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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. I'm sure there are plenty of coaches from outside this area licking their chops at this position. Lots of talent to coach over there.
  2. Yep, heard he had applied and also another coach outta the Houston area with a State ring has applied too.
  3. Man, didn't know they had torn it down. Good memories in that fieldhouse
  4. ​Heard the Spearman kid is of going to Central.
  5. ​He needs to put in for sick leave cause we got some rainy days ahead.
  6. ​That coach wanted him bad when Rasheed was coming out of high school. Hope it works out for him.
  7. See any potential transfers to BH from the Baytown (Goose Creek) area?
  8. Oh well, lets try and create some more excitement. Any confessions from anyone whose dating somebody's wife or similar drama?
  9. ​LOL!! Reminds me of a team (I won't mention) who had beaten the Houston Defenders 15u some years ago. They were all smiling,laughing and bragging about beating the Houston Defenders. Found out later on they had not beaten their A TEAM.
  10. ​ HISTORY OF ABORTION Over several centuries and in different cultures, there is a rich history of women helping each other to abort. Until the late 1800s, women healers in Western Europe and the U.S. provided abortions and trained other women to do so, without legal prohibitions. The State didn't prohibit abortion until the 19th century, nor did the Church lead in this new repression. In 1803, Britain first passed antiabortion laws, which then became stricter throughout the century. The U.S. followed as individual states began to outlaw abortion. By 1880, most abortions were illegal in the U.S., except those ``necessary to save the life of the woman.'' But the tradition of women's right to early abortion was rooted in U.S. society by then; abortionists continued to practice openly with public support, and juries refused to convict them.
  11. Don't forget now, the reports mentioned that she was suppose to drive them away but changed her mind because she didn't want to "hurt her husband." Dummy!!
  12. Reminds me of the only hurricane to hit the US soil a few years ago that hit Beaumont. Was it Humberto? Everybody went to sleep thinking a tropical storm was coming and woke up to a Cat 1.
  13. HJ beat which Defender team?
  14. ​Point being is that the cell phone environment will help define "objective reasonableness". Get some of these outlaw cops off the streets.
  15. ​Okay, obviously you didn't read Norris v Noe...no diversion at all...just opinions like you
  16. ​Contemporary Trends in Qualified Immunity Jurisprudence: Are Circuit Courts Misapplying Graham v. Connor
  17. ​Yep, I saw his fellow officers ( under stress as well) rush in defuse HIS situation.
  18. ​Just as you say there are good cops, it is also possible the young lady felt she had done no wrong and caught up in the moment like out police officer.I'm sure police are given training for people who raise their voice at them.
  19. I agree, teens should be respectful. But another bigger problem is the cell phone. People have been complaining for years about the mistreatment from cops.
  20. man, I went back and watched the video again. He threw a male teenager (left him) and went to the female and practically laid on her.
  21. ​Yep, I don't blame him.
  22. ​Watch the video again. The young lady is just sitting there (stressed out )and he goes back to her and wrestles her down to the ground. She was not a threat at that moment. He could have defused the situation.
  23. Huh? The kid I saw was pulling up his pants and had a sipping straw or piece of stick in his mouth.
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