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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. $100.00 court fee cost. . Sounds so insignificant doesn't it?
  2. I'd guess at least a mile. 
  3. You were the one correcting typos, not me. I was only suggesting that if you remained in BISD, maybe those typos would never had occurred.  ;) And, I live close to the "Da Butch."
  4. Thats what you get for moving out of BISD.  ;)
  5. Well, as much as people like to ignore or discount "race," there are many who feel just the opposite. So, both views are valid and should be open for debate. 
  6. BigCam, I'm behind you all the way. I got your back. They gotta come thru you first, bro!!!  :D
  7. Gotta post the good stuff too!!!!   [Hidden Content]
  8.   Switch from project-based to tenant-based subsidy program In 1983 Congress finally agreed with the Reagan administration that the Section 8 program was too costly. The Housing and Urban-Rural Recovery Act of 1983 repealed the authorization for Section 8--for example, new construction and substantial rehabilitation--but left other moderate rehabilitation and elderly projects (Section 202). Most importantly, conservatives switched from project-based assistance under Section 8 to housing vouchers and certificates, or a tenant-based subsidy program. The tenants could choose their own apartment with a voucher or certificate--they finally had a choice!
  9. :rolleyes: Single moms work and get housing vouchers...sheez!!!
  10. Frank (?) Clark was the tight end for Dallas before Dupree. I knew it would come to me.
  11. :( I gotta get out of the Cowboy forum. Too painful. Forgot about the Iron Curtain.
  12. Ahhh the 70's  :),  80's  :( , and 90's  :rolleyes:
  13. No kid should have to go through that!
  14. I can't tell you how many times my heart was broken watching the Cowboys play. As a little boy, I still remember the Ice Bowl in Green Bay. Still hurts till this day to think about it. Traumatized at such a young age.
  15. I wish to change the subject matter, please. I knew I never should have participated in a Dallas Cowboy forum. I am so over them!!  :angry:
  16. Playing the "progressive card", huh? smh
  17. Thats your best reply Nash? 
  18. I don't remember that play. It is blocked out of my memory!!!   :angry:
  19. I guess we gonna go back & forth with this one:   A surprising number of companies in the Standard & Poor's 500, 57, have found ways to pay effective tax rates of zero, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Capital IQ.
  20. You right: Here's a look at the 10 (one) most profitable tax evaders and the politicians their CEOs, employees, and PACs give the most money to. Verizon Communications Profits: $19.8 billion    Effective tax rate: -3.8% Top recipients, 2011-2012   President Barack Obama: $51,493 Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.): $24,450 Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.): $23,700 Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio): $22,500 Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.): $15,000
  21. There was a tigh end b4 Dupree that was good. Last name was Clark. Can't think of his first name at the moment.
  22. hahahahahaahhaha!! Good one.
  23. YEAH!YEAH!YEAH! #21. Look young whipper snapper, Mel, ran the rb for a few games when injuries came.
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