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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Why should the name bother us? Because its called "White House?" I always thought it was because  of the color of the house. Now, let me ask a question  :D
  2. Sure you would. But your guys trying to create a conspiracy cover up for every little thing you can. It looks like you guys had in class in "yellow journalism."
  3. Just cut a few administrators and they will be near budget
  4. You asked me about BISD's system in reference to MY son.
  5. My son had great tutoring classes, an involved caring counselor, great AP classes and great entrance exam scores. Not a 100% satisfied but who ever is at a 100%.
  6. Familiar story and same old tactics. You might get by the system the first time but the system will find a way to get you. Klug (?) is not willing to fight it and thats what they ( da system) wants.
  7. I bet it was late in his term
  8. Yep, I'm becoming one dimensional like my repub associates. 
  9. We know Africans sold their enemies to the slave traders and it was wrong. We also know Africans sell drugs in their communities. Both incidents destroyed family structures.And you REALLY don't want to have an honest discussion about slavery.
  10. :lol:
  11. I won't count this comment as a race card alert, but I do detect some frustration in your writing. May I suggest you take a deep breath and relax. Now I'd like to know how you really feel?
  12. What Ozen folks?  Just give the initials  ;)
  13. Hippy, you have been in the suburbs too long. Ya gotta think faster.
  14. Not if they thought the boys were running outside to get some extra weapons and come back in again.
  15. Nash, I just found out a woman named Tamron Hall is on MSNBC. At this point and time, I don't care about any other networks. I am going to find out when this lady is on and I will watch her...errr I mean I will listen to MSNBC news and get their take on the national and world news.   [Hidden Content]
  16. We all know the history of this country when it comes to race relations. Maybe a better question would be, " can you provide emperical & verifiable evidence that race has nothing to do with President Obama's opposition?"
  17. These kids had broken into the house and were running out of the house when they got "capped" in the back. Now the kid's families want to sue?   [Hidden Content]      
  18. Goes to show you a lot of loving white people in the closet.
  19. I didn't realize TS had applied for the Ozen position when it was open. All I heard about was TW & DJ.
  20. OOHHHHH, that "TS" threw me off. Just say next time, " local3-a school where real basketball is not played but a weak schedule is. Same school where off season workouts are the wrong ones. "  :D 
  21. One source of info (proof) 
  22.   Before believing everything you read or see on tv, especially those right-wing so-called media outlets, :D just check multiple sources. Its just too easy to publish false or misleading material. Search the facts and don’t fall for a story because versions of it are published everywhere. 
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