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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. I agree with this but you also know rather or not the coach is blowing smoke by the results of your kids play on the field. If your kids on a quality select team, they're winning, and your kid is putting up good stats I'd say that speaks for itself. It's not hard to tell if your kid isn't doing well. In the major team sports that I can think of, you can take a weak kid and insert him/her into the lineup. The parent isn't going to whine too much even if the kid is weak, especially if they paid out monies. You see, you can take a weak kid and fit them in with the talented kids and you will hardly miss a beat, especially if you have an opponent's coach who can't see the weaker player. And the parents are happy because the kid is playing.
  2. The person doesn't get respect.... the title does..... example: I cannot stand Obama! I hate his policies, I think they are misguided, and I think things are about to get worse.... I don't like him at all, but I respect him as a politician because I respect the office of the president, and respect our country. He won the election, so I have to go along with what he sets... Dislike and respect are two different things. Main Entry: 1re·spect Listen to the pronunciation of 1respect Pronunciation: \ri-ˈspekt\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin respectus, literally, act of looking back, from respicere to look back, regard, from re- + specere to look — more at spy Date: 14th century 1: a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation <remarks having respect to an earlier plan>2: an act of giving particular attention : consideration3 a: high or special regard : esteem b: the quality or state of being esteemed cplural : expressions of respect or deference <paid our respects>4: particular , detail <a good plan in some respects> — in respect of chiefly British : with respect to : concerning — in respect to : with respect to : concerning — with respect to : with reference to : in relation to Please note - some side effects for Prozac may not be reported. Always consult your doctor or healthcare specialist for medical advice. You may also report side effects to the FDA at [Hidden Content] or 1-800-FDA-1088 (1-800-332-1088).
  3. OMG! Was this board started by HJ fans?
  4. You know, I met the (new)coach once and it was through a parent whose kid plays for him. I've seen it at the lower levels here (Little Dribblers, MS, etc) but didn't realize it was so regular at the high school level.
  5. HJ must be having a rough season in 2009
  6. Thanks man, I appreciate the kind comment my friend. It is great... stick around a while! Can you guys take this off the forum Um, nope! Hmmm? Maybe you didn't understand my "hidden" meaning :
  7. I don't think like that. You have to adjust your play to the way the ref is calling the games. If you know they are calling things close, then offensively that means be more aggressive and drive towards the "whole." Defensively, keep your hands away from the defender. I just have problems with athletes who don't listen and not use 90% of their mental capabilities.
  8. Maybe becuase most of the time the players are thinking about getting screwed instead of thinking about the game. all that equals excuses and losses, you have to adapt to how the game is being called. Most teams don't understand that. Instead of just saying the refs are cheating, becuase of what you were told was a foul back in little dribblers, honestly look at what gets the foul called. You have to look at it like a farmer looks at a crop.....If a farmer plants a seed and it doesn't grow, he doesn't say "WELL THAT WAS A BAD SEED" (you know like saying the ref was bad). He says well maybe I didn't water it enough or maybe I did loosen the soil enough, neverless he looks back at himself to fix the problem, not blame it on someone else. It's a funny thing about pointing a finger at someone else, anytime you do it you have three pointing right back at you. I can always sniff out an old school player! True dat playa!
  9. Even though I wasn't there, it sounds like the Hawks were in a situation where they felt they were playing a weaker opponent and could afford some real game- time experience on their inside game. Good strategy.
  10. A part of your punishment should also be arase the HJ slogan
  11. Orangefield? Okay, I'm being realistic and have to agree with you. I saw some of your players this summer and yall okay for the district you're in.
  12. Oh okay, Lazeek opended his big mouth and betted HJ would beat Silsbee..........lol! yES, I love the new moniker.
  13. Nah, we're just kidding around out here in Hamshire. We're actually working on a summerstock theatre play :-X I bet the director's kid is automatically in the play and gets the best role. LOL! :D
  14. Nah, we're just kidding around out here in Hamshire. We're actually working on a summerstock theatre play :-X
  15. Thanks man, I appreciate the kind comment my friend. It is great... stick around a while! Can you guys take this off the forum
  16. He sucks. Ha, just messin. But his outside shot has really improved and he has a much quicker first step which is leading to him doing more damage around the basket. If he was 6'8-9, he would be a complete BEAST inside. I can see how he dominated in HS he has some good moves down low. He does look faster....oops! :-X
  17. Well, I guess I will just "mosey" on along to the Lamar University forum
  18. He's home grown talent. Everybody knows how he is or was. It's a good move for a young program to make. The kid deserves a chance. He's not in school because of academics, not his behavioral problems. My question is this to the LUPA coaching staff: Do you have any players good enough to keep with Mr. Brown and take a seat because of his talents?
  19. Haha I'd have never thought you'd be the second chance type dickie With this kid's talent, you'd become a second chance coach too :
  20. Yes. Every player, excluding alternates, must qualify. They each have to play one full quarter. Rules such as this forces a coach to really coach or their weakneses in strategy will really show. Good luck with that.....Your coach was 0-2 right out of the gate in last years regional in Lubbock. Hopefully he will accept some help this year. I don't have a dog in this fight, I'm just a witness to it all, but, from what I hear, there is quite a bit of talent and if all the players are used properly good things could happen. Its a must that they are coached well. You could be right. That may be our biggest hurdle. Does anyone know whether J.M. will really coach with the head coach? He seems to really know basketball and would be huge help to the head coach. I just don't know. I have seen JM at a game or so and his personality seems real strong. I feel like if the he makes suggestions-a correct one I might add and the head coach does not listen....this could get ugly. I dont see JM backing down. Anyhow, what's so different with this team versus last year? I thought we were something last year and it did not work out. Trust me, you don't really want to hear the truth! You may think you do :-X
  21. I hope we don't put a hex on him for saying good things about him now.
  22. Obviously some of us have inspired him to play better. He must have read our negative reports about him. He's trying to show us up now. Please-ee show me up! The jury is stil out on him. He still has not impressed me. I'm still waiting for greatness. I wonder if it was a fluke? ;D
  23. I guess in my passion for the game, I got carried away with my expressions 8)
  24. hMMM? tHEY haven't signed any binding contracts yet have they?
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