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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. C'mon Nash. You already know Trump isn't the brightest bulb on the lamp post. He alreday pissed that Yates was getting more publicity than him the last few days.
  2. The same guy who RECLUSED himself from RUSSIAN INVESTIGATIONS.
  3. 1. He was investigating Trump's circle with the Russians. 2. Oh, you said list one.
  4. I can see the smoke all the way from the White House. Nixon flashback
  5. Or Trump is headed there.
  6. WOW!! Can we get a future "obstruction of justice." Can't even address the nation on this major event. WOW!!
  7. What is wrong with Trump? Pressure getting to him.
  8. rom Rod Serling's Twilight Zone There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears, and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call ... The Twilight Zone.
  9. Trump is lost. In over his head.
  10. Those statues should have never been built. Traitors to the US. And most of the statues I've seen were on public lands. Should not be on public property. It's okay if you want it on private property.
  11. All yall need to find God and pray. Excluding Nash of course.
  12. I'm just happy you are finally branching out with your reading material. Briefart and those conservative blogs have yall thinking the craziest stuff.
  13. If and when a war breaks out again, may I suggest that you gather all your kin and lead them to the front line.
  14. I equate your statements with people in the red states complaining about Obama Care, but mad and upset about losing their Affordable Health Care.
  15. Y all just reaching for "free stuff" to distract from 45
  16. See, this is why your party is having the problems it's having. But yall can't help it. It's like a drug habit. It's in yall's DNA. Yall still haven't learned after all these years. God don't like ugly !!!
  17. LOL! The people have spoken!!!! Not fake news, not Fox, not MSNBC, not CNN, etc.
  18. Trump, Ryan Both Hit Record Low Approval Raleigh, N.C. – PPP's newest national poll finds Donald Trump's approval rating falling to its lowest level yet in our polling. Only 40% of voters approve of the job he's doing, to 53% who disapprove. Source: Public Policy Polling
  19. LOL!!! Well, its good to know y'all a minority case he got 8 years with a Congress who blocked his every move. We'll, tried to block the majority of his policies. Trump have his own people in place and can't get nothing passed.
  20. Term limits should be reviewed. But I think we give Trump no more than 6 months.
  21. Sorry, I think your head may be in too many of those neighborhood self serve conservative blogs. You sound just like'em. But the proof is in the action. It's okay, we knew your boy wasn't the answer at this time. He may get better as time goes by, but he is in deep Crap right now. Obama was. Able to come into the office running to get things done. Trump? Well, maybe it will take him another 100 days. I'm looking at a story now about a Trump Supporter who regrets voting for Trump because husband faces deportation. And you have a guy who complained about Obama playing too much golf. What a joke. Trump is so hyper critical
  22. Hmmm? The anger. I bet deep down you are angry because you have a President with no negotiating skills. He has lied to you and your kind and feeling "change" is not coming fast enough. God does not love ugly.
  23. In my opinion, I think ObamaCare is still around for several reasons.. Here are a few: 1.Repubs had no plan 2. Estimated that 24 million people would be without insurance. 3. Trump are would be too expensive. 4. White people in so called red states protested in those town hall meetings wanting to keep their ObamaCare. Plain and simple facts. 10. Those tea party politicians don't wanna lose their districts in 2018.
  24. Had no plan to replace ObamaCare. Mass demonstrations for and against him. Promised to be this great negotiator. Rating at an all time low for a President. I could go on and on. Hopes that the ObamaCare program goes bad. Maybe he doesn't care it will hurt citizens. The list continues. Wow!!
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