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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Nash, I use have a little respect for your opinion. But now you're sending us articles sponsored by Viagra. The ads are all over the article.C'mon man-nnnnn!!!!
  2. Stop it!!! You're in the twilight zone and don't know it.
  3. There are plenty of Black role models in our communities. You brought race into the picture. I'm just tallying how some of you people bring up the race card, too.
  4. There yall go, bring in race again!!! WOW!!
  5. It's Fox News, who really cares what they put out.
  6. This is why the White House is in such disarray. baddog, if you had the influence, you would have been appointed National Security Adviser or similar position.
  7. Oh, I thought yall were talking about Trump. Well, his days are numbered anyway.
  8. No words to describe the right-wing peanut gallery.
  9. I can count on two hands the number of people on this forum still standing with Trump. Personally, I think the smart Repubs know that this president is off the chain and hope Pence gets into the office.
  10. And we just bring in race. Okay!
  11. LOL, I'm going to give you guys some credit because you have a President with a 35% approval rating. Hold on, let me say it again, A 35% APPROVAL RATING. And you guys still on a state of denial the good thing is that there are only about 8of yall defending Trum on here. The rest of the Trump supporters seem to be getting smart. On another topic, I wonder how much H is Pence people leaking info. Hmmmmm!!! Trump will go down as one of the dumbest and most ineffective Presidents known to America.
  12. Good observation, that's exactly how got into Univ of Penn. Privileged
  13. Obama is much smarter person than Trump, academically. Read Trump's academic history
  14. Then , you need to stop celebrating your past
  15. And this event is retold every year.
  16. The past is still happening, it's just in a different clown suit.
  17. It is sad.
  18. And Trump's educational career? WOW!!
  19. Prime example that yall love to bring race into the mix. The differences are that Black folks say it and yall hide behind it. But I gotta admit, at least we know where 77 wasn't hiding his true feelings.
  20. hUH? Two Black cops were indicted for shooting and killing a white guy in Louisiana. In fact, one of the Black cops was sentenced a few weeks ago.
  21. ZIMMERMAN is a white Mexican, DUHHH!!!
  22. Can yall answer me a question? Why won't Trump face the press? He has all these other people speaking for him. I wonder if Pence is leaking information? LOL!!
  23. Yall need to listen to Repub, John McCain and the FBI firing. The man has some common sense to this matter.
  24. Choking on smoke *cough* *cough*
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