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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. I doubt it. But maybe one or two out of every 1,000 will wear one. 
  2. Not disagreeing with you at all but those meds do cost money.
  3. At least the lady was smart enough to do a "dba."   :rolleyes:
  4. It was at the old Memorial High. I think yall played another SETx team.
  5. I had to reread your post to make sure you were agreeing with me.
  6. The media doesn't really have those kind of standards. They report the unusual or sensational things. Thats a gold mine for them.Thats what people read or watch.
  7. I'm guilty. I didn't see yall post before I wrote. 
  8. Why would he? What did Tebow do to deserve a call? Did he blaze a path, I don't think so.
  9. And if anyone have problems with the above statements, you need to re-evaluate your value system.
  10. Hmmm, I wonder if you were spewing these same words when King Bush 11 invaded poor Iraq.
  11. Didn't I see you in the Red Cross line getting free stuff, too?????
  12. :lol:
  13. :blink: Guys, we're talking here about inmates having sex and spreading germs to our communities once they are out. I also saw a special on prisons. This guy had a g/f (it?) in his cell. He said as soon as he was free, he was going back to being heterosexual.
  14. bradyb, saw your boys in P.A. a few weeks ago. Good looking group of players.
  15. Excuse me but dayum!!!
  16. And its a beautiful world, even if the the repubs think otherwise.
  17. All swag has left the building....hahahhahha
  18. It should get better now that TEA is involved
  19. If this whats it takes to desensitize bias, then so be it. Maybe some people were more upset with Tebow creating an opportunity for himself and not his values on religion. Personally, I didn't keep up with Tebow or Mike Sam. I have to admit, I did make faces when I saw the kiss. But thats only because I'm not yet programmed mentally into two men kissing. But maybe in 20 years, this too will pass. 
  20. In other words, lets bring back " the old established order."  That "order" some of us may agree on brought (image) this country down in the eyes of the world court.   The same people whining about gays kissing in public had (?)   have the same mentality when they saw mixed couples in public or on tv. Some of yall just hide behind different causes now, because it Ain't Cool (AC) or Politically Correct (PC) denounce those things now.   The preceding comments  were not directed directly at Steve Nash
  21. Oh no!!! Did you decide on the white car? Please tell me you decided on the rainbow colored model instead!!!! 
  22. Hmmm? Sounds like you are a victim to "something." C'mon Nash, we're listening and I'm sure most of us want to listen to your vic..errr  concerns. Daddy told me to watch out and take care of my older brother from another momma.
  23. Race Card Alert!!!!!!
  24. Okay Nash, I want to see these documented facts!!
  25. I'm glad I kept reading because these are my exact sentiments. The media is selling news.
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