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Everything posted by mytwocents-28

  1. thank you for the updates. Keep them coming please.
  2. man you too busy to chill and talk at work??
  3. Oh you're not supposed to bron that up aaw. It doesn't fit his agenda.
  4. see that's my point. You're agreeing because of blah blah and bh and blah blah. He never said anything about bh. Period.
  5. man where did he say anything about barbers hill??? I'm failing to see that.
  6. Don't mind him, he likes to hate on vidor since that playoff win in 2011. Gotta let it go cougtalk.
  7. Sure as heck didn't stop it the 3 years before that
  8. Ahhhhh my old friend bmtqj33 back again. How's the weather up there in the clouds? Cuz that's where your head has got to be to think your gonna stop my pirates. Not to mention you're coming to the boneyard this year. Don't worry you'll always have the lee and Livingston wins to boost your morale. See y'all Friday.
  9. what y'all think?? I got Vidor - 38 ozen -24
  10. don't count your chickens before they hatch 99.
  11. Look at that, vidor has been blessed with the a word but the king of the a word. Thank you kind sir
  12. He won't post???? Haha wow dude. You're barking up the wrong tree my friend.
  13. Not saying that. Just saying he sure resembles him on the offensive side.
  14. Little Quirante looking like his brother. I'm loving it!
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