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Everything posted by TROJANSWIN

  1. Only a handful of people wanted to change coaches. Main one was a sorry excuse for a superintendent, who didn't care because he had no intention of staying long enough to see the damage happen. Unfortunately we had a group of spineless school board members who went along with it! I voiced my opinion then with the school board and remind them all the time that this manure show is their doing! Doesn't help the kids much though! Their high school years are being taken up by this losing program!
  2. For me it isn't as much about the type of offense or defense they choose to run. Everyone has their ideas of what works and what doesn't. It is things like clock management. The first game against Huntsville that you referenced we had the ball with very little time to go in the first half. We were on our side of the field. We could easily have run out the clock, but instead threw 3 incomplete passes, then went for it on 4th down and turned the ball over with time for Huntsville to take 3 shots at the end zone. This has continued to happen for several years now. Several games I have watched is with a less than one touchdown lead snap the ball with 12 or 15 seconds on the play clock for the entire series,and then give the other team 1 or 2 minutes on offense to try and come back on us. In Kountze this year, we called all of our timeouts in the 4th quarter to try to score another touchdown with a huge lead. Why? Because the coaches had a bet going on how many passes they could throw in a game! The coaching staff does not know how to win!! They waste talent and are losing players because of it. Our best player last year who had several offers from D1 colleges almost didn't play his senior year, because of the coaching issues that plague this team.Community members had to talk the young man into playing and he had to get his schedule changed to get back into athletics for his senior year because he was seriously done with them. By the way, he has 2 brothers who play in college, so he knows a little something about how it works and had legitimate offers to go play. Instead he is in welding school because he doesn't want to play football anymore. They killed his love for the game and made him not want to be around it. But as I have said before, the only reason Coldspring isn't as good anymore is because the talent just isn't there, or so they tell me. But as our AD and head coach says, he cares as much about 7th grade volleyball as he does about Varsity football! I guess that is why he hired a 7th grade volleyball coach to be the varsity volleyball coach! If all of the teams lose then people can't complain about you favoring one sport over the others!
  3. Sadly Both UPS and FedEx use the postal service to deliver packages for them. They make money by charging you to deliver and then paying the post office to deliver it for them!! Besides, what kind of business comes up with the idea that if you come to my office and pick up your stuff I charge you a yearly fee, but I will deliver it to you for free all year? Pizza Hut and Dominos both figured out it costs more for delivery than take out, but the post office works backwards!
  4. Nah, about 3 years too late! With the current coaching situation in Coldspring I can't get butt hurt over losing! Would be the worst case of hemoroids ever heard of. Of course as I keep getting told, the talent just isn't there! It's a shame to blame the kids for the destructive nature of a superintendent! But what the heck, he moved on to another district. Been watching the Trojans for a long time. They sucked before Barbay got there, and they suck again after he left, but I guess he just had good timing and got the only good group of athletes to come through Coldspring. it is terrible to watch a talented group of kids work their butts off to get beat because you get out coached every week. Luckily the rest of the district is terrible enough so that we still make the playoffs.
  5. I would say more like Coldspring didn't show up!
  6. Let's go Trojans!!
  7. 44-8 Coldspring with 10:41 left in game
  8. Coldspring won, not Trinity
  9. Coldspring has the athletes to compete and win this game. Kirbyville will play a good game, and do their thing. This game will depend on which coldspring team shows up. If they are prepared and play the way they are capable, Coldspring wins by 2 scores. If they come out flat and have a bust for a game plan, kirbyville will blow them out! Being a district game that could mean a lot this year in the final standings, Coldspring should be ready! Five time undefeated back to back district championships on the line!! Let's go Trojans!!
  10. 32 to 0 coldspring winning 3:39 second quarter
  11. 28-7 Crockett winning 7:24 left 4th quarter
  12. Right now it isn't looking good for Coldspring! Have a lot of stuff to figure out before district starts!
  13. This is not a rebuilding year for Coldspring. The talent is there. The size and speed are there. The experience at skill positions is there. Only one thing has changed in the last few years. But, the good news is that we don't even have a freshman football team this year, so the future is looking really bright!
  14. No, only black thug lives matter when they are killed by white people or police officers. If they are aborted by momma or kills by another thug nobody seems to care. If they are a hard working person who is trying to raise a family in one of the "ghettos" then they can be robbed, raped, shot, stabbed, beaten, or killed by a thug and reverend Al or none of the democrats give a crap. They might as well make their signs and slogans "some black lives matter, if we can make money, get elected, or get news coverage from it."
  15. The only reason they even know that anything is happening at all is because we air our laundry to the world. How many people do you think we're killed by police or their own military that are innocent in other countries every day? Just because our police kill a couple of thugs who were all in the process of some kind of crime, we have the most spoiled country in the world. If our free stuff doesn't get to us fast enough we whine and cry about it. If we get caught breaking the law, our relatives and friends go on television on in te newspaper telling how we were such a good person and only did one bad thing in our life. We don't deserve to be punished! Even though it's the third felony we commuted that day!
  16. Maybe the UN should put on their blue helmets and go stand on te street in Ferguson and send in inspectors like they do when a country is committing genocide. They can offer sanctions against us if we don't let them complete the inspection. Then when the stuff really hits the fan and they have to go to war, well they can call us and see if we will attack ourselves for them since they are impotent!
  17. If the price of oil keeps dropping we are in for a crash. At least in Texas. Cheap gas is nice, but it is costing jobs as it drops!
  18. What are you talking about? Can't assume what? What does your son's hair style have to do with people pointing guns at or attacking police officers?
  19. That's funny right there, I don't care who you are!
  20. This guy is good. He should make these for all races, genders, sexual preferences, etc... They should be mandatory for all freshman in high school and again as seniors. Then be run as public service announcements like they used to run the after school specials. If people would listen to him instead of blaming others for every problem, and each person take care of themselves, the world would be a better place.
  21. Great post! Merry Christmas to you also
  22. The mayor of the town is a black man. I saw an interview with him earlier and he seemed to think the officer was justified in the shooting. Hopefully, people will listen to him and behave!
  23. The problem with this is that many of the "protesters" and looters aren't from these communities. Many of them have no real clue what they are protesting or why. Many of the people from the community have nothing to do with the protests and in the case of Michael Brown have probably seen him in action and know he was a thug. I would bet the way he acted in the store and what happened with officer Wilson that this was not the first time he acted in this manner. He has probably terrorized the neighborhood and most are probably happier with him gone. As long as the protests are truly peaceful, they should be left alone. As soon as a rock is thrown, something is lit on fire, or a physical altercation takes place, then arrests should've made and the protest should disband. I just saw footage from the gas station where the latest shooting happened. There was a "protest" already taking place and someone threw fireworks into the gas pump. That is not peaceful and could have killed a lot of people.
  24. I would hope if someone stepped up he would not be shot. No one has shot Sharpton and with his past and tactics, I would think he is more likely to get shot than a modern day MLK. The shooting of MLK has had a horrible impact on our country. His ideology and leadership have been missed. Many of those who stepped into the void left behind him have been out for themselves and have damaged our country.
  25. I forgot, the press will have a field day with each killing. The more black men or police that get shot, the more excited these vultures will be. They would be happy with all out civil war. Get to report from the battle and not leave the country. They are licking their lips and fanning the coals hoping for the flame to light.
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