/quote]Legacy is playing cupcakes and Kelly already beat EC at EC there are you happy? [/quote] I was happy to begin with. My post was referring to the fact that someone obviously gave legacy a 1st place vote, because of all the talk last week. I find that funny.
  9. [quote name="captredass" post="1073739" timestamp="1317779507"] I've ate crow before and will not avoid the next time it is served. I'll be the first at the table. But what I like best is roasted Falcon served in a few weeks. :o :o :o [/quote] Well I would respond by saying roasted trojan taste better, but I guess that would make me a cannibal. ;D ;D ;D
  10. Haha legacy got a first place vote  ;D ;D :D :D. I can't wait to see how johar and some of the Kelly fans respond to that lol.
  11. [quote name="captredass" post="1073705" timestamp="1317777407"] Its all in good fun. Thats the way I see this site. I don't wish anything bad for both sides and yeh Coldspring is on top right now for at least two years and they will be back to reality and everyone can enjoy again. But for now ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :) :) :) :) :) and the only way to not get beat by Coldspring is to get out of our district. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) [/quote] I got you. This site is for trash talking and bragging it don't bother me at all, but when you lose you gotta be man enough to face the music afterwards.
  12. [quote name="Firstdown" post="1073646" timestamp="1317771027"] I hope you honestly dont think Huffman is going to win district? Give me a break. The reason you got Coldspring on here talking trash is because yall started it. Saying that yall could be district champs. lol [/quote] Show me once where any Huffman fan said they would win district. We haven't started anything. We didn't even start this thread. So yeah nice try. But even if we did are you saying its ok to talk trash to us because we support our team?
  13. [quote name="captredass" post="1073555" timestamp="1317764634"] I took the time and watched Huffman play Hardin-Jefferson on scout film and unless some new kids moved in the last two weeks it is going to be just as everyone stated on here. Yes, strange things do occur like 6 week grades, but I don't see it. Huffman would also get beat by Crockett and Madisonville, but Barbay will not tip his hand just before the playoffs, like he did last year. The score will be a blowout if the Coach allows it. Huffman showed good coaching, excellant field goal kicker, one good linebacker, OK QB but the line and ends on both sides are slow and weak, and there is no team defense as showed by everyone standing around opposite side of the field from the ball. Score 40-14 Coldspring only because we will miss two extra points. Sorry no trash talk just facts. [/quote] Well your facts are wrong for starters, because we played HJ the very first game of the season. That was also Townley's first game ever with in this system. It was also the first varsity start for pretty much our entire oline and all the wrs as well as 6 or 7 new players on defence. So if think this is the same team it was 6 weeks ago then you are sadly mistaken.
  14. [quote name="Bigdaddy79" post="1073296" timestamp="1317746854"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=89205.msg1073257#msg1073257 date=1317744076] How does a thread about Huffman and Shepherd turn to Huffman and coldspring. Oh yeah Coldspring fans can't stop talking about Huffman. 8) [/quote] the reason they talk about it is because we know thats going to be the toughest game we will play in district. With Cleveland barley edging out Splendora last week ond Huffman putting up good numbers against Liberty, the Coldspring Huffman game is the only one to really talking about. that is just my opinion on the hole topic [/quote] Oh I know lol. I'm just stirring the pot ;D Ever since that Liberty beat down there hasn't been a lot to talk about.
  15. [quote name="Firstdown" post="1073279" timestamp="1317745679"] But the differance in Coldspring and Huffman this year is that Coldsprings did get better in some aspects and Huffman, I dont think they did. [/quote] Well I can tell you Huffman's D is way better than it was last year. So we have improved in some aspects as well.
  16. How does a thread about Huffman and Shepherd turn to Huffman and coldspring. Oh yeah Coldspring fans can't stop talking about Huffman. 8)
  17. [quote name="Le Sgt Rey (French)" post="1073129" timestamp="1317731307"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=89204.msg1073120#msg1073120 date=1317729757] [quote author=Le Sgt Rey (French) link=topic=89204.msg1072947#msg1072947 date=1317686189] [quote author=WOSgrad link=topic=89204.msg1072931#msg1072931 date=1317684516] [quote author=JollyRoger81 link=topic=89204.msg1072916#msg1072916 date=1317683298] [quote author=WOSgrad link=topic=89204.msg1072386#msg1072386 date=1317611287] [quote author=puddleofmudd link=topic=89204.msg1072376#msg1072376 date=1317610722] This is a tough one. Speed versus Discipline. Normally one would think speed makes up for talent, Ozen has talent and speed, deadly combination. However, Vidor has size, disciplined and well coached offense, tough to defend. I see Vidor keeping the ball out of the the speed and talented Ozen backs hand by long drives and a lot of clock chew. My prediction, Vidor 28-Ozen 24 [/quote] I guess my question is how do you figure that Ozen is less disciplined than Vidor is? [/quote] My question is...Why do you appear to be so worried about it? [/quote] Because the facts don't fit the description. [/quote] I want to meet a team of disciplined teenagers... [/quote] You've already seen them. The Katy Tigers. 22 penalties for 193 yards and the starting QB has yet to throw a pic through 5 games. [/quote]Ohhh... that's right... you mean 2010 Pearland... ;) [Hidden Content] [/quote] Nah I ment the 2000/2003/2007/2008 Katy Tigers. BTW did you read the end of that story you know the part where it said Katy had been to three straight state championship games. In all seriousness tho Katy unlike some other perennial powerhouses typically does not have superstars. They are team of talented kids that executes better than almost any other high school. When was the last time you heard that a player from Katy was a top 150 or 5 star recruit? This year there is not even one player from the tigers in the rivals top 100 players from Texas. Euless Trinity has 4. Back on topic now. Vidor wins by 7
  18. [quote name="Le Sgt Rey (French)" post="1072947" timestamp="1317686189"] [quote author=WOSgrad link=topic=89204.msg1072931#msg1072931 date=1317684516] [quote author=JollyRoger81 link=topic=89204.msg1072916#msg1072916 date=1317683298] [quote author=WOSgrad link=topic=89204.msg1072386#msg1072386 date=1317611287] [quote author=puddleofmudd link=topic=89204.msg1072376#msg1072376 date=1317610722] This is a tough one. Speed versus Discipline. Normally one would think speed makes up for talent, Ozen has talent and speed, deadly combination. However, Vidor has size, disciplined and well coached offense, tough to defend. I see Vidor keeping the ball out of the the speed and talented Ozen backs hand by long drives and a lot of clock chew. My prediction, Vidor 28-Ozen 24 [/quote] I guess my question is how do you figure that Ozen is less disciplined than Vidor is? [/quote] My question is...Why do you appear to be so worried about it? [/quote] Because the facts don't fit the description. [/quote] I want to meet a team of disciplined teenagers... [/quote] You've already seen them. The Katy Tigers. 22 penalties for 193 yards and the starting QB has yet to throw a pic through 5 games.
  19. Just fyi Grayson Long, BH, Matt Menard BC, and Cameron Dishon were also top 400 prospects. There were multiple schools in TX with atleast two players on the list including Huffman, BC, The Woodlands, ST Thomas, Houston Memorial, and Rockwall Heath. Klien Collins was the only school in tx with three players. Here is the entire list [Hidden Content]
  20. [quote name="Trojanfan" post="1073033" timestamp="1317696152"] [quote author=falconfanatic link=topic=88996.msg1072959#msg1072959 date=1317687495] [quote author=Chs96 link=topic=88996.msg1072953#msg1072953 date=1317686709] CS will win no doubt. But after reading all the post from SOME Huffman and Some Liberty fans that get on hear and talk crap. I hope Coldspring hangs 60 + on both teams. What most people don't realize is even tho most of their sorces (cs) are blow outs their first stream sits out most of the 2 nd half.  Thats defense and offense. Even tho they are a small 3A team they have talent from varsity all the way down to 7th grade. [/quote] Ehh nothing wrong with talking alittle trash as long as your man enough to take your beatting when your wrong.  Just be smart about what you say. [/quote]Well the way I see it, Coldspring is going to kick the crap out of Liberty and Huffman and all the trash talking,comparing of last years stats and any other form of hope is not going to change it, so all you guys can come on here and say what you want to try and give yourselves some kind of false security, but it's not gonna change the fact that Coldspring is going to kick the crap out of yawll,  just saying! [/quote] I heard that same thing last year and a couple of weeks ago now that I think about it ;)
  21. [quote name="Chs96" post="1072953" timestamp="1317686709"] CS will win no doubt. But after reading all the post from SOME Huffman and Some Liberty fans that get on hear and talk crap. I hope Coldspring hangs 60 + on both teams. What most people don't realize is even tho most of their sorces (cs) are blow outs their first stream sits out most of the 2 nd half.  Thats defense and offense. Even tho they are a small 3A team they have talent from varsity all the way down to 7th grade. [/quote] Ehh nothing wrong with talking alittle trash as long as your man enough to take your beatting when your wrong.  Just be smart about what you say.
  22. I have personally used the surge, Omaha, and vodoo. The surge felt the best kinda feels like the old composites, but I think the Omaha performed the best, however if you get jamed or hit on off the end it will kill your hand seriously. The vodoo was kinda like the Omaha although the sting wasn't as bad if you hit the ball wrong. Overall it is about what each player feels comfortable with. None of those bats were way above the other one, they were all pretty equal. I have heard nothing but good things about the rip it although I haven't used it personally. Stay away from Nike tho pretty much every college that used them last year dropped them as thier bat sponsor, because of poor performance.
  23. The Easton surge is decent used them last year they fell like the old composite bats. The rip it is the way to go for bbcore I have heard nothing but good things about them. Whatever you do stay away from nike thier bbcores were so bad almost every college that used them last year dropped them as thier bat sponsor.
  24. Um idk about cook hopefully he has progressed well, the kid has a lot of talent. Hey eagle what kind of ball player is Townley?
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