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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. So Hamshire will win, right?
  2. Or do like most present day coaches get your own team to coach, that way you will make sure your kid plays on a regular basis.
  3. Spoken like a true sportsman
  4. Please don't hide your feelings
  5. Will you be cheering for us tonight? Just curious about a pro's opinion. I said "sure winners." ;D
  6. Brown, it's hard for me to pick on because he's in another zone compared to his teammates. And who is Worrell? I know he plays for LU because I remember seeing his name sitting on the bench during the game. Well, hopefully Worrell sees my report on him
  7. Every year about this time (basketball season), I only cheer for sure winners ;D
  8. Somethings are best left unsaid.
  9. I have to give Kountze props. They may not know what a football looks like, but they sure know how to hoop beginning at a young age.
  10. Slight detour! I-10 West take 59 south (by Kelly Courts), go past Brown Convention center, take 45 south about 1 1/2 exit Scott St. Hook a right on Scott..Yates down the street.
  11. Da Dove sits back and watches the discussion 8)
  12. Personally, I think I am going thru a semi-depression. It's the end of regular season basketball :'( But there are still the h.s. playoffs. And to make it even more depressing is that baseball season is about to start. Which means Sealy mattress will get more business because most true sports fans will hibernate. But, on the good side, March Madness, Little Dribblers Regionals & Nationals, AAU Nationals in Virginia, and so on, so I'l still have basketball till August. And who knows, maybe LU will pull out a miracle.
  13. Again, it doesn't matter, the road to State goes thru I-10
  14. When I was 18 (1984) I received a DWI. I was on probation for 2 years. Back then DWI was not as big a deal as it is now. I had to report once per month to probation officer and spend about 30 minutes with him. I could not go to bars, have a gun, etc...... It took away a lot of freedoms you take for granted. I learned my lesson and stayed out of trouble to date. Hopefully he will realize that 5 minutes of fun can screw up many years of your life. From your picture, I knew you had gone thru some tough times
  15. Amazing! Truly amazing; you LU fans : : :
  16. Yeah man, you guys sold me on a mission impossible deal. And I want my returns on the deal. In the words of George Bush, 'Keep Hope Alive." ;D
  17. Well, it's nice to know that "we" have some sort of impact on the players at Lamar. May I suggest they keep reading. Example, I also thought maybe The Hall kid from Kountze was reading our posts because as soon as "we" said he was too slow, he picks up his game and looks like he may become a good player afterall.
  18. Wow! Your team is down and out and look at what you guys want to do now. You're selling your $1.00 tickets. LU can still rebound for conference tournament play.
  19. Now see, this is my view of the typical LU fan. I knew you guys were still out there.
  20. Thats good! Then these guys need to work hard during the off-season and get prepared for the better player to win. I hate to watch pg's who can't create for himself nor his team. Just dribble and pass...boring.
  21. If your team depends on one player, then maybe that team isn't as good as they thought they were.
  22. I did not realize that Dr. James Naismith was with us! ;D I admit, I do get upset sometimes when Naismith get the credit for my game. Peach baskets..sheez!
  23. Okay, now that I see several of you are beginning to see what I've been saying all along about LU, lets get back to talking about them ;D Oh yeah, you guys watch whats going to happen after the season. When you have a losing season, the basketball staff have to talk about how their players are graduating.
  24. Early dinner and a $1.00 game. Priceless!
  25. Shameful, one dollar to go see a game and I could still count the spectators
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