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Everything posted by TROJANSWIN
If he's white beat him with a hammer? Is that the other Motto? Oh wait, once again it only counts when it fits your perspective of everyone is against the black man. I wonder do blind white people still hate black people, or only the ones that can see their color?
So when two pieces of crap kill another piece of crap it's ok, but when a cop defends himself from a piece of crap we should riot? Is that what you are getting at? Or did you mean it is only when a white cop defends himself against a black piece of crap? Then we should riot! Ok, I think I got it now. Sounds like the same plan Obama and Holder follow. It is ok for All the dope heads and thugs in te country to kill each other over five dollars or a pair of shoes. It is not ok for a police officer to do his job and then defend himself. Makes sense! You ever thought about working in politics? Can you speak Chinese? If not, you may be able to be ambassador to China. Seems to be the qualification necessary to get appointed.
I must have missed that. I don't remember hearing about the riots and looting in Orange.
The political correctness is getting out of hand. If you are born with a bat and balls, you play baseball not softball, and keep your rear end out of the locker room or bathroom with my daughter. No matter what any psychiatrist or sociologist says, unless we learn to change a Y chromosome into an X chromosome, you are a male. I know you want to be a girl, but you are not! I want to be Superman, but I wasn't born on Crypton. Sucks for both of us, but I guess we will have to live with it.
I know I feel really sorry for the poor ISIS guys who are cutting the heads of if children and putting them on stakes. And, when they have to take their own daughter out into the street and beat her to death with a rock. Poor guy.
Is it all black kids? Or just the boys? Or just the boys with a criminal record? Or just the boys with a criminal record who are shot while attacking a cop? Do they have to actually get shot, or can they beat someone to death with a hammer? If you don't have a record, but loot stores and burn police cars and businesses, can you still be a thug? Just trying to figure out how much crime you have to commit before you can be labeled a thug by a bunch of racist white people like myself?
If the kid pulled any kind of gun and made a threatening move toward the officers, then they are justified in the shooting. However, he probably should never have been hired. The problem is people have become so lawsuit happy that when they called for a reference independence was not able to be honest and tell them not to hire him. Even if he would have been fired if he stayed, once he resigned, unless they asked the right questions Independence would have been sued for defamation of character or slander. Instead, they are politically correct and just say he resigned for personal reasons.
Michael Brown deserved everything he got and officer Wilson was defending himself and needed to stop him immediately. This guy is a slightly different case. Although he was breaking the law and didn't immediately comply, the officers were awfully quick to dog pile him. It seems like they could have used a little more calm approach and probably got a better result. These officers did not intend to do great harm to the man and probably never dreamed that they were killing him. Still, they should be accountable for their actions. Ultimately their actions helps cause his death. When I worked at TDCJ and we had to take someone down, we were taught about positional asphyxia. As soon as he was under control they could have move him to a different position and it would have allowed him to breathe. The other officers who were piled on top were just as responsible. Putting weight on top of his body while he is face down causes this problem. Should they be tried for murder, no! But they should have some repercussions from their performance by the PD. they did not do a good job at work! Fired, suspended, demoted, I don't know what NYPD policies are for officers not doing their job correctly, but all of the officers involved should receive some sort of punishment. In addition, NYPD should be sued and held liable by his family. They need to do a better job training their officers to handle situations than this!
Either way, you are both wasting your time. You will never agree, and no one will ever prove Obama had anything to do with it. Even if he did, his stoolies will take the fall and he will stay clean. Watch any Chicago gangster movie, the boss is never the trigger man and is always somewhere else with a bunch of witnesses to say he didn't do it.
I don't know if he Caused any of the rioting or not. Really don't care, one way or the other, as far as I am concerned the people looting and burning stuff that night had come there looking to cause trouble and were actually hoping the decision went this way so they could blame something else for their actions. What bothers me the most about the article is that it is thought no prosecutor would push this case because of the situation. Justice is suppose to be blind! Not based on color, not based on popularity, not based on wether or not people will riot after the verdict. To say they won't indict him because it would cause problems is like paying off terrorists. From now on, This same group will get their way in court because they know if they act stupid the authorities will be afraid to do anything about it.
Highway shutdown averted at Ferguson Protest
TROJANSWIN replied to thetragichippy's topic in The Locker Room
I can't believe people are stupid enough to walk into traffic on an interstate highway! That's not protesting, that's suicide. People don't win a collision with an automobile. What is going to happen when someone hits and kills one of these idiots? I guess I came from too far out in the sticks. You didn't play in the road, because a car or truck would hit you and kill you. It often amazes me when I am in a city or especially on a college campus and someone just walks out there like they are sure you are going to stop. I have had people riding with me say, "pedestrians have the right of way". That is true, but getting hit by a car doesn't work out so good for deer and dogs. I bet people don't fare a whole lot better. What point is it proving if you can get a freeway shut down and cause people who have nothing to do with what you are protesting to hate you for protesting? They are definitely not going to see your side when you have caused them trouble. -
The price if gas in different towns has always had me wondering. Different towns will have completely different prices. Sometimes 15 or 20 cents a gallon only 20 miles away. Hearne Texas near College station has the gas supply racks for that area. Every 18 wheeler delivering gas to any station around fills up at the rack in Hearne. Yet Hearne has the highest gas prices of any town around them. Just simple economics would seem they have to use more fuel to haul the gas to other towns. It should cost more than it does in Hearne. Been that way for years.
Just saw where Michelle Obama had a press conference condemning the looters and rioters in Ferguson. She scolded them pretty harshly! You could tell she was very angry with their choice of items they were stealing. She kept repeating "instead of fast food and liquor, you should be looting carrots and celery"!
Don't buy the pills! Oh wait you might die. What price is staying alive worth. Don't buy insurance! Up until Obama care, there was nothing that said you had to have insurance. If you think it costs too much, don't buy it. If you get sick or hurt, pay your medical bills out of pocket. I don't understand why a company would charge more for someone who uses the product more!! When I fill my wife's suburban with gas, they only charge me what a Geo Metro pays for gas. Charging more for getting more just doesn't make sense! Good thing those fine democrats were looking out for us and had to be bribed and threatened to vote for their parties bill.
Sounds good to me! Oh wait, are you referring to the ones who came over in the 1800's and stopped and registered in Galveston, New Orleans, or at Ellis Island in New York? The ones who completed the proper paper work and registered. Then declared allegiance to the United States! Or the ones who hired drug cartels or Coyotes to smuggle them in and then hid among the population so that no one new they weren't supposed to be here. Then they put the flag up of the country that they came and told everyone that they were taking their country back! No, you must be talking about te first bunch!
Butt clown lame duck! Lol!
As long as y'all realize this whole mess was George Bush's fault and the butt clowns in charge inherited the racial tensions and it would all be much worse if they hadn't been elected and appointed!!
Black Activists Condemn obama's Unlawful Action...
TROJANSWIN replied to smitty's topic in Political Forum
Uncle toms! -
You would think someone trying to defend the constitution is funny. What is funny is the butt clown president trying to put together a sentence without a teleprompter. Uh, um, uh, what I mean is, uh, yeah, change, that's it, that's what I mean.
When a top official in charge of stopping something says we are vulnerable to attack, it is not a conspiracy. That pretty much is a warning that we could have a problem. Besides he didn't say it was Obama's fault, so why do you care?
What, not all white people are rich? I may be white after all. Always figured I wasn't really white because I am poor. Thank you for helping me realize my true race! You are truly a racist. Everything you see revolves around color and race. Getting free stuff and sucking off the government tit is wrong in all colors and races. No one said we should give free stuff to white people and kick off all the minorities. No free stuff from the government for anyone!!
I would be willing to bet very few of the rioters are from Ferguson. It has nothing to do with the grand jury, Michael Brown, or the Ferguson police. They use it is an excuse to steal and run around destroying things. The worst part is that they get associated with the real protesters. I don't really agree with the protests in this case, but I don't have to. It is their right to protest. As long as they do it peacefully, so be it. Some of the protesters even tried to stop the looting and destruction. It makes every part of this issue worse. The police will now be more on edge, and will be more likely to react badly to the real protesters. The protesters look bad, because they get associated with this trash. The owners of the businesses and their employees, some of which are black, are out of work, or had their business destroyed. Michael Brown is still dead. Officer Wilson will have to resign and move, and then will still have to worry about retaliation in the future. The president, missourri governor, and attorney general come out looking like idiots.The only people who come out of this with a positive are Al Sharpton because he has a made up cause and the news media who have something for people to watch instead of talking about turkeys and parades.
What an embarrassment to all Americans! It is like watching Somalia or Iraq civil war only it is happening in our own country. And why are we in the street stealing bottles of liquor and candy bars? Because 1 person was shot while attacking another person. Not because the government rolled over 50 college students with tanks, or rounded up people on the middle of the night and then mass executed them and dumped them in a pit. Nope a thug was shot by a police officer, after robbing a store and pushing down the little clerk who tried to stop him, then charging and attacking the police officer when he confronted him for jay walking, robbery, or something else. So for this we burn down businesses, destroy people's lives, and look like complete fools to the entire world. Then we try to tell other countries don't kill and eat a whale, because you should be civilized like us! The leaders of the black community that have stirred this up or even didn't try to stop it should be embarrased. Everyone wants to be equal and have equal rights, then starting acting like you are not from a third world country and are part of a civilized society and maybe people will see you as equal.
Then everyone should take that into account when they patronize that business. If you don't agree with it then don't shop there. A business should have the right to decide who it lets in. They should also be responsible for that choice if they choose to make it. Should nudists be allowed in a restaurant? No shirt, no shoes, no service. There are plenty of places that are banning concealed carry on their property. I choose not to support those places, just like they choose to ban the legal carry of firearms on their property. If they hang a sign up that says "no blacks allowed", the. I will choose not to do business with them also. If they still have enough customers to stay open then so be it, but if they go bankrupt, it is their own fault. Howany Muslims were actually wanting to go to this shooting range? I bet it was a very small number, and it is probably more the owner trying to make a political statement or score some brownie points with a few of the other customers. Do they really think it will stop a shooting or keep some radical idiot from killing people if they don't practice at their range? Hopefully they are not that dumb. All I am saying is that we should have choices. Sometimes those choices have consequences. A business should be able to run its business the way it wants, and we as consumers should decide if we like the choices they make. If they want to ban white people or christians or women or little green men from outer space, that should be their choice. It doesn't mean the rest of us have to shop there either. Where does political correctness end and when can we finally just be honest with each other and quit trying to fix or change everyone? We can't all be offended all the time. If we all take care of the one person we can control, ourself, nd quit telling everyone else what to do the world would be a better place.
Ups and FedEx actually take packages and charge customers, then send the package by USPS. They make money off the package by shipping with the postal service. Also, do you know any other enterprise that if you go to them to pick up your mail, you have to pay a yearly fee, but if they bring it to you it is free? If they charged $5 a year to have mail delivered to your mailbox, I bet they would be out of the negative.