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Everything posted by BLUEDOVE3

  1. I'm BLUE enough to admit that I can't coach.
  2. Ah Booger, I bet we could be great with our 6th and 7th graders, if we could get some parents to get their kids out of baseball and onto the court. Hmmm If Tyler keeps his 3point range, Kendrick can stay under a littl bit of control and Kameron keeps growing - put them with your boys and the rest of the guys and we may have something. They will be our secret weapons for right now. HJ is going down in a few more years.
  3. Ah Booger, I bet we could be great with our 6th and 7th graders, if we could get some parents to get their kids out of baseball and onto the court. Hmmm
  4. At first he looked as if he was stepping over him and made a mis-step
  5. Where does Jai Lucas fit into the mix? And obviously J'Covan Brown didn't make it to UT this Spring.
  6. How is Kountze in Majors this year? You guys usually have a good program out there. Hmmm? Aren't you guys kinda opposite spectrums to HF? Kountze loves basketball and play football as an afterthought
  7. Okay I gotta go and pick up my son from basketball practice. They are preparing to defeat the HJ-7th grade on tomorrow. "Onward thru the cow patties as we march to victory and thread ever so lightly thru unfamiliar territories" - Da Dove
  8. I think you have made some good points.
  9. Desperate times calls for what??? Desperate action 8)
  10. Sheez! Okay, our Future Farmers Association is better than yours
  11. "Wow" is right. How do things like this get out of hand in the first place? Those kids will always have this incident hanging over their heads.
  12. Does UIL have jurisdiction over small private schools?
  13. Haha they made they playoffs and you'll didn't. WHAT! Yall made the playoffs in football? Hmmm? Okay, our girl's basketball team is better than yours.
  14. Agreed! Our system is based on kicking butt. You put in the hard work; you will be rewarded.
  15. I bet they will be asking for his head if this happens again next year. Fans are fickle I hope not. I think Roccaforte is slowly turning the program around, not as fast as we would like, but he's making progress. This year he's had to deal with the loss of Nabors and Nwevo plus the fact they lost 2 scholarships. Next year's team may be a little better than this year's team, but it's going to be a young team. Younger and a year of losing = fickle fans= Roc MUST GO!!
  16. I just gave you an honest assessment of our program, saying we've only really had two years where we "finished" and that our program tends not to finish, after someone on this board called us "powerhouses". Yep, I said our team did not meet that high level that was mentioned by a Cardinal fan. LUFAN -- if you think I am drinking the Kool Aid, I'm sure you are sitting in a section of Montagne that reminds a few of the Cougar fans of a similar section of Hoffheinz. You know what I am talking about. We're coming back-K-KK, Phi Slama Jamma-a!!!!!!!!!
  17. Better, why don't we petition for HJ and HF to merge? Yal could use a little help with football.
  18. I bet they will be asking for his head if this happens again next year. Fans are fickle
  19. Man, you're trying to get my neighbors mad at me.
  20. I don't think you really want to go there. I didn't attend Hamshire Fannett. HJ's record can't come close to my high school's basketball accomplishments. HJ could have a winning season for the next decade and it still won't come close to my high school's record and tradition. 8) 8) If you are so proud then let's hear it. Okay, I'll tease you a little bit to see if you wanna go there. I could compare my junior high against HJ and still come out on top. My 8th grade center was 6'9"and later on was drafted by Phoenix (?). Our forward led the nation in scoring one year (college).The 9th grade center was 6'10 and went on to play for the Lakers for a number of years. I'm going to stop there unless you want to continue. Now remember, this is my junior high team.
  21. Stop the whining. LU lost to a better team Well I want to cheat too... So you want to take the focus off of LU for right now. CC and most majors proves cheating gets you wins... I guess you have a point. One of LU's best seasons was taken away from the women's program when they were caught with infractions.
  22. 100 to 0 ? ? Not running up the score ? OK whatever, but that is not why he was fired--- Over the weekend he developed "Mouth Diahreah" -- (he had suurvived the 100-0 score) - But his attitude afterward sealed his fate.. okay, if my team is far superior than yours, what am I to do? Just pass the ball around? If the team is that bad, maybe they should disband the team or go play in a "Y" rec league. I am not saying he did or did not intentionally run up the score or if he could've should've held his team back. Like I said runnng uo the score is NOT why he was fired. I understood what you said but it's more interesting to look at it from the score of the game, not because he ran his mouth off and got fired. The scores from the game started the whole thing.
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