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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Oh okay, picking on me because I'm a Black man in America.  ;)
  2. I don't remember. But I THOUGHT Cal came in after Tic
  3. I already answered this. The past 2-3 years I've stopped on the reservations on my way to Vegas. Very proud people. I try not to litter as much now after this lady gave me a speech on the importance of the land. Everytime I attempt to litter her voice resonates in my conscience.  :)
  4. Exactly!! I started to put this question out there. I'm sure the school will have to meet the academic requirements first before being released from probation.
  5. So, what do you tell your recruits now to get their interest in Lamar? They're on probation
  6. Dude, you need to get out from behind the desk and mingle with the "natives."
  7. I just read this thread a few minutes ago. I'm catching up with my reading.  I agree whats being said but I haven't listened to the Smith video.
  8. Of course. Special Education Dept. 
  9. See, here is the difference using your example. If it is offensive, then I will (try) and respect that culture.
  10. Lets just say I didn't know until the last few years Native Americans were so entrenched in their history and they don't forget. 5gallonbucket's bloodline may be too diluted to fully understand. Many of yall claim Indian blood.
  11. At what point does your pedigree hit the Native American bloodline? Your mother or father? Your gr-grandparents? gr-gr-gr-gr-gr- grandparents?
  12. Oh sorry, I forgot we have "bubbas" on here. In the case of the missing 4 million plus dollars...2-4 people involved. Missing staples and paper clips, the number is probably is in the hundreds. 
  13. There are several issues going on at one time. If you are referring to the 4 million dollars, let me explain it this way. Crooks are dumb. But I don't think  "educated" crooks " are dumb enough to get too many involved with this scheme. Greed and detection kept them from getting more people involved. So, if you are looking for more crooks involved with the 4 million dollars, nope. Now, there are or may  be some issues in the Special Education area that are being investigated too. But thats a whole nother issue. 
  14. CHANGE!!! Its hard for all of us to see change, especially a social change. By 2040..hmmm? By 2025, yall gonna be jumping out of windows again.
  15. lol!!!  I bet you won't stop in New Mexico or Arizona with that mess!!!!! I've talked to several natives out that way. They are a very proud people AND they don't forget their history
  16. Race? I was referring to people who hate change. 
  17. yep, still a few.
  18. Probably call it the Paper Clip case. Teachers leaving school grounds with their BISD issued paper clips.
  19. Oh yeah I do. You have nuts calling in on BISD probably saying things like, " I saw Dr. Timmy C. ordering the BISD crew to cut his lawn.
  20. nope!!!!
  21. My post is only dumb to those who feel threaten by change. My point is that your mentality sounds very familiar to those groups of people who have historically wanted to EXCLUDE  ;)
  22. History seems to suggest that we all want "inclusion" for your kind.
  23. Hmmmm, reminds me of the undercover hypocrites who frown upon those interracial relationships. Saying its wrong
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