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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. I think we have a classic case of repubs being in such bad shape, yall tend to take the focus off your blunders and poor judgement try and make this guy the bad guy. Yall need to fix your party and maybe , just maybe yall could win the next election. BUT!!! Yall still haven't figured it out yet . Why? Because you're too stubborn (I'll use a nice adjective) to CHANGE!!!!
  2. Hahahah!! Its amazing how whites view race as opposed to people of color. Based on the history of this country just a few years ago with Jim Crow, I'm sure I said the same thing. But you know whats also funny. We all had that funny look in your eyes the next morning . Some were stunned and became deaf at work the next day , and others had a gleam in their eyes and smiling & talking. Priceless comparison.
  3. Obama is a very personable person with a pleasing personality and well respected as a world leader. Nope , he ain't perfect, but neither was Reagan. She pushed for his nomination because America needed a change. Someone to look out for the average person and not just place profit over a human being. Obama won because he was more personable and touched people. I guess Black people would have voted for Herman Cain because he is Black? C'mon, please give us more credit.
  4. Oh, do yall REALLY want to start a list of who was voted on because of color? Do you really want to do this?    WOW! So he was voted TWICE to his office because he is biracial. Obama is not Black, speaking from a biological point of reference. Though I realize some of yall may have problems wanting to accept his other 50%.
  5. Heard Chris Rock tell this joke the other night. He said there are more white people watching the tv show Scandal. (Because?) Anyone wanna take a shot at the punch line?  :)    1. Because its on The Fox Channel?   2. Because Sara Palin is the lead actor?   3. Because you get a chance to see a white President & it reminds you of the old days  :lol:    I gave a hint for the answer because we know how some people take a little longer than others.
  6. WOW!! What if the Indians had turned your ancestors around on the Mayflower? What if the Mexicans had fenced up their borders to keep americans out of Texas during the 1830's?
  7. Yep, thats why they trolling this board  :D
  8. Tsk! Tsk!! Everybody don't put ALL their illegal monies in a bank. There was a time when most home invasions were because the bad guys kept their monies in the house or buried in the yard to dodge deposit questions. ANYWAYS!!! I still say those two didn't let that many people in on their scheme. They made dumb mistakes like most criminals.
  9. I see why yall's party in bad shape. I said increments of $5,000 first of all. 
  10. I said BISD!!! Now, I'm going to let you think long and hard about this one.
  11. Lets first determine what is true!! 
  12. Okay, I know we have the news media trolling this board and getting their ideas from us (FREE!!!)  ;) . So, can you guys do an in depth investigation and see how much (really) the principals had to do with this RIF? Search their emails, trash containers or something to find this out.
  13. Stevie, first of all, if I want to steal a million dollars or more from BISD, I'm writing and depositing checks in the $5,000 range in an out of town bank account, preferably located in New York City where people could give a "flying flip" what you deposit.
  14. Stevie, have you lead a sheltered life? If me and you plan to steal 2 million dollars and write checks into our accounts, are you going to let Tom, Dick & Harry in on it too? Because I shoul ain't letting Achmed, Daquan, or Jabari in on it!!!!!!!!
  15. I have some questions that keep hovering over me like flies over a dirty diaper:   1. Why are math teachers in the Reduction In Force (RIF) proposal? I thought math & science was where               education in the US was falling behind.   2. Why are certified teachers being listed in the RIF and there are non-certified not in the RIF proposal? I'd                prefer a certified teacher in the classroom.   3. I'm hearing the principals didn't make the choices but surely they had some input because they know their personnel. So, did the principals keep some of their favorites off the RIF list?     Just asking for thoughts and comments
  16. I'm holding on to my beliefs that a "few" people were involved with stealing millions of dollars.
  17. Didn't see it. Thanks!!
  18. So true! None of us could not dream a better script. You have almost all the elements for a good movie drama or reality show. Race, gender, youth uprising, true actual events and people, and definitely conflict. The only missing element  is a love interest. Hmmm?


    Yes he knew. Learned it from Bush and all other previous presidents.
  20. :rolleyes: 1. Ph.D in Street Smarts 2. A.A. in Student Center Hours 3. .M.A. in Street Smarts  4. BCOM 5. B of B.S.
  21. Yeah, but I have more degrees than you do.  ;)
  22. Translation:Honey, the sun is shining too bright outside, lets just stay inside today and listen to Limbaugh, Beck, West ,& White
  23. So wrong Nash :angry: , the blonde on The View is just as conservative as you  ;)
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