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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. “I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People.” This guy has no clue. Donald Trump wasn't in office yet. It's more out of control, threatening the rights, liberties, property of people and too much grandstanding NOW !!
  2. Yall gonna have to call off the police traps. Even the silver-haired Wonderman has no control over your town.
  3. They need to sideline the silver-haired supporter that runs that town. I bet he makes all the decisions.
  4. The Repubs do a better job of promoting their president and Demos do a great job of saying nothing with class.
  5. I like Pace. I hope he's successful at HF.
  6. A lot of parents at HF didn't like Coach Jacks or Coach Toot because they felt they were too tough. I liked both of them because they knew the game and demanded extra work.
  7. Now yall trying to cancel his park in Chicago. LOL! Yall trying hard to erase his legacy. But that's your history.
  8. They both go together like a glove & hand. Trump and Kayne. Both wacko. And yall know its bad when George Will says: George Will Calls ‘Repulsive’ Pence Worse Than Trump
  9. I've only heard rumors about this guy and haven't read what he has said. BUT!!!! I suspect he has a new album coming out real soon. But then again, Trump is desparate for any support at this time..
  10. Enjoy it! Congrats guys and to the coaches.
  11. The internet gossip is hot today because Melania Trump usually doesn't smile in public, especially when she is with her husband, Donald Trump. But she is showing the pearly whites to Mr. Obama as they sit next to each other at B. Bush's funeral. Hmmmmm!
  12. Okay, let's just all agree that the potential customers were waiting for their business associate to arrive. It's rather rude to order before the guest arrives. The manager overreacted, as well as the police. Which is why Starbucks will be reviewing their store policies. Also, Starbucks have people in there writing their academic papers, especially near college campuses. Starbucks has that kind of environment.
  13. Yep, there is an agenda to make race a non-issue.
  14. Speculating, meaning you are trying to minimize the situation and race had no bearing on the incident. Race isn't important. Okay, just say what you mean.
  15. You do know the police apologized today, right? Over reacting because two Black men were waiting on a business partner for a meeting. People sit in Starbucks all the time with their laptops and phones. I bet you have that mental disorder called Racism Disillusionment.
  16. I got a news report earlier today saying that Trump was signing into law that all child support payments would be banned by June 28 18. I thought maybe Trump may have some baby Momma issues coming up, but it may be fake news.
  17. And there are so-called Christians supporting a guy like Trump. Wow!
  18. The manager overreacted in this situation. You were not waiting for a business associate to arrive. I've been enough Starbucks to notice its a meeting place for people and people use their wifi. As far as the police, I think they also overreacted. They were waiting for another person. In fact, the guy showed up as the police were escorting them out and tried to explain to the police.
  19. Reading is fundumbmental! I never said I didn't understand it.
  20. RIP Lady Bush!
  21. May I suggest you guys make appointments for mental competency tests. Something is not computing.
  22. I saw a picture today in an article of so-called Christian fundamentalist clapping and supporting Trump. Such hypocrisy!!!
  23. Now I know you've been to enough Starbucks to see people on their laptops sitting working on their dissertation.
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