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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. :lol:
  2. :lol:
  3. Many more dead in your own neighborhoods
  4. OMG!!! You guys are still at it!! Give it a rest!!!!
  5. $$$$$$ I need to see if we're related!!
  6.   yep!!Dealing with Hoover it is...
  7. Against "da man?"  J.Edgar conspiracy I bet.
  8. Nope!!  :rolleyes:
  9. If J Edgar was still there, I'm sure they were arrested on some type of trumped up charges  ;)
  10. Well, I think the majority of organizations get in their bad rep because of the "exclusion" factor. Yall should read up on the White Panther Party and why they were organized.
  11. Did you know there was a White Panther Party? Yep!!!
  12. Dang Hippy!!!  Butt'n grown folks conversation!!   Hhahahahahaha!!
  13. Which organization? I think the problem is that you are grouping two separate organizations into one.
  14. I agree!
  15. Its definitely bigger than Sterling and should not be treated or demeaned as an isolated incident.
  16. Good question!!! NO!!! The Black Panther Party were not a racist group
  17. YEP!!! Maybe we didn't get the full story from both sides.
  18. I'm sure the Panthers already have their share of being bugged.
  19. I;ve already answered this earlier with my "Jewish" statement.
  20. Some of you guys are in such deep denial. You can't  face up to the fact this guy was wrong. I bet you won't repeat after me...c'mon see if you can do it.......write it down......"Sterling is a racist and he was wrong for making those awful comments and using his power to help deny decent citizens a place to live."
  21. I think times are really getting very bad. You can't be comfortable being a closet racist anymore without somebody calling you out in public.
  22. Wait a minute!!! Maybe I am misunderstanding you. But let me ask a question to help remove some of doubt about your question. Because some of yall love to throw the race card out there. So, are you asking why didn't Jesse Jackson or someone like my main man Al Sharpton say something in the past about this guy?   So now its all about the past now? And I thought we were all being brainwashed   errr told  to forget the past. Anyway, why linger in the past and the present is still kicking people in the rear end? Yes, he had a private conversation and none of it surprises me. Did it surprise you? But anyway, I'll leave with these parting words from the past, "loose slips sink ships."
  23. Huh? I answered your question.   And whats wrong with being sensitive towards other groups? Why do "you people" have problems with this? Now, thats my question to you!!!! C'mon, let it out!! Lets hear it!!!!!
  24. In the cookie jar not sofa cushions  :rolleyes:
  25. hahahha! Actually, I've shown that they can jump, right here on this forum.  :)
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