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Everything posted by HoopInsider_Cooper

  1. HWRF - Corpus... City of Beaumont is ready...We have zero asset money for special need evacs...That all went to Freeport. So this area has no help with ambulances, buses, etc....It's a little complicated, but also political... Believe me...THE EXAMINER will look into this!
  2. Wx Channel sux....Like I said, this group of runs now won't change much because all recon data isn't in... The morning models will have air/gulf stream, etc.... Friend told me they just got 4 rooms in NOLA.
  3. EURO is 2am...Next big NHC is 4 am...The 4am plus models after that will be the big key... The GFDL has no change from last run...Stays west of San Luis Pass (sw of Galveston).
  4. Correct....No $$ for this area for evacs...Believe me, this will be questioned by some good investigative reporters. We send MILLIONS to foreign countries and can't help our own...TIME FOR A CHANGE!!! Now, if Ike is going to pull a Rita, these next few model runs will be crucial. By tomorrow @ 4pm, if the NHC hasn't changed their track, scratch the Rita scenario. But tonight's and tomorrow's model runs are key! Morning model data will have all recon and gulf stream data in...
  5. He taught me good stuff and gave me the good links so I wouldnt bother him.... ;D
  6. Next set of models in 30 mins or so but they will not have recon date...Air Force and Hurricane Hunters on their way, I believe.
  7. Rescheduled for Sept. 19, if Houston has dried out by then. :'(
  8. I assume Westfield will not be making the trip now.
  9. New GFS model...Matagorda Bay Also, no mandatory evacs out of the 9pm Jeff Co Emer Man meetings. They will meet again later this morning.
  10. I understand there is a lot involved but locals had no problems pulling the trigger with Gustav.
  11. Believe me, I work for The Examiner....We will LOOK INTO that my friend!!!!
  12. High Island ISD closed Thursday and Friday.
  13. Confirmed with Hardin High School they are shut down....Maybe it was just them. But Hardin High is closed.
  14. All Hardin County schools will be closed Thursday and Friday.
  15. Sabine Pass now voluntary evac @ 6am Thursday morning.
  16. 7pm is intermediate (not much of a track change if any)...10pm, then 4am, then 10am, then 4pm are the BIG BIG updates.
  17. Official: Emergency Management has issued a voluntary evacuation for low-lying areas in Hardin, Jefferson, and Orange Counties.
  18. Emergency Management has issued a voluntary evacuation for low-lying areas in Hardin, Jefferson, and Orange Counties.
  19. No comment on why Jefferson County hasn't pulled the trigger. Wonder if it has anything to do with last week? : I do not wish to give a public opinion about them at this time. May GOD be with everyone at this time of need.
  20. All HISD are closed until Monday and no events will take place this weekend!
  21. Bolivar Peninsula now under voluntary as is Galveston County, which includes areas like Clear Lake, Kemah and Dickinson.
  22. New GFDL model, Cat 3 - Galveston Bay
  23. I can't speak for anyone on the Emergency panel but... We are dealing with multiple BIG cities here...This will be a Rita-type evac. 1 day before and time to go so if I were you, get things ready to go because Thursday would be the day they tell you to get out. Dang if you do, dang if you dont. I know people who left for Austin and they are leaving Austin because it could get nasty there but you won't get 100 mph winds plus I-35 will be a major evac route.
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