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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Shhhh! President Spicer reading a thesis on TV now, explaining his understudy's (Trump) talking points.
  2. To sit here and go back and forth with people who believe a sitting president wasn't born in America and listening to a person who accuses someone of wire tapping and has shown no proof, and reads from the NY Times about how people wire tap others ... BUT!!!!!!!!! This is same guy who earlier said the NY Times is FAKE NEWS!!!!!! There is a pattern here. And I'm not just talking about Trump. You people who follow him are just as dinky as he is. Get some help!!!
  3. I don't think it's about him being late with his taxes.
  4. Hmmm, I doubt it. But Nice try.
  5. Please don't remind me how silly this man is and off the chain.
  6. Oh, I wonder what excuse he will use not to show his current taxes. An extention? We will wait.
  7. LOL!! 2005!!! Who sent that to the media, Trump? The investigation, Russia vs Trump ties need to be investigated. Trump should have his new taxes available sometime this year as a well. I hope he releases those to ease my mind a little.
  8. #TrumpLiesMatter
  9. jv_coach, I think you are getting your people mixed up. Mike Flynn resigned hanging out with the commies.
  10. You do know I am referring to the "new" health package proposed by your repubs, right?
  11. This has got to get better before it gets any worse...
  12. It's still ObamaCare!!!!! Just in a different package!!!!!
  13. This was happening way before ObamaCare was popular. I've changed doctors and I don't have ObamaCare.
  14. Give me some proof. Can't go by you right-wing extremist
  15. WHERE IS THE PROOF????????
  16. Yep, I knew yall would understand better with a photo
  17. Good move
  18. So, are these regulatory burdens are in place from Trump?
  19. No compassion at all. They wanted change and they used their right to choose.
  20. Hmmm? Okay, maybe I should edit the parts for you to see that "rescue" and saving jobs are the same thing. You going off on your govt. independence now. Here is what is funny. I would not doubt that most of you on here are receiving or benefiting from some sort of govt. assistance. But that's another topic.
  21. I saw a 60 Minutes segment on this. Those people voted for Trump because they thought he would come in and rescue them. It ain't happening!! Those mining jobs have been declining anyway because the demand isn't what it use to be. Like any other politician, tell the people what you want them to hear, and vote for me!
  22. See, this is why you can't come on here and have a civilized conversation. You people kill me. You actually sit here and defend this guy with his silly twitter comments. Birds of feather do fly/flock together.
  23. You know the debt dropped, BUT it was dropping anyway without Trump.
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