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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. First of "MANY?"  So far two out of 2,000 plus employess...oh okay!
  2. I don't see a problem with TEA assigning new board members. May I suggest no former S. Park students.
  3. South Park is really mad......wow!!!
  4. If they find criminals then so be it.
  5. TEA has not decided to take over BISD, as of this date.  Mike Williams may recommend Chargois (sp?) to clean house. 
  6. WOW!!! Everybody joining in to put a pin in the balloon. Wow!! Everybody jumping in to kick a ill horse to its knees.
  7. You guys may be jumping the gun a little too fast. No takeover just yet.
  8. Hmmmm? Interesting! But knowing human behavior, current administrators could "brown-nose" and things remain the same. I have my own recommendations.
  9. Takeover? Thats a play with words. Now, if they come in and clean house, then maybe its worth it. I've been somewhat leaning towards a board of community advisors. 
  10. 'Hire diversity?" What are you meaning?
  11. "The board of managers would be made up of community members appointed by Commissioner Williams."   Am I reading this correctly? Instead of a (local)board appointed in by voters, now you will have a (local) board appointed by a Commissioner in Austin?
  12. If Commissioner Williams recommends a takeover, Deshotel and State Rep. Allan Ritter will help pick a board of managers, instead of school board members, to oversee the district.


    LOL!!!! I don't think some of you realize the same conversations are in our own communities too. But maybe the media is being biased and not telling our complaints or we (my community) just aren't saying it in public enough.
  14. Let us keep a tally on storylines


    I'm glad you came forth to really explain your most deeper inner feelings about this situation.
  16. And Brady, thanks for directing me to Gym 2 :)
  17. It was fun watching the kids play in the Little Dribblers division. Reminded me when basketball is all fun.
  18. Gloating? It sure wasn't on this forum.
  19. That must means your brackets are *blank*   :P
  20. ¡Qué! Obtener esta cosas fuera de ella. Escribir Inglés!     ooops!!   ¡Qué! Obtener esta cosas fuera de aquí. Escribir Inglés!
  22. Sorry, I meant to type a one year renewable schollie. If players don't produce, you release them from their scholarship.
  23. The principal was wrong!!!! I would love to see a program like 60 minutes do a case study using Spanish and French speaking students in a classroom setting, just to see if there was a cultural bias out there in the real world.
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