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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Comey helped Trump win the election. Obviously yall in denial.
  2. One of the sub topics introduced on this thread was how Trump is an embarrassment. Thanks for listing. FYI: I've voted Republican and some of my best friends are Republicans. But Trump!!!!
  3. Embarrassing is this administration. Payoffs, numerous criminal indictments, porn stars, etc.
  4. Of course France and Britain didn't participate due to Trump's domestic problems. But Trump did. Those countries participated because they are allies.
  5. Actually I watched the local East Texas news outlets.
  6. There are no guarantees this mission was successful, unless you want to count how this mission has become a distraction to Trump's domestic issues. Trump >"Mission accomplished." Sounds very familiar doesn't it? Oh yeah, George Bush said it after Shock & Awe. And we know how that turned out.
  7. Listen guys, I know y'all usually only pay attention to the right - wing fake news sources, but I wanted yall to hear a little truth because your sources ain't gonna tell you. From the NY Times: "Trump's advisers conclude the Cohen investigation is greater threat Mueller probe."
  8. Cohen supposedly said he NEVER visited Prague...
  9. Is there "possible evidence" that you are a false stevenash?
  10. Ok, why aren't yall reporting there is possible evidence that Cohen traveled to Prague and had a secret meeting with Russians?
  11. I agree, if I agreed with your bias comments, we would have a dull thread about Trump and his comical days in office.
  12. Yes, the old stain evidence on the dress. How could I forget that. Thanks for the reminder.
  13. Guys, Clinton got his balls rubbed by a young and impressiable young lady. Not a porn star with no protection.
  14. He needs it! Baby Momma drama, paying off hotel employees, porn stars, and Comey coming out with his book. Now he wants to bomb Syria to get yall distracted. Yep, he needs Prayer.
  15. Oh, it's from Fox News, no thank you, I'll wait for real news sources.
  16. This man is the king of participation trophies. Your examples are on time.
  17. Same old sounding tactics used by Southern whites to bring fear when people of color were moving forward. You guys have the experience. You may not have participated in these shenanigans 50-100 years ago, but you learned and benefitted from your ancestors.
  18. I wish they would leave Trump alone, he deserves it but I still wish...
  19. Guns, gas stations, Islamized, etc, etc, bahhh!!
  20. Thanks, I'd like to listen in on the program
  21. I keep thinking (hoping?) we all share the same experiences with understanding. But my point was that I thought all white people lived good and in big houses, even the white man who was the bum. Nevamind, y'all will never get it cause you didn't share our experiences.
  22. Oh that's Fake News Fox Network... Whew!!!!
  23. Wow!! Stirring your racist & religious agenda
  24. I remember as a kid my mother use to clean house in Houston's River Oaks District. Hmmm, kissed my first white girl there. Anyway, I was riding in the car with my parents in the old part of downtown Houston. I saw this white man and I said, "I wanna be just like him." The white man was a bum. My mother stop taking me to River Oaks. True story!!
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