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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Kingwood?
  2. AAU   ...errrr da Devil  provided the apple for Eve. AAU errrrr da Devil  wants you to lie  and...   :)
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. AAU is the devil.   :lol:
  5. And I'm sure each team serves a purpose or they would not exist. Definitely give kids an outlet to play during the summer.
  6. "Our?" So, you are a player, coach, fan, or (secret) financial donor??
  7. As big as Houston is you would think there were quality bigs.
  8. :lol: Payback is a b*tch!
  9. Yep!
  10. Ya gotta be careful of the smoke screens put out there. Rules were so strict at one time in the cities that if you sniffed a reefer  :)  you were disqualified. They knew a kid in Cut N Shoot wasn't as exposed to those elements or that kind of environment. Good thing they realized this and eased the rules a little.
  11. Speaking from Walter Scott or Michael Slager's point of view ?
  12. And, in North Carolina there are currently 81 Blacks 65 whites on death row     ooops! Source DPIC
  13. That was a major problem with Houston Police back in those days. Your chances of getting hired if you were from a small community such as (Nederland, Conroe, Vidor, Buna, Cut N Shoot , etc ).
  14. Good luck & be blessed  to all the local kids starting their Live Period sessions this weekend.
  15. We;ve been hearing these type of horror events for a long time. Some true and some false. Houston Police once had a very bad reputation for misuse of its citizens. And it is a race issue because one side of the color line doesn't think it isn't as bad as the other side of the color (s) side claims it is...
  16. Nash is a Republican, therefore he believes in the harshest punishment allowed within the law. Nothing less of pulling the guy's toe nails out and then killing him.
  17. I've had guns pilled out on me by cops. Make me nervous whenever they get behind me to this day.
  18.   And one in (forgot the State) where the cops turned off the cam in the car
  19. Lawd! Let me start a prayer as I take this walk backwards into the S.E.Texas Political Forum.
  20. Hoopstars always have the bigs
  21. He was holding hands with Orange Juice's girl.
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