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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. [Hidden Content] • Justice Department lawyer Jeffrey Clark devised a plan with then-President Trump to oust then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, ex-officials said. • The...
  2. Trump went out like a dictator. Never a boring moment when he was in office.
  3. Oh, I'm sorry, I had forgotten your kids attended BISD during Butch's tenure. The biggest complaint you people had about Butch was the salary he was making. And the rest were upset because Butch was a strong leader for the district and he didn't take no shiggidy from people. He had a history of turning around school districts and knew what he was doing.
  4. Not surprised at all about the decision. I'm proud there are board members who are willing to bring this issue to the forefront.
  5. Huh? Even the slave owner had babies with his females he owned.
  6. It was after he left the district when his former employees were caught stealing money. Under his administration, BISD flourished.
  7. A Republican (OK)whose backtracking and trying to make up for his mistakes, listening to trump. In his letter, though, Lankford asks for another chance. “What I did not realize was all of the national conversation about states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, was seen as casting doubt on the validity of votes coming out of predominantly Black communities like Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Detroit,” ...
  8. And why are people like you so willing to pay less to American workers, while many are essential workers.
  9. Yall like Trump because he spoke and what he spoke about. It was hard to separate the lies from truth. That was one of the problems yall didn't deal with too well.
  10. Saudi running out of oil. The land of the US was owned by Hispanics once before, and the US is doing fine. We need $15 min. wage. People want to work and be able to eat
  11. I knew you guys saw thru this guy. You are finally headed towards some healing.
  12. But, he is crazy enough to do it. But probably Jared Kushner or Junior.
  13. We can get national polls.In fact, I just read earlier today that a poll was showing most Americans want trump to leave office.
  14. No hard evidence to convict. Unlike a few days ago.
  15. trump OH my God!! Please give me your number. I'll set an appt. for you for post trump counseling.
  16. Oh, I see fivegallonhat slipping to the other side as well. I see why he keeps bring up she/male topics.
  17. In a very small way, I'm going to miss Trump & his foolish antics. It was never boring during his term.
  18. My wife is a therapist, we can become rich off these Trump Birthers.
  19. Where is your proof? Everybody knows yall take your conspiracy points from the future least liked president who has ever held this office.
  20. Please don't be so agreeable. I almost spit my water out reading this.
  21. You believe whatever this guy says. He is a known liar. He lost and he took his ball home because he could not play ball anymore.
  22. You just changing the narrative. Trump brought it out for more to witness.
  23. Does not matter. His legacy is destroyed. Will be in top 2 as worse presidents when this subject come up for discussion.
  24. You left out the bonuses for the so-called executives.
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