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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. You are avoiding the true issues here. You are in denial. 
  2. Yeah, I noticed a nose-dive in my life right after I voted repub once upon a time. 
  3. This kinda shes some light on the this topic.     [Hidden Content]
  4. Are you really serious? Come up with links? LOL!!! 
  5. Nash may need VA services real soon. Mental stability seems weakening.
  6. Some of us are just fortunate than others I guess. 
  7. I thought about this this morning. And I think we all will agree that if it was our kid, we'd want the gov't to do whatever it take to get our kid outta there.
  8. In life, there is always a cause and reaction to every move. But, we've always paid for the increase. 
  9. Where did I mention race? Did I specifically bring up race? Did I make a subtle comment about one's race?
  10. NO!! You share posts from cynical people like yourselves
  11. yep, we all wanna pay higher taxes and go broke  :rolleyes:
  12. Bunch of cynical people.  Thats why nobody like yall..LOL!! Always crying and whining about how the government don't work. Yall whine as much as much yall say the people on welfare (supposedly) whine about the government. We live in the same system created over 200 years ago with added additional laws that make our lives easier. Example, Universal Health Care  :D    But we know yall just a bunch of frustrated biddies with underlying problems that run deeper than economics  ;) 
  13. What!!!! Dude, I bet you were waving your flag during the Iran /Contra period.... You people kill me 
  14. Can you get some info from a neutral media source?
  15. Now that I think about it, I have an uncle in Houston who appears to have no problem getting his treatments at the VA. Are you a vet? Now who did I have in  mind for that exam,  Hmmmmmm?
  16. Okay Nash, and why do you think there are so many single-family homes with mother as the head of household?
  17. Is it possible to get someone else examined for Alzheimer's while we are on this subject?  :unsure: 
  18. Opps, I forgot to mention. My dad is from Shawnee, Ok!!!   ;)
  19. "and I from your sarcasm....you get my point."  Ah no, I don't get your point. 
  20. Yeah, look at Dan "Potato" Quayle. Oh and Rick Perry proved you can make it with a degree and poor grades.
  21. Not really, she was injured several weeks ago.
  22. LOL!! In our culture, everybody says they have Indian in their blood. Yeah I've tracked an animal. Had to recently track a possum in my attic.Gut & clean? Nope!Cook & eat? Yep! I pay attention to the weather all the time, Doppler Radar. Yeah, I can name a few birds by their call, especially the owl.  :P
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