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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. WO-S doesn't prepare mentally for this game and HF surprises WO-S.
  2. I had a Yates' dad explain to me back in the day that the Communication Program wasn't the problem, but when you average the playing time in a game for players, now that was the problem.
  3. Where is the rolling eyes emoji when you need it? Shoot, even Hitler came out to watch Jesse Owens perform. Black nannies use to clean, cook, and raise white kids at one time.
  4. Be careful what you people ask for, you had a great President leading this country the past 8 years and now look at our choices.
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. Ohhh , in other words Memorial will be okay but maybe not good enough to beat Kelly, GOTCHA!!
  7. And those parents for the players 9 and down will make it interesting
  8. Can they beat Kelly? That's the measuring gauge...
  9. And if possible a shot clock, to be used for future data when Texas gets serious about getting a clock
  10. Yes, a sin we must live with to survive in boys basketball.
  11. Hmmm! Interesting!! I wonder if ...?
  12. More motivation to put in the work. Congrats!!
  13. So, how many years of imprisonment if not in compliance?
  14. Human Volcanic Sizematic Poortential Erection: I hope my new word phrase gets into WEbster one day. Anyway, it's human behavior traits compared a volcano. You know, it caused a lot hell in the past and then laid dormant for (Westend said 40 years) and all a sudden it's start to rumble and rise to the top destroying everything in it's path. Oh back to your police question. I would ask that the Cowboys have emblems of those young kids killed by the police.
  15. Yep, the history of politics, bigots, and cultures in general.
  16. See, this is what I am referring to, so un- sensitive to other cultures that we miss out. Its right there. Read it!!
  17. Hmmm? Would that be considered un-American? No national anthem because you don't have the time? Hmmm?
  18. westend do me a favor Go read the numerous studies done when Black applicants are paired up against white applicants.
  19. westend, I want you to do us all a favor Pick three randomly corporate entities and give us a racial breakdown for their employee hiring practices.
  20. And you still miss the point!!!! So what if that is true. DA STATEMENT being made is why they took a knee.
  21. Interesting! So you laugh when a when an individual is expressing his man-given -rights.. That's SO AMERICAN of you.
  22. You do know the national anthem dishonors Black American soldiers.
  23. Individual right vs corporate sponsorship (advertising)
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