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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. One example is how companies with unsafe working conditions continue to require their workers come to work.
  2. Corporate greed has been misused for a very long time.
  3. Proof!! You guys gotten into a habit of making blanket conspiracy comments.
  4. Spoken like a true opportunist. I'll be in front of you.
  5. I left the Republican Party years ago. What does this mean?
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. trump's economy was temporary. Least liked president, trump.
  8. America will be great again, Ty Cobb. Stop living in the past.
  9. Oh hell naw!! We all agreeing too much!!! This will not work. We will lose readers.
  10. If you are referring to President Obama, he was elected two terms. Has one of the highest rating among former presidents. And Trump?
  11. Wll, let me thrown in my conspiracy theory. The BLM movement infiltrated the MEGA movement in Washington.
  12. Yall do realize most of the republicans won in the November elections? So, where was the cheating? Please explain, since the DOJ, Supreme Court and countless other govt. entities said otherwise.
  13. Cruz in 2024. That's the game plan, I bet.
  14. Where is the proof. Stop making accusations and NO PROOF!
  15. Naw, Trump brought this country down.
  16. Kamala Harris is young in age and far more intelligent than Trump.
  17. Really Dude!! And you saying this fter what happenedin Washington today? America took it's downward spiral when Trump took office. There were no checks & balances within his tyrannical leadership. Anti-cop? Did you see the disrespect for police officers today?
  18. That's illegal. On a side note, I was thinking this forum would be quiet today. Thought all yall would be in Chocolate City, D.C.
  19. I'm sure the constitution doesn't allow a VP to hand an electoral win to his boss. NBC News (Jan.2nd) A federal appeals court Saturday night rejected an attempt by a congressman to overturn the results of the November presidential election. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth District threw out an appeal by U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, that sought to allow Vice President Mike Pence to hand the election to Trump.
  20. I know some of you people don't read real news, so I thought I would update you on (real) current events. WASHINGTON (AP) — In an extraordinary rebuke of President Donald Trump, all 10 living former secretaries of defense are cautioning against any move to involve the military in pursuing claims of election fraud, arguing that it would take the country into “dangerous, unlawful and unconstitutional territory.” ...
  21. Trump will have full blown senility way before then.
  22. Lets meet on Jan.20th and discuss.
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