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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Stevie, what was your college prank? Hmmm? Stevie, what were your college pranks?
  2. [Hidden Content] White Americans are nearly eight times more likely to die from illicit-drug overdoses than murder, the CDC statistics show, a proportion that undoubtedly reflects the heroin and opiate epidemic. But according to FBI data for 2015, when whites are murdered anywhere in the country, the murderer is five times more likely to be white than nonwhite. (This ratio counts only murder cases in which information about the offender is known by law enforcement.) Overall, white Americans who live in predominantly white and Trump-voting counties are 50% more likely to die from murder, gun violence and drug overdoses than whites who live in the most diverse and Democratic-voting counties. The more white and Republican a county is, the greater the risk for white Americans.
  3. Dude, Really!! Nice try!!!!! How many of us can say we never participated in a college prank? They pulled an alarm on UTEP's campus. Sheez!!
  4. Oh okay, so Colin's kneeling was a sign of freedom of expression. What's your point?
  5. Colin doesn't need to be in those communities. He can't "police" every community. There are people there already working in those high crime areas. Farce? Do you think this started just within the past few years? It's been going on for years. Everybody has video capability now. So, its being caught on video now.
  6. So, you're saying Black males are killed because of freedom of expression?
  7. Yep, but especially among Black youths and others of color.
  8. The impact and the timing to get across a very serious message was the point. You saw and now you're aware of his protest. And most of yall are descendants from people who protested against the British flag and thus, the American Revolution. But I get it, its to suit your agenda that makes it right.
  9. So, I guess you noticed the young white male kneeling before the American flag at McCain's funeral?
  11. Is basketball season almost here, yet??
  12. [Hidden Content] #GoColin We support you and you campaign to make awareness about police killings and other social injustices.
  13. So, you don't wear or own Nike gear?
  14. Please do better than this one. So, you gonna sit there and tell me you nor your family have Nike gear?
  15. And you applaud a man who ran from the military and said McCain wasn't a true hero. wow!!
  16. And you still complain!! If he was robbing your house, you'd be whining why he doesn't have a job.
  17. I saw a grown man kneel before the flag in Arizona at McCain's funeral and not a word said about it
  18. Good luck S.E.Texas
  19. Good school. I played there.
  20. Tiger's dad is Black ...His mom is Asian. Tiger is 50% Black. Barack Obama dad is Black, his mom is white... Barack is 50% white
  21. I'm just not convinced enough that you really take that much interest in other cultures. You would also know that the people within those cultures define themselves now, something that wasn't possible years ago because "others" did the defining for them. And I'll let you take one guess who the "others" are
  22. Hmmm, I would not speak too soon about someone being "arrested." Your president has hired a lot of criminals around him.
  23. Hmmm, Chicago has a long-ggg history of gang murders.
  24. Throughout modern history, most of the major race riots were brought about because whites wanted to maintain their right to less competition from other groups in the job market. I don't think that has changed much, even today.
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