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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. I'm serious. Arnold did roping or something of that order.
  2. I think Arnold does rodeo too or use to.
  3. And thats all that matters - Bingo!! 
  4. Yep, and Texas Pro 17u was the best team in Houston last year too.
  5. WOW!!! Somebody'd reputation is catching up to the mass. Too many options out there now for players to look at besides the Hoops.
  6. I haven't heard too much about Hoops EYBL team this season. I can only imagine some of the things going on (again) this summer.  :ph34r:
  7. I hope Nash isn't bringing the original hoop baskets to this event for the kids to shoot on. Kids gonna tired from climbing the ladder to retrieve the balls.
  8. Yeah, Sterling and Madison are built in the exact same structure/mold when they were first built (70's I think). I can see why you would get them confused being an outsider.  ;)
  9. I was referring to my basketball Mafia homeboys in a city nearby. S.E. Texas coaches care for their players from what I've seen.
  10. All you can do is get a list of local teams. Take you son to the practices for a tryout. At 6'4, your son is a guard. If he grows to 6'10", great!!! Seen too many kids on teams being the biggest kid and not grow.
  11. And some teams need extra paying players to help fund the team. Probably why they are not playing that much.
  12. Ranking are not that accurate once you start trying to rank kids #20 and below. I'm sure there may be a few but I don't remember too many kids jumping from the 20's to top 10. Hick's ranking are good indicators where a kid is among his peers 20 & up.
  13. Thats right guys. Get those kids better so those "truly sponsored" sneaker teams snatch them up. :lol:
  14. Hmmm, sounds like another convert over to the dark side  :D
  15. What age group are you referring to?
  16. Buts thats only because I'm oldschool and seen the youngn's how they do it now.  ;)
  17. Or the daddy takes the coach out to eat. (oldschool2, you need to catch up with new age basketball). smh  :lol:
  18. Police aren't threatened by celebrities.  :rolleyes:
  19. Thiis guy gave comedians a lot of material in his heydays.     [Hidden Content]
  20. I've had that experience. I stopped right there in my tracks.
  21. Typical "underhanded" response by "da man."  
  22. Yep!!! We're all in this together, aren't we!!!!
  23. Its a sad day in America. What has baseball been reduced to? Once one of our favorite games in America. This morning I woke up and saw where the Giants had won the World Series. During the celebration in the locker room, the players are wearing ski masks to protect their eyes from the spraying brew circling the air. Truly times have changed.   [Hidden Content]
  24. Barkley has a lot of validity in his comments, I would agree. BUT!!!!!!!! lets not confuse criticism of Black people by other Black people as "the" focal point for not being successful. 
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