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Everything posted by HoopInsider_Cooper

  1. [font=Courier]Missed his junior year. Here soph. Wasn't an exposure thing. Went to live with pops. [/font]
  2. Streaming live: [Hidden Content] End 1: OF 13-8 End 2: HJ 26-20 End 3: HJ 40-30
  3. [font=Courier]wow[/font]
  4. [font=Courier]Keep us updated AAW.....[/font]
  5. [font=Courier]Oh I know guys....but ya'll are brutal....Another list will be posted during playoffs.[/font]
  6. [font=Courier]You guys are brutal....I need to talk with the former Gov. Ventura about some of these things!  :D[/font]
  7. [font=Courier]By the way, if you are going to quote me Lazeek, then please put my name on it. Wasn't emailed it was posted. Thanks. He did get the ranking, top 10. Sutherland hit big 3s, he got the ranking as one of the top shooters in the area. All shooters are streaky but the kid from LC-M has drilled 9 3s several time this season. I've seen Harley struggle too. Like Grayson, who struggled in the first Kountze game, he hit'em in the 2nd meeting. What more do you guys want? WOW. I promise you guys I am not going to get into a match with this. I know some love to instigate and only seem to come out and post at (edited for at, not and) certain times, but make your own list....PLEASE. I could go back and repost a lot of things that were posted by some like: "J'Covan will NEVER make it" and "Perkins won't last in the NBA". [/font]
  8. [font=Courier]Nothing they can do now....They can't bring in a coach now but I do think they need bring in someone. I'd love to see Frankie Paul get his shot.[/font]
  9. [font=Courier]Has the Willie Ray Smith finalists been discussed? I am torn on my vote for one side...the other side I am pretty content with. [/font]
  10. [font=Courier]Shelby-Newton pick'em means there is no spread in the game. Whoever you pick, all they have to do is win. [/font]
  11. [font=Courier][b]Straight Up:[/b] 94-28 (.770) [b]Spread:[/b] 76-46 (.622) NL=No line [b][u]Tues., Jan. 19[/u][/b] [i][u]21-5A[/u][/i] [b]West Brook 66[/b], @ Lee 54 WB (15-6, 2-0) Lee (0-2) PICK: [color=green]WB (-12)[/color] [b]@ No. 21 PA Memorial 93[/b], Sterling 53 PAM (17-3, 2-0) BS (1-1) PICK: PAM (-10) [b]@ North Shore 68[/b], Channelview 52 NS (1-1) CV (0-2) [i][u]20-4A[/u][/i] [b]Ozen 66[/b], @ PN-G 45 Ozn (12-8, 5-1) Png (15-7, 3-3) PICK: Ozen (-5) [b]@ Livingston 55[/b], Central 52 C (7-14, 3-3) L (9-14, 3-3) PICK: [color=red]Cen (-4)[/color] [b]@ LC-M 67[/b], Lumberton 43 LCM (16-10, 4-2) Lum (10-17, 0-6) PICK: LC-M (-8) [b]@ Nederland 65[/b], Vidor 31 N (12-12, 5-1) V (13-14, 1-5) PICK: Ned (-13) [i][u]19-4A[/u][/i] [b]@ Barbers Hill 59[/b], Crosby 55 BH (18-7, 3-3) C (10-14, 2-4) PICK: BH (-2) [b]@ Galena Park 68[/b], Dayton 52 D (5-13, 1-5) GP (5-1) PICK: GP [color=red](-18)[/color] [b]@ Kingwood Park 56[/b], North Forest 50 NF (1-5), KP (5-1) [b]@ CE King 50[/b], GC Memorial 31 CEK (5-1), GCM (2-4) [i][u]18-3A[/u][/i] [b]Jasper 53[/b], @ Diboll 43 J (11-10, 4-2) D (1-5) PICK: Jasp (-2) [b]Lufkin Hudson 56[/b], @ Carthage 41 LH (5-1), C (2-4) [b]@ Center 57[/b], Huntington 45 H (3-3), C (6-0) [b]@ Rusk 74[/b], Central 33 C (0-6), R (3-3) [i][u]21-3A[/u][/i] [b]No. 6 Silsbee 72[/b], Bridge City 47 S (19-2, 2-0) BC (10-14, 0-2) PICK: Sils [color=red](-32)[/color] [b] WO-S 66[/b], @ Hamshire-Fannett 40 W (15-7, 1-1) HF (6-15, 0-2) PICK: WO-S (-19) [b] No. 4 Hardin-Jefferson 54[/b], @ Orangefield 40 HJ (25-2, 2-0) OF (14-11, 1-1) PICK: H-J [color=red](-20)[/color] [i][u]22-2A[/u][/i] [b]@ San Augustine 54[/b], Kirbyville 44 SA (2-0) K (8-6, 0-2) PICK: SA [color=red](-15)[/color] [b]Woodville 66[/b], @ Hemphill 44 W (14-6, 2-0) H (0-2) PICK: Wood [color=red](-27)[/color] [b]@ Newton 71[/b], Shelbyville 47 N (4-11, 2-0) S (0-2) [i][u]23-2A[/u][/i] [b]@ Anahuac 102[/b], Deweyville 41 A (10-12, 4-1) D (10-10, 2-3) PICK: Ana (-25) [b]@ East Chambers 59[/b], Buna 44 B (8-7, 1-4) EC (12-12, 3-2) PICK: EC (-24) [b]@ No. 4 Kountze 110[/b], Warren 35 W (4-16, 0-6) K (23-2, 5-0) PICK: Ktz (-40) [i][u]23-A[/u][/i] [b]Grapeland 70[/b], @ Big Sandy 68 - OT G (2-0) BS (10-12, 0-3) Latexo (1-1) @ Alto (0-1) [i][u]25-A[/u][/i] [b]Evadale 78[/b], @ High Island 29 E (13-7, 2-0) H (5-7, 1-2) PICK: Eva (-19) [b] No. 25 Spurger 70[/b], @ Hull-Daisetta 40 SP (16-4, 2-0) HD (4-9, 1-1) PICK: Spur (-25) [b] @ Sabine Pass 60[/b], West Hardin 44 SP (8-7, 1-1) WH (5-8, 0-3) PICK: SP [color=red](-22)[/color] [i][u]TAPPS[/u][/i] [b]@ Legacy 66[/b], Pasadena First Baptist 46 LC (6-19, 6-0) PICK: LC (-10) [b]Orange Community Christian 66[/b], Ridgewood 33 OCC (15-4, 7-1) PICK: OCC (-20) [/font]
  12. [font=Courier]Tommy Mainord didn't stick around long. [/font]
  13. Heard a nasty fight in girls game...
  14. Ozen 54-49...can't beat ozen with or without rice
  15. [font=Courier]Toon put OF boys basketball back on the map.....BH is in a very tough district. In tourneys, every host is going to have the easiest way to the championship, just look at the earlier tourneys. As far as cheating officials, each chapter has their bad and good, we all know that. I never accused an official as a cheater, but have said there were plenty bad ones. While @ BH, Toon has played in several of my Hoop Insider Playoff Previews and was never scared to play anyone.   [/font]
  16. [font=Courier]Back to EC/Ktz  ::)[/font]
  17. [font=Courier]True Blue pulling the H-J card....Get'em TB. It will be a closer game at EC....33 being out is not what cost EC, it was the lack of guard play when the press started wearing them out. [/font]
  18. [font=Courier]As soon as EC #33 came into the game, he ran his mouth and talked trash. If you are going to do that, you need to back it up. He didn't back it up. It was light the bright lights came on and his mouth overloaded him a little.  [/font]
  19. [font=Courier][b]Straight Up:[/b] 76-27 (.737) [b]Spread:[/b] 64-39 (.621) NL=NL [i][u]21-5A[/u][/i] [b]@ West Brook 68[/b], Channelview 64 WB (14-6, 1-0) CV (0-1) PICK: WB [color=red](-7)[/color] [b]@ No. 21 PA Memorial 49[/b], North Shore 45 PAM (16-3, 1-0) NS (0-1) PICK: PAM [color=red](-5)[/color] Sterling 61, @ Lee 49 [i][u]20-4A[/u][/i] [b]Ozen 54[/b], @ Central 49 O (11-8, 4-1) C (7-13, 3-2) PICK: [color=red]Cen (-2)[/color] [b]LC-M 43[/b], @ Vidor 42 - L (15-10, 3-2) V (13-13, 1-4) PICK: LC-M [color=red](-6)[/color] [b]Nederland 66[/b], @ Livingston 56 N (11-12, 4-1) L (8-14, 2-3) PICK: Ned (-3) [b]PN-G 70[/b], @ Lumberton 64 P (15-6, 3-2) L (10-16, 0-5) PICK: [color=green]PN-G (-6)[/color] [i][u]19-4A[/u][/i] [b]Barbers Hill 49[/b], @ Dayton 47 BH (17-7, 2-3) D (5-12, 1-4) PICK: BH (-9) @ No. 23 Kingwood Park 52, CE King 49 KP (4-1), CEK (4-1) Galena Park 56, @ GC Memorial 49 GP (4-1), GCM (2-3) [b] Crosby 59[/b], @ North Forest 50 C (10-13, 2-3) NF (1-4) [i][u]18-3A[/u][/i] [b]@ Jasper 59[/b], Pollack Central 30 J (10-10, 3-2) PC (0-5) PICK: Jasper (-16) Rusk 52, @ Carthage 40 R (2-3), C (2-3) @ Huntington 59, Diboll 56 H (3-2), D (1-4) Center 61, @ Lufkin Hudson 56 C (5-0), LH (4-1) [i][u]21-3A[/u][/i] [b]@ No. 4 Hardin-Jefferson 77[/b], Bridge City 58 BC (10-13, 0-1) HJ (24-2, 1-0) PICK: H-J [color=red](-30)[/color] [b]Orangefield 55[/b], @ Hamshire-Fannett 52 - OT - WOW OF (14-10, 1-0) HF (6-14, 0-1) PICK: OF [color=red](-29)[/color] [b] No. 8 Silsbee 81[/b], WO-S 59 S (18-2, 1-0) W (14-7, 0-1) PICK: Sils (-10) [i][u]22-2A[/u][/i] [b]Woodville 63[/b], @ Kirbyville 49 W (13-6, 1-0) K (8-5, 0-1) PICK: Wood (-11) [b]@ Newton 70[/b], Hemphill 42 H (0-1) N (3-11, 1-0) PICK: New (-10) San Augustine 73, Shelbyville 32 SA (1-0), Shelby (0-1) [i][u]23-2A[/u][/i] [b]@ Anahuac 75[/b], Buna 53 B (8-6, 1-3) A (9-12, 3-1) PICK: Ana [color=red](-33)[/color] [b]@ Hardin 68[/b], Deweyville 40 - WOW D (10-9, 2-2) H (11-9, 3-2) PICK: Hard (-2) [b]@ East Chambers 68[/b], Warren 39 W (4-15, 0-5) EC (11-12, 2-2) PICK: [color=green]EC (-29)[/color] [i][u]23-A[/u][/i] @ Latexo 58, Big Sandy 53 BS (10-11, 0-2) Latexo (1-1) @ Lovelady 90, Alto 73 L (2-0), A (0-1) Grapeland (1-0) - bye [i][u]25-A[/u][/i] [b]Evadale 72[/b], @ West Hardin 44 E (12-7, 1-0) WH (5-7, 0-2) PICK: Eva (-18) [b] @ Hull-Daisetta 57[/b], High Island 51 HD (4-8, 1-0) HI (4-7, 1-1) PICK: H-D (-1) [b]@ Spurger 69[/b], Sabine Pass 52 Spur (15-4, 1-0) SP (7-7, 0-1) PICK: Spur (-4) [i][u]TAPPS[/u][/i] [b]St. Pius 74[/b], @ Kelly 56 STP (2-1) K (6-14, 1-2) [b]Legacy Christian 77[/b], @ Brazosport Christian 23 LC (5-19, 5-0) Texas Christian @ No. 23 Orange Community Christian (14-4, 6-1) - NL [/font]
  20. [font=Courier]The blowout factor was the main reason....Central losing at home to LC-M then whipping Nederland on the road....Gotta love 20-4A!!!![/font]
  21. What was the score with Zavalla?
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