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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. After Trump loses on Tuesday, I gotta hear all this whining (AGAIN! ! ! ! )
  2. Hmmm, if I was Silsbee, I would really worry now.
  3. Jack's seems to be a very positive coach.
  4. Never ignore Ozen and it's tradition. I hear if they have some hustlers there.
  5. ? Hmmm, is HF playing Lumberton this season?
  6. Okay, I'm a believer. The Dirty Dozen it is.
  7. Aggie that cold, man!
  8. 1. Aggie 2. AggieNotWE Should I keep going?
  9. I'm just happy to know he got his qualities on his own and didn't inherit any from his dad
  10. I agree. You can't consider a Catholic Prep school like Kelly Prep da Dirty Dozen.
  11. key statement you mentioned: "It's a great fit for him." We all get caught up in the D1 drama, parents, their associates, and friends telling them where they should go. But at the end of the day, it's the best fit not the name of the school. Good luck and a healthy season to all the S.E.Texas players in college. P.S. Dad, tell your son to use the neglect AND hate to motivate himself. It's not how you start but how you work hard during the race.
  12. This is ABOUT the FBI director. Dude has no clue what's on these emails. Food recipes, homework assignments, GOP ho-hum as usual, or more GOP hoe -hum? I'm sstill waiting for all the BISD administrators who were gonna be going to jail and... ooops, that's for another thread
  13. That's a good financial move on her part. She will be on Fox getting paid. Shoot, I thought about praising Trump at one time to make me a cool half million or so from public appearances, but my heart stands in the way of greed.
  14. I guess you weren't born when Reagan was in office.
  15. LOL!!! Mine was too young at the time. He meant the older "local" players at the time.
  16. Pat Knight wasn't going to sign any local kids. He didn't want to deal with any local parents. So he preferred to recruit in Indiana, which we all know basketball was down in that area.
  17. That's great for our local kids. I knew he was playing against Fla. State but had not heard any updates. That's real good news!!
  18. You sound like Trump. Give us several!!
  19. Craigs, lets say you find out you have cancer with a pre-existing condition. Whose going to treat your condition?
  20. It's not a matter of playing high school ball. The DEC will allow him that opportunity to play at Westbrook High. That's the same area district that didn't allow a coach's son to play varsity transferring into his junior year. Ya gotta read & understand the rules.
  21. The 49ner quarterback is not looting. And those lives laying in graves killed by police matter too. But what you are really saying is that those lives don't matter.
  22. "Disgraced quarterback?" In whose eyes? Gotta watch what you read from these reporters. But anyway, the bigger issue is that when Black voices raise in protest to oppression, yall who are comfortable with our oppression are the first to criticize us because we speak out.
  23. Sounds like a typical oversimplified Trump supporter response. Would rather look at the pictures in the sports section than...
  24. Okay, you're sounding like Trump. You were not there. There is no logical explanation for you to give.
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