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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. It's gotten too political now; warring sides obviously
  2. Yes, that all sounds like it has a lot of depth, intelligence, and wisdom. However, since the coach has not been a D-1 head coach yet, perhaps you should give him a little time before drinking his kool aid. We were all told that another former Memphis assistant and current local coach was one of the great recruiters of all time but his local record has yet to reflect that. In two or three years both Pastner and the local guy will probably be beating the door down at a 3-A school just outside of Beaumont on I-10 because of the championship status. He coached at Arizona, man!
  3. Memphis State? I believe it is the University of Memphis...............and no one at HJ believes any of their kids are D1 material from this years team. HINT HINT................open your eyes! In my day, it was called Memphis State from what I remember.
  4. What would be wrong with bringing in the 2013-2015 state champs? Based only on age and physical strengths ONLY, I would not advise the young ones to play at this time. The older kids would get upset after the younger ones hit a few shots and start playing too rough ;D
  5. Pastner says, "If there is a kid who can play and chew gum, we know about him … and that's globally," and he's only half kidding. This late in the game it is near impossible to find good talent that hasn't already been gobbled up. And while Pastner is not known for sitting idly by -- he finished college in 2½ years and graduate school in 1½ -- he also isn't about to just sign players for the sake of signing them. He will employ prudence if not all-out patience. =========================================================== So I guess Pastner (Memphis State)is saying all unsigned Southeast Texas players (HJ ..HINT...HINT) may need to tryout or go NAIA.
  6. I thought they prefer a local team? Might look bad if a private school came in and dominated the tourney with a 1-3-1 full court press
  7. That was a well thought out remark......... typical That generally means, "I have no other comeback against the facts so I'll have to make some silly quip". Exactly. Notice how not one of them have refuted what you posted. Back then, it wasn't called "bullying," it was called "nation-building." It was deemed acceptable and it was something that every nation on the planet did. Can you prove that President Bush was a "bully"? Can you offer me one tidbit of evidence that might even remotely incriminate him? No, you can't. All you can offer is a few, very questionable "documentaries" that were directed and produced by some very questionable characters. It could be argued that the very same people who have given you these "facts" were the true criminals. It could be argued that they were the ones with the personal agendas, that they were the ones with their own interests in mind, and that they, or, at least, several others of the same political connotation, have played a bigger part in the recent decline of our nation than any other party or politician, including President Bush. (A) Bullying use to be called The Manifest Destiny and ( An example? Sure, remember "Shock & Awe?
  8. Unbelievable! But as I think about the history of this country, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised of this type of callous attitude towards human beings. Especially since they had nothing to do with the attacks in NY. You need prayer; and real bad.
  9. And the terrorist came across the Mexican border :
  10. Nos, man do you realize we could get paid for this type of distrbution of information? ;D How about a NOSDOVE website that you pay to access? And I bet you want a piece of the action, don't you? Not me. I'm not smart enough. The real reason I hope to see this sight is because I would be able to get all intricate details on the 2012-2015 state champions in advance. 2013-2015...get it right!!
  11. Nos, man do you realize we could get paid for this type of distrbution of information? ;D How about a NOSDOVE website that you pay to access? And I bet you want a piece of the action, don't you?
  12. Nos, man do you realize we could get paid for this type of distrbution of information? ;D
  13. Oh-oh! I /we may be letting out too much information on getting around the system
  14. Tim Frazier (Strake Jesuit)was interviewed by the Houston Chronicle this week and the question was raised to him about being the first private school to make it to the UIL state basketball tournament. Tim said it was an awesome feeling but the negative stuff about them bothered him."When we weren’t competing well in 5A, and we were losing, it wasn’t a problem for people then. But now that we’ve gotten good, it becomes a problem now. If you were able to beat us without a problem, you should be able to lose without a problem. "
  15. True Nos! It has become a popular trend for Texas high school students who cannot pass TAKS to enroll in private schools in order to graduate. Some private schools give these students packets with their core curriculum to take home and complete in order to meet their graduation requirements.
  16. And while we're on the subject, how about the students who attend private school to get away from TAKS.
  17. Don't be too surprised of this program continue to become a powerhouse thru 2013 and beyond. The Harrison twins (Andrew and Aaron) are attending 8th grade there. They are going to be major players if they continue to improve... I did see some of the Strake players in action and they didn't really impress me as being very athletic, but they are good. Also, we need to understand that if you can play a decent game of basketball and have the 'smarts", you will get a scholarship. Because it's important that these coaches graduate their players. It's certainly something coaches can fall back on especially during a losing season.
  18. The poor people should go on an economic strike for 2-days and the you will see their importance in our society. The govt. has had to take stands to get rights for it's working poor. The ending of slavery was due to government intervention. The ending of Jim Crowism was due to govt. intervention. I guess I can see why some of you hate the govt. for interferring into your lives.
  19. Here goes Quannel X2 starting up the race issue again. You of all people should agree with the Grand Jury system.
  20. I knew you of all people would agree with me, but I was only refrring to TJ High in Port Arthur, Texas
  21. The problem is that would hold true going to a black school. I think a lot has to do with understanding. I think the majority of people confuse "not understanding" or "unaware" with racism. I think it's completely different. I have worked with a black women for about 12 years. When we first met, she thought I was racist because of things I said. One I recall was when she called me a racist, my initial reply was I was not because I had a close friend who was black. Her response was that very statement was racist. She explained why and it made sense. No one had every told me that. I still disagreed with her, but at least understood where she was coming from. Hmm? So hippy, you've been to a Black school and you know how it is? Never went to an all black school, but went to Thomas Jefferson, which was 50/50 mix of blacks and whites. I just reviewed my post and don't see where I ever said I went to an all black school......so I don't know how it is. If your quoting me saying, "The problem is that would hold true going to a black school. I think a lot has to do with understanding." What I was speaking to is Bucof2010 statement. He was speaking about how little whites know about blacks, and I was making a point blacks know as little about whites. Out of all my black and might as well throw in hispanic classmates I never knew them to be racist. At TJ, there were blacks that beat up kids for being white..........I would call that racist. You and Quannel X must hang out together in the pub. Both of you dream in your own world.
  22. Surely it's for more exposure and the area.
  23. If this kid is your average player and and a marginal student, then I would agree with your comments. But sometimes when you're use to the same old picture, *change* is hard to accept. I remember when the kids were first coming out of high school, some of you guys were saying the same thing about how wrong it was to come out early and no college experience.
  24. What are the educational requirements (to play) for the following major PRO SPORTS? Football: Basketball: Baseball: Tennis: Soccer:
  25. Looks like he had a lot of support from the administration @ Talledaga College.
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