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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. Unlike baseball?? Yeah ya know, you baseball guys try and comvince people that the sport is a high skill activity. But this is another subject ;D
  2. Coachacola brought up good points -- of course, he said the SLC is "weak" and of course, Lamar hasn't even created a ripple in the current -- so where does that put that once proud program? Texas Terror,man where have you been? I've been trying to tell these LU fans it's a weak conference. But thats why I predicted LU would do good this year.
  3. Especially the ones whose stock may rise after high school ball is over and the the summer play begins.
  4. Okay, here is my take on the HF basketball improvement campaign. The high school coaches must begin to take an interest in helping developing the young talent out there. Have open summer gym play and inviting the younger kids the opportunity to play ball and develop their skills. Little Dribblers is not teaching the kids the fundamentals of basketball (sorry coaches). The coaches are doing a good job of preparing the kids for play, and thats it. The kids just don't have enough fundamentals for the game. There isn't enough love and respect for the game. Basketball is a skilled sport that takes time to learn. You can't play basketball for 3 months and stop, then pick up the game again next season. Unlike baseball ( :, the mind and the body has to be synchronized at a seconds notice. Stop treating the sport as a one night stand. Make love to it! Caress it by practicing on your dribbling and shooting. Give it a hot warm bath by studying the great players of our time. Massage it and feel the soothing sensations of the game. Don't be afraid of greatness. It won't hurt you.
  5. I agree, especially since Roc likes the smaller, quicker guards, having a couple of 6-8 to 6-10 bigs in the middle would really help them compete against the bigger teams. Hmmm, I seem to remember someone tried to give Roc a big man from the islands this season but Roc turned the offer down........hmmmm! You could speak more on this? I could but it's too late now. There was a kid (a project)being shopped around from the Islands but LU didn't bite. Remind me of Akeem...oh well!
  6. Yes. Every player, excluding alternates, must qualify. They each have to play one full quarter. Rules such as this forces a coach to really coach or their weakneses in strategy will really show.
  7. I agree, especially since Roc likes the smaller, quicker guards, having a couple of 6-8 to 6-10 bigs in the middle would really help them compete against the bigger teams. Hmmm, I seem to remember someone tried to give Roc a big man from the islands this season but Roc turned the offer down........hmmmm!
  8. Several things... 1) Marlin has won two conference championships, including one in his second year at SHSU. It was the first winning record at SHSU in Div I. Since then, we have been the BEST team in the SLC - in overall record, out of conference record and SLC record. And he did not need a divisional format to aid him in getting a "co-championship" like your program did at a time when there was clearly a weaker division (see SLC West vs SLC East 2008). 2) Marlin does not make excuses. Sure, we lost plenty of players from last year's squad. Sure, this was the biggest turnover in SHSU history under Marlin since the year after we went to the NCAA. Fans even crapped on this team and quit. Well, apparently this team is developing before our very eyes and is in FIRST place in the SLC. LU seems to have plenty excuses and where is your team? Wins and losses matter most at the end of the day. I just saw a team with seven players knock off the league favorite in a mid-major league the other night. Go figure! 3) I have read all the posts. I still question the depth. Based on your annual recruiting discussion, it seems like all of your players bring "All-World" attributes to your roster. It is not always about recruiting rankings or how many friends your program/coach have on a certain basketball web site (to help get you those rankings). 4) Roc is best friends with Buzz Williams, the least classiest coach in the country in all college sports (even above Todd Graham of Tulsa). And we all know how Buzz took care of Roc by giving him Worrell after Buzz drove his recruits away from the same program he recruited them for. Based on association, I'll never have the respect for Roc that I have for guys like J.P. Piper and Scott Cross. 5) Sure, it may seem like I am kicking you while you are down -- but all of these are things I've said before, when you guys were thinking this was your NCAA year (unless you go Mike Deane and make a run in the SLC tournament, that won't happen). None of this is new, not even the result on the court for the Cards. TT is correct in #3.
  9. Thanks...... I am glad to except the award...... i think you mean accept? No, it's been changed to xcept (d's dayz u don't right,wright,rite, out da hole wurd)
  10. I don't remember the rules but don't you have to let all the all-stars play at least a quarter, minus the alternatives?
  11. yes! That's your first problem. Now you tell us : :
  12. Well, yes we should all be surprised and yes, all things are possible, but I was hoping that the head coach would be a bigger person than what was obviously witnessed. Secondly, make no mistake, EVERYONE knows who was screwd out of the Allstar position-hands down! Not much conversation had to go on about that I'm sure. This kid that did not get picked-is picked every year except this one! But hey, the coach can move on and act as if all is perfect in the world but he should know the rest of the world knows the truth and deep down he will never be able to escape the truth. So, yotta yotta yotta on "every year this is like this" because as we all agree this is not right! One more thing, coaches, and wanta' be coaches....if your son is sorry....please do your child a favor-don't coach his team! Okay lets talk about how we are going to win this year with the team we have.
  13. A forum full of nerds. I knew it!
  14. A 6' 8" post - a 6' 5" forward with a smooth jump shot - a 6' 2" ball handler and 9 more guys that can play defense and we will have our power house. Yeah when that happens lamar will go to the ncaa championship The area is getting new blood in the community. Better watch out
  15. Pick the best 10...the head coach and assistant coach pick the last two. I agree!
  16. You're egg'n this one on aren't you macattack? But I will bite a little for right now Now that all the guys are on the same team, they will all have to mesh together. Understand, all have something to contribute but a few of the players will have to take a backseat on this team. And thats with any all star team. There is only one ball to distribute. For example, some players who were leaders on their teams will now settle into role players. So you have to have a coach who will know what roles the players will play as they begin pre-regional play. And you have to have parents understand this concept. So you will have a coach who understands this and may be more vocal about this while the other coach's style is different.
  17. I wasn't there but I did get a couple of phone calls after the voting took place. Actually there were some concerns BEFORE the voting took place. I was told there were different groups huddled up in every corner of the gym upset with some of the selections and the reasons why a couple of kids were selected. Personally, the real drama begins when the teams begin their tournament play BEFORE regionals. There will be differences in coaching styles.
  18. Finally, a good reasonable answer.
  19. Is this an insult or a compliment Bobcat? I thought we were all in the same sinking ship. You decide. : deal
  20. Is this an insult or a compliment Bobcat? I thought we were all in the same sinking ship.
  21. you gotta start somewhere.
  22. hMMM? Major bragging rights for it's first win in district? If so, count me out >
  23. Oh I can just taste me some hawk meat on the grill. Somebody pass me some Tony Chachere Seasoning. 8)
  24. I didn't think about this. Good points! I have a good friend on the HF school board (hint hint- and u know who u are), maybe I can get him to address this issue in the near future. He's a basketball enthusiast too
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