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Everything posted by TROJANSWIN

  1. This mess is going to get out of hand! If someone respectable from the black community doesn't step up and calm people down. There are going to be more idiots out there looking to get even, and that will lead to more shootings. No matter which side wins the gun fight, the other side is going to get more defensive. Soon we will have truly innocent black people getting shot because the police officers will be paranoid of any black person that looks like they may be able to carry a gun. This is going to become a self fulfilling prophecy. A few more police officers will be killed, and a bunch more black men will be killed. It will get out of hand! We need someone more like Martin Luther King and less Farrakans and Sharptons now. Stirring the pot is only going to get more people killed.
  2. There is a time and a place for everything. In some situations and with the right people, open carry will be fine. Walking through Walmart or te mall is not one of those instances in my opinion. My entire family traveled to Alaska a few years back. We did a lot of fishing and hiking in the woods with 7 kids. My father, brother-in-law, and I all carried our pistols along. When we went into town to shop, we took them off and left them in the car. After the new wears off, people will go back to not toting them everywhere and things will get back to pretty much the same as now. But, there will always be some idiot who wants to stir trouble that will march into the mall wearing it. I have grown up around guns and my children both have been shooting since they were old enough to hold a red rider and then a 22. When someone walks down the sidewalk or into a store with a legal gun and I don't know that person it makes me very nervous. There are too many crazies out there who want to do evil things, and when people try to prove they have a right to carry a gun and show up in a crowded place, it is scary.
  3. No, her point is because her son is not mature enough to be life ready at 18, any 18 year old thug who robs a store and attacks a cop should be treated like a 5 year old instead of an adult!
  4. And if the prosecutor did press charges on these idiots for perjury, you would be on here squealing like a stuck pig that they only got prosecuted because they are black. If they intentionally lied to try to change the outcome of this case, then they should be prosecuted no matter which side they lied for! You are either ruining an innocent man's life to help your cause, or trying to free a guilty person. Either way that is wrong and you should pay for your crime. If not, what is to stop 500 people from lying next time?
  5. At 18 they can legally drive, vote, smoke, or go to war. Some 18 year olds are married, have kids, have jobs, and are able to do the same everyday things like adults. If you don't think they are adults at 18, just ask them! Go to any high school and poll the senior class. They are grown! They don't want anyone telling them what to do. Until they do something stupid, and then they come running back to mommy or daddy. In some cultures 13 or 14 is considered adults. They leave the family and go out into the world. It's amazing how grown and smart the Liberals pretend 18-20 year olds are when they vote for democrats in big numbers, but when they commit a crime they are too young to know what they are doing!
  6. The mentally deranged person will find a way to hurt people. Maybe with a gun, maybe with a hammer, maybe with an airplane, a bomb, knife, or car. You cannot take any possible weapon away from a person who wants to hurt others. What you can do is arm yourself and your family so that when the mentally deranged person shows up, you have a fighting chance. Taking away guns from people who would only use them against another person in self defense will not make the world safer! It gives the bullies and thugs the advantage.
  7. Gun control didn't help Australia recently. Criminal still had a gun and no chance anyone else had one. Gun free zone ensures no one can fight back.
  8. The problem is, where do you find honorable top officials? Very few of them exist anymore.
  9. A few months back, you were whining about someone else getting a supervisor position instead of you. Maybe this is the reason. I know you claimed it was because of racial discrimination, but maybe it was dedication to your job that caused you to get passed over.
  10. Why didn't the police shoot him? He is black, very tall, and was breaking the law.
  11. My opinion is, it depends on their salary. If they are making 250 million dollars a year, do you think they deserve time and a half for overtime? I think it's already figured into their salary. If they make 30,000 a year, then they should probably be getting overtime pay. With today's cost of living and salaries, I think somewhere between 40,000 and 75,000 is a fair salary for most low level supervisors to be considered white collar jobs not requiring overtime.
  12. And when you do, you prove my point! So are you saying that comparing black people getting lynched to fruit hanging from a tree is not stupid? Because, when I said that the person who made the comment was stupid, you throw this crap out there. You should ask A&M for a refund!
  13. Texans are finished for this year. Need to lose the last three games and get as high of a draft pick as they can. Then pick up RG3 and get a freakin tight end that can catch. Their defense has kept them interesting this year. If they can get clowney back healthy, they will be ok. Just have to have some kind of offense. Foster can't be the entire offense. When you only have one or two receivers that can even catch the ball, and no quarter back, your defense is constantly on the field. In today's NFL you cannot keep the other team from scoring forever. Have to be able to burn some clock and score some points.
  14. Aren't you black? Are you dead? Why hasn't a police officer shot you? Maybe because you weren't robbing a store, assaulting a police officer, pointing a gun at them. Wierd how that works isn't it? Even though you are black, you got a job, a house, and haven't been shot by the police. Maybe it isn't your color, maybe it is the things you do. Same for the morons who keep getting arrested or shot. Not their color, the things they do are the problem.
  15. Not sure of the details, and I am sure the government will somehow make this into a fiasco, but I can see a valid point in this change. If you are only making 28 or 30 thousand a year, you should be able to draw overtime pay. Working 50 or 60 hours a week as a supervisor should be worth your time.
  16. Must have been his lucky day! Or maybe just different circumstances. Maybe they could tell it was a BB gun. Maybe they weren't in a neighborhood where they had been shot at before. Maybe they are racist and since he was white they didn't shoot him. Bet I know which maybe you pick!
  17. Obama administration guilty of treason! Since we are throwing out random accusations, thought I would add one.
  18. I would imagine they probably yelled this multiple times before they resorted to firing their weapon. What happened to not attacking or pointing guns at a police officer. Instead of making excuses for these idiots after they get shot and blaming the cops, maybe we should try teaching them how to behave and act so they can stay alive! 1. Don't rob or steal! 2. Stop assaulting people! 3. Don't point a gun at another person! If you do any of these things to a person, you should realize they may fight back. If you do these things to a person with a gun, you should realize they may shoot you. If you do these things to a police officer, they are a person and have a gun, they might shoot you! Stop being stupid and you don't get shot by police officers. You don't want to get arrested, stop breaking the law!
  19. If you are put to death by means of the death penalty, your death is still ruled a homicide!
  20. "You can't fix stupid"!
  21. It is no longer exciting so it doesn't ge them ratings anymore. They could care less about Ferguson, Michael Brown, Officer Wilson, or anything else having to do with this situation. Unless something new and exciting happens they are looking for te next tragedy to exploit!
  22. Martin Luther King Jr. actually cared about all people. He didn't try to make money off a crisis. He tried to help people. He wasn't trying to make things worse for one group so that another group would feel equal. He was trying to bring a group that was treated worse up to the level of the group that was treated better. He didn't want to take things away, he wanted to make things better for blacks and in turn make things better for all. Today's race hustlers are out to make money for themselves first, and help others a distant second. If there isn't a real problem, or if they can't find a way to help with a problem, they just find someone to blame and make things worse for them so people will think they are doing something. If we can't bring one group up, we bring another group down so that we can seem more equal.
  23. Let's see: More free stuff/ less for our kids future Less free stuff/ better chance for our kids future *screw the kids I want mine ,/ Obama / Biden
  24. The governor of Missouri is a democrat stooge. Just like the lieutenant governor is a republican stooge. No, he would not give up that Obama called the plays, and the republican will blame Obama no matter what. Both parties are playing us for fools. They keep us arguing with each other so we don't pay attention to what they are doing. They have successfully split the country and working together to keep it that way.
  25. Does it really matter where they were born at this point? If they are nominated by the democrats or republicans they will be out to screw the rest of the country. Neither party will allow an honest candidate who will follow the constitution and choose the country over their party!
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