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J/V Bulldog 2010

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  1. does any1 no if nederland is goin to play Waller again?
  2. any predictons on the ned png game tomorrow?
  3. did any1 stick out in the ned and vidor game?
  4. Did any1 stick out in the game against ned and vidor I was at home
  5. who do yall think r the best players for vidor and nederland?
  6. my coach keeps switching me from stopper to center mid to forward im a freshmen including me ther r 7 fresh but 1 is injured and 1 failed so we only have 5 sophmore-8 juniore- we lost 1 to varsity so now we have 2 wut do u play
  7. I think the hardest game we played was png the only reason we won is cuz on of our players had the luckiest goal in the but then one of our forwards had a good header our last 2 games r gonna be our hardest they're against vidor and the our last game is against png
  8. wut do yall think about the nederland and vidor game tuesday what certain players do yall think r going to do good in the game
  9. yea we got vidor tuesday it'll be a good game hopefully we won't come out flat and have to tie them again so who r yall play jvanw and wut team do u play for
  10. dogfan00 ur so gay j/j ned is still the best and undefeated and the y will stay undefeated
  11. you forgot to put nederland on there
  12. who ever post this forgot to put nederland on there I think kent maxwell is the best
  13. Nederland jv won today against PNG jv 2-0 it was a well faught game number 10 and 13 didn't do so well for nederland but number 9 was outstanding lol j/j with yall they played good any comments about the game post them so I can read them
  14. game is tomorrow baby PNG yall better be ready
  15. u ready for the game saturday?
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