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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Ahhh good points. And Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with killing cops or being racist.
  2. Even Nat Turner had his own distractors within his fold.
  3. Okay, since obviously yall won't mention this "RUMOR," why is it I keep hearing a certain player from a certain local "PANTHERS" high school for the past 3 years has transferred to Kelly? Teams are getting afraid of Kelly I would guess So, inquiring minds lwould like to know some updates.
  4. This country has a history of people getting free stuff and the "total outlays for free stuff & the seeming ignorance of so many who believe it is free." But when one segment of society perceives another segment will gain or surpass that "free stuff" now it becomes a problem. This country was built on people getting getting free stuff from another person's free labor.
  5. LOL! President Obama is the Democrats Ronald Reagan. We Liv in such a great nation
  6. Just like the last 8 years, your comments are outdated and nobody is listening other than the other minorities like yourself
  7. I think it would surprise you whose getting "free stuff" with medical care from the surrounding areas.
  8. LOL! Nutjobs=repubs. "Just a fanning of resentment and hate... The America I know is decent and generous... " B. Obama
  9. November will answer your question.
  10. I'm sorry. I forgot this is America. It gown down to the pits.
  11. I get the feeling you guys think certain segments within our society think all cops are bad?
  12. In 2010 , more jobs were created than the whole time Bush was in office.
  13. If you can't get employers to hire Blacks, it will never change. From trade crafts to corporate America, you'll find the same color of faces pushing the refinery buttons to corporate decisions.
  14. Obviously you ignored NappyRoots comments smdh
  15. Hmmm, I have an inside connect with a Big 12 school and they asked about Kobe Dill. Stay humble young man and keep working. Heard he had a couple of good games and one fair game (that's to be expected too) during the last live period. But obviously enough to raise some attention, and that's what you want.
  16. Well, that takes the ponder out of that
  17. Can we ban this guy? Here we were coming to a kum-ba-ya moment and this radical throws in the fluid to the fire.
  18. No comments on her accent?
  19. This is one of the major causes in the Black community. A man with a gun kills another because he was challenged.
  20. He has not been released by doctor?
  21. Yep, that's gonna be a key component. People gonna be in his ears telling him whats best and that 97% will give bad advice. Now here is my 3% advice : Tell him to try & place himself in a position to play against the best players in the nation during the summer months. From there he can really gauge on getting better for the next level.
  22. No wonder the this party has hit on hard times. AL these wackos on the microphone. Oops sorry, I had a Trump moment.
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