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Everything posted by TROJANSWIN

  1. Ok, I'll bite. I would consider myself a teabagger in its ghetto meaning. Based on that meaning I would think EnlightenedChosenOne would agree since it was his momma that initiated me to the club! Boom, I can act like a 12 year old moron too. However to answer your question, I was not happy with romneys nomination because I supported a different candidate that seemed more interested in following the constitution than the other candidates. Grow up and quit wasting everyone's time playing word games and trying to entice an angry response. Your actions on this board are just like a politicians. Never a straight answer or anything with meaning. Just trying to bait people and cause confusion.
  2. It is amazing the amount of statistics and government studies and polls there are that prove or disprove that either the democrats, or the republicans, or the house of representatives, or the president, or the senate is right, wrong, at fault, or who knows what else. The problem is : None of them, democrat or republican; senator, congressman, or president gives a rat's rear end about any of you, the country, or anything but themself. You argue back and forth, spew statistics Back and forth to prove your point or disprove the other point. But never on this board with complete opposite opinions and thousands of statistics quoted has anyone ever been wrong. This is the exact same thing that our government does. That is why we are in the mess we are in. Until we go back to a country run by citizens that are elected to do a job, and then do what they were elected to do, are honest with each other and us, and have not chosen a career in politics because they know they can say anything to get elected, then just say the right things and sit back and watch while we argue if they are good or bad. Republicans aren't always wrong, neither are democrats. Obama isn't always right, or wrong. Neither was Bush, Clinton, or Reagan. Until we quit trying to win at politics and actually try to do the things that are legal, honest, and can be agreed on because they are a real solution to a real problem, we will all just keep chasing our tails. Meanwhile, the politicians, pollsters, lobbyists, and every other group that us sucking the life out of the country keep getting paid because it is someone else's fault that they voted for the wrong thief and liar.
  3. Clinton is actually just as responsible for Afghanistan as G.W. Bush. He was launching Tomahawk missiles at Afghanistan years before Bush was elected. He also had several chances to take custody of Bin Laden and didn't. Even though our intelligence operatives were all for it. Bush just happened to be president after 9/11 when congress, both dem and repub overwhelmingly voted to go after Bin Laden. Iraq is a different story, Bush is responsible for that. If anyone other than W. is to blame, it would have to be his father for not finishing the job the first time.
  4. If minimum wage was raised before, then why does it need to be raised again? That should have fixed the problem!
  5. I know exactly what I am talking about. Hard working people are able to find jobs when they want to. I have seen it in action my whole life. If someone tries they can find work. Not always the best or highest paying, but they will get a job, and if they have a great work ethic employers will find a spot for them. Now, as for what have the republicans done for the middle-class. Very little!! I don't pretend that any politician is looking out for anyone but themself. I just think that at this point in time, they do less damage than the democrats. Notice I said less, not "none". What can you tell me realistically, not theoretically, have democrats done for the middle class? Who's life is better in the long term because of what they did "for the middle class"?
  6. Probably, but for way more reasons than these, and we will probably see him when we get there. Sitting in a church and calling yourself a Christian doesn't make you one, just like sitting in a garage and calling yourself a car also won't work.
  7. Why do democrats consider themselves for the "working man"? They take away from the working man to give to the non-working man. They kill jobs with their policies that a true "working man" would be glad to have. Paying someone to sit on their butt for 2 years and draw unemployment isn't helping a working man. A working man got off his butt the next week and found some kind of job to get a paycheck. Maybe it wasn't his dream job in a corner office, but it was something that got him money to support himself and/or his family. A true "working man" doesn't need the governments help. If they show up on time, bust their butt all day, pass a piss test, and come back the next day they will have a job. Taking a kickback from a union or giving out free stuff doesn't make a democrat a job creator. Doesn't do it for a republican either, but then they are all for the wealthy business owner who doesn't care about their employees, and are the evil scum we must rid the world of so that more people can need free stuff and vote for us.
  8. The title of the thread says minimum wage to $15.00 per hour not $10.00. I bet since McDonald's has taken the time to figure out how much they have to charge to make a profit, doubling the cost of salaries will just about double their prices. I know I definitely don't mind paying twice as much for the same product so the 30 year old (who has a hard time counting to 3 orders of French fries in a bag, or 10 mcnuggets in a box, can keep working in an entry level job instead of trying to improve themself and getting a better paying job, so that a high school kid can find a job to get some work experience and spending money.
  9. So what will that make a Big Mac meal cost? I'm betting about $15.00. Since it was very near to the cost of minimum wage now. That will be goodness for those getting the big raise, they will be able to buy a lot more now. Oh wait, no, they still can only buy the same amount. Maybe they should raise minimum wage to $30.00. That would fix it! ;(
  10. 1. None of my family was here till after the Civil War, so I don't want to here about how I should feel guilty because of slavery. 2. The Democrat Party is the party of the Ku Klux Clan, and Abraham Lincoln (who freed the slaves) was a Republican, so don't tell me how the republicans have oppressed your people. 3. My entire family is German and all of my great-grandparents and grandparents faced beatings, bigotry, and hate for their ancestry during WWII, and it was forbidden for them to speak German or they would be attacked. 4. If you look back through the history of the world, every culture, race, or group of people has been oppressed by another group at some point. 5. The current president and his cabinet and administration has flat out lied and deceived the American people of all races. The Caucasian democrats along with every other race and nationality in congress currently have helped to destroy the freedoms that were granted to the people of this country by "our creator". Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are being destroyed so that we can live in the way they consider someone should live. They know better than we do, so they should tell us what to eat, what to drive, and what we can and cannot do. 6. Most republicans fit in with number 5 above. They are just as guilty of destroying our country as anyone. 7. President Obama ( white, black, brown, green, or other), has done very little good and very much to destroy our country in the way I mentioned above. I disagree with the majority of his policies, the things he has pushed for, and his beliefs of what governments function is. 8. I did not vote for him either time, I also did not vote for Romney or mcCain. 9. I am not racist, I just think he has done a great job doing what he said he would do, "fundamentally change" our country. For that I hate him. Even though the United States was not perfect and never has been, what other country has the number of immigrants trying to come there? They are coming for a reason. We were doing things better than anyone else. What do we want to change it to be like? We had the best country in the world, and his stated goal is to change it. Why? Because the majority of Americans have gotten lazy and spoiled and he knew that promising them more free stuff and that it is someone else's fault that they don't have the same lifestyle that the people we see on TV have, that we would vote for him so we could get those things without having to actually earn them. Sadly, he is right, and he won, so even though he is asking us to give up control of our lives and trying to bring our country down to the level of the 3rd world countries, we will gladly sit and beg for scraps, still hoping Donald Trump or Bill Gates stuff will be ours soon.
  11. The safer bet for the Texans is picking Johnny. If they pick him and he flops fans will forget about it in a couple years. If they don't pick him and he becomes a star, they never live it down! Of course if they don't pick him and he flops, and they end up with a star instead, they get the best deal of all!! Either way, I'm betting they screw it up!
  12. Reloaded and ready to roll ;D ;D Got 3 horses for running backs and a stiff defense. Not much change from years past. Good scrimmage tonight with jasper to use as a measuring stick. Should know more about just how good they are after lamarque and navasota games.
  13. Congratulations to the Rattlers!!!
  14. [quote name="knows2much" post="1352285" timestamp="1355024216"] I was at WOS game last night. Coaching comparison was 19 to 9. Coldsprings also has 19 high school football coaches. [/quote] Coldspring barely has 19 teachers at the high school.  Maybe if your school would have spent more on math teachers and less on jumbotrons, you would have learned to count.
  15. [quote name="Gasilla" post="1352419" timestamp="1355062877"] [quote author=FARVA link=topic=107262.msg1352416#msg1352416 date=1355061480] I will move on but I have this to say WOS would not have made it out of the second round if they would have been in the bottom side of the bracket. Coldspring and La Marque were a better team than WOS. [/quote] LOL... So now CS fans going to try and get their shots in? CS was a shadow of their former selves, they wouldn't have got past Lorena. LM and WOS would have been a good game. [/quote] Sure, that is why they went to LaMarque and beat them on their home turf.  Coldspring was just as good this year as they have been the past two.  They played a much tougher schedule this year, and got beat up some.  Our first string could play with anyone in 3A.  Not to make excuses, because everyone has them and they all stink, but our problem lies in the size of our school.  We can play with anyone, but cannot replace any injuries.  Just don't have the number of kids to do it.  If a starter gets hurt, he has to be replaced with a backup that may be wouldn't even be on the varsity team of Navasota, Carthage, or any of the bigger schools.  In our playoff loss to LaMarque, our best receiver and Defensive back was out with a torn ACL and his replacement had been on JV until the playoffs.  Just not enough kids to fill in at key positions when someone goes down.  Not sure if it would have been enough to beat LaMarque, but would have definitely helped.  Also, I don't know that we could have beat WOS again this year, would have been a good game to watch, but having LaMarque and Navasota dropped into the bracket is a killer.  Oh, and by the way.  Since we are all making excuses, no offence to WOS they had a great season and beat everyone they went up against.  But, had the officials who treated WOS so badly according to some of your fans been still calling penalties against WOS after the score went to 38-0 on Friday, the Mustangs would not have scored in that game.  The pass attempt on 3rd down that made Navasota punt and have it blocked the Dback was dragging the receiver the entire way down the field.  If it would have been called it gave Navasota a 1st down and they didn't have the punt blocked.  Also on a funny note, after the punt was blocked, the referee was in the way and the WOS kid couldn't get to the ball to pick it up and run it in.  He ended up having to fall on the ball instead of scooping it up and scoring.
  16. Ok wos don't be a lamarque. Keep it clean and keep trying. The bad sportsmanship will ruin everything you did all year.
  17. The last drive for navasota the online blew open some huge holes. Navasota now running at will. Game over.
  18. Navasota is the best team I have seen in 3 years of watching the Trojans. This game is not over but the fat lady is warming up. Wos better come out and do some damage after half time or it's lights out.
  19. Looks to me like he has some great blockers.  They opened up some huge holes for him to run through untouched.
  20. Dude hits very hard.  Impressive open field tackles.  Can he catch???  Didn't see many picks, but great speed and hits hard. One of the few highlight reels that I have seen on here that has actually been impressive.
  21. I have not seen WOS this year, but Navasota is very good on both sides of the ball.  They will definitely be the best team by far that WOS has seen this year.  I am not sure that WOS is that much better than either Coldspring or LaMarque, and I have watched Navasota completely disassemble those two teams.  I think WOS versus Coldspring or WOS versus LaMarque would have been a better matchup and WOS would have had a great chance of winning.  I don't think they are the better team this week.  Navasota could have a bad game, drop some passes, fumble the ball, and WOS come out with a win.  I just think that WOS will have to play at the top of their game and get some lucky breaks to win this week.  It is High School Football, who knows.  Navasota could get shut out, and WOS could score 50.  I don't think this will happen, but you never know. Should be a great game, can't wait to watch these two go at it on friday, and finally get to see the WOS defense that I have heard so much about this year.  I have not seen anything yet that will change my prediction from the beginning of the season.  Navasota wins and goes on to win a state championship. 
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